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Dupont - The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction

Here you can read online Dupont - The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. City: Minneapolis, year: 2010, publisher: Hazelden Publishing, genre: Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Dupont The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction
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The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction: summary, description and annotation

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Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Preface; About the Author; Section I: Thinking About Addiction; Chapter 1: Addiction to Alcohol and Other Drugs; Chapter 2: A World History of Drug Abuse; Chapter 3: The Contemporary Scene for Alcohol and Other Drugs; Section II: The Brain and Addiction; Chapter 4: The Brain: Target Organ of Addiction; Chapter 5: Gateway Drugs: Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cocaine; Chapter 6: Heroin and Other Drugs of Abuse; Section III: Overcoming Addiction; Chapter 7: The Addicts Life.;Why is the brain so vulnerable to the effects of alcohol and other drugs? How does addiction echo through families, cultures, and history? What is it that families and communities do to promote or prevent addiction? These are some of the questions that this thorough, thoughtful, and well-reasoned book answers-in clear, comprehensible terms. From the basics of brain chemistry to the workings of particular drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, The Selfish Brain explains how individuals and communities become trapped in destructive habits-and how various tre.

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The Selfish Brain

In his new book, The Selfish Brain: Learning from Addiction, Dr. DuPont has linked, for the first time, the rapidly expanding scientific knowledge about addiction and his own intensely personal experiences over more than a quarter of a century of working with addicted people and their families. He extends his useful ideas to the areas of public policy and to the global dimensions of this uniquely human disease.

This is not a pretty or an easy story, but it is one filled with hope for the future for those individuals, families, communities, and countries ready to confront the real and serious problems of addiction and to find their own unique ways to prevent and overcome these problems. Our country is fortunate to have a man of Dr. DuPonts stature and ability who has dedicated himself to the important cause of the prevention and treatment of addiction.

Ross Perot

Dr. DuPont, in this rational and readable book, highlights some of the keys to overcoming chemical dependence for individuals, and for winning the battle against drugs as a nation: honesty, responsibility, hard work, and accountability. As he writes, Because an addiction requires dishonesty, honesty is the one-word antidote to all forms of addiction. I applaud his efforts and this book.

William J. Bennett, Co-director, Empower America
Former Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy

For anyone interested in the shadowy and violent world of illicit drugs and the effects on our children, our homes, our businesses, and our society, Dr. DuPonts book is a must.

B/Gen Robinson Risner, USAF (Ret)
Organizer and First Director, Texans War on Drugs

This is the first book that Ive readand I read every one I get my hands onthat deals with the whole problem of addiction from a historical, cross- cultural, and scientific point of view. Its the first time that the myths of drug use are attacked openly and clearly.

This book can be used as a tremendous resource for students. Dr. DuPont takes the time to provide all the evidence to support his thesis; furthermore, he analyzes that evidence to make it understandable to the reader.

Michael K. Mulligan, Headmaster
Thacher School, Ojai, California

The Selfish Brain gives the most comprehensive treatment of chemical dependency I have seen in the last ten years. It is an essential book for any professional. Dr. DuPont provides us with an interesting narrative of this controversial subject and a thought-provoking, well-researched, detailed, systematic analysis.

Dan Buie, CAE, President
Texans War on Drugs

I found Dr. DuPonts new book intriguing and challenging. As in his previous writings, he successfully draws the reader in. I highly recommend The Selfish Brain.

John T Schwarzlose, President
Betty Ford Center at Eisenhower

The Selfish Brain is the masterpiece of one of our nations leaders in addiction medicine. Bob DuPont makes it crystal clear why he is considered to be a masterful psychiatrist, a level-headed national drug policy analyst, and a dedicated foot soldier in the war on drugs. Dr. DuPont can describe the turmoil of the addict, the forces in society, the moral and ethical abyss, the steps in recovery, and the neurobiology of drug seeking in the same sentence with a unique and compelling clarity of style. Rather than a simple follow-up to the ground-breaking Gateway Drugs, Dr. DuPont has put together the definitive text that nimbly takes us from the neuron to Twelve Step recovery meetings and back again.

This important book on the process and treatment of addiction is an absolute must read for the student or the clinician but also for those with loved ones who are using drugs. From an expert with years of experience from the lab to the White House and to the psychiatrists officeeveryone will find something remarkable, some great insight in accessible terms in The Selfish Brain.

Mark S. Gold, M.D., noted antidrug expert
Founder, National Cocaine Hotline
Author, The Facts About Drugs and Alcohol

The Selfish Brain clearly articulates issues that I have known and felt but never put into words. What a service for todays parents! This book explains addiction in a clear, easy-to-read manner, consistently supporting the basic role of the family.

Jean B. Newberry, Board of Directors
National Federation of Parents

This book will be of enduring help to professionals as well as to recovering people. It will further the debate on how society can seriously address the issue of addiction. The book is particularly adept at calling out the fact that we have notto dateaccepted addiction as a problem and therefore are not fully embracing any possible solutions. This book makes that failure clear and offers suggestions to turn it into an opportunity of great value.

John Small, Vice President/Publishing
Parkside Publishing Corporation

DuPonts writing conveys I know a lot about this, and have given it a lot of thought. Here are some ideas I would like you to think about, too. Reading The Selfish Brain is like listening to him in personal conversations about problems that touch us all.

DuPonts authority is second to none, and his conversational writing style makes even the technical parts of The Selfish Brain accessible to any interested reader. The presentation of the factors contributing to drug problems is the best I have read, and the proposal of steps society must take to solve those problems is compelling.

Harry A. Tiemann, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Mesa State College, Grand Junction, Colorado

Bob DuPonts book, The Selfish Brain, is a welcome, innovative, and comprehensive examination of chemical dependency and the problems of drug addiction. The unique nature of this dependency, and the reality of the physiological and psychological cross currents that have caused so much pain and grief for American families, is effectively demonstrated.

The book is a winner; refreshing, interesting, instructive, and is a must for anyone seriously interested in the field of substance abuse.

Peter B. Bensinger, Former Administrator
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration

Dr. DuPonts book, The Selfish Brain, is a thoughtful, thorough, and inspiring book. Having associated with Dr. DuPont for over fifteen years, I have witnessed his expertise and dedication to the issue of addiction. As Dr. DuPont eloquently states, Addiction is a modern chemical slavery.

Eric A. Voth, M.D., F.A.C.P., Chairman
International Drug Strategy Institute

This book is exhaustive and unique as a brilliant blend of science and clinical artistry. I am confident no other work of its kind exists or will in the foreseeable future. It offers glossaries, illustrations, and case histories that form the building blocks of an exciting and worthwhile literary experience. The authors practical appeal is to help all who either have, are affected by, or treat an addictive illness.

Norman S. Miller, M.D., Department of Psychiatry
The University of Illinois at Chicago

This book is a real contribution to the field. Dr. DuPont takes a bold, sometimes controversial, and consistently comprehensive approach in explaining addictions. In reading this book, one is challenged to take action in small and big ways. He offers ideas and suggestions, from individual commitment to societal action, to change the way we view alcohol and other drug use in society. This is a magnificent combination, rarely seen, of scholarly detail and personal compassion.

Patricia Owen, Ph.D., M.H.A.
Hazelden, Center City, Minnesota

This book represents another work by Dr. DuPont on the cutting edge of recovery for addicts and alcoholics. We who are recovering addicts/alcoholics in Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous applaud this work. This is a must read for anyone who seeks to understand the very nature of the addict. The Twelve Step fellowships have an author who is on target concerning addiction and alcoholism.

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