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Rhonda Byrne - The Secret

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Rhonda Byrne The Secret
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With the deepest gratitude I wish to thank every person who has come into my life and inspired, touched, and illuminated me through their presence.

I would also like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to the following people for their magnificent support and contributions to my journey and to the creation of this book:

For generously sharing their wisdom, love, and divinity, I pay homage to the featured co-authors of The Secret: John Assaraf, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Lee Brower, Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, Marie Diamond, Mike Dooley, Bob Doyle, Hale Dwoskin, Morris Goodman, Dr. John Gray, Dr. John Hagelin, Bill Harris, Dr. Ben Johnson, Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, Bob Proctor, James Ray, David Schirmer, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Denis Waitley, Neale Donald Walsch, and Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.

The magnificent human beings that make up The Secret production team: Paul Harrington, Glenda Bell, Skye Byrne, and Nic George. Also to Drew Heriot, Daniel Kerr, Damian Corboy, and to all who journeyed with us in the creation of the film The Secret.

Gozer Media, for the creation of the superb graphics and for impregnating them with the feeling of The Secret: James Armstrong, Shamus Hoare, and Andy Lewis.

The CEO of The Secret, Bob Rainone, who was delivered to us from heaven.

Michael Gardiner and the legal and advisory team across Australia and the United States.

The Secret website team: Dan Hollings, John Herren, and all at Powerful Intentions who manage and run The Secret Forum, along with the wonderful people on the forum.

The great avatars and master teachers from the past, whose writings lit a burning fire of desire within me. I have walked in the shadows of their greatness, and I honor every one of them. Special thanks to Robert Collier and Robert Collier Publications, Wallace Wattles, Charles Haanel, Joseph Campbell and the Joseph Campbell Foundation, Prentice Mulford, Genevieve Behrend, and Charles Fillmore.

To Richard Cohn and Cynthia Black of Atria Books/Beyond Words, and Judith Curr of Simon & Schuster, for opening their hearts and embracing The Secret. For their editing: Henry Covi and Julie Steigerwaldt.

For their generosity in sharing their stories: Cathy Goodman; Susan Sloate and her son Colin Halm; Susan Morrice, director of Belize Natural Energy; Jeannie MacKay; and Joe Sugarman.

For their inspirational teachings: Dr. Robert Anthony, Jerry and Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham, David Cameron Gikandi, John Harricharan, Catherine Ponder, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Stephen MR Covey, Eckhart Tolle, and Debbie Ford. For their generous support: Chris and Janet Attwood, Marcia Martin, members of the Transformational Leaders Council, the Spiritual Cinema Circle, the staff at Agape Spiritual Center, and the assistants and staff of all the teachers featured in The Secret.

My precious friends for their love and support: Marcy Koltun-Crilley, Margaret Rainone, Athena Golianis and John Walker, Elaine Bate, Andrea Keir, and Michael and Kendra Abay. And my amazing family: Peter Byrne; my very special sisters: Jan Child for her invaluable help with this book, Pauline Vernon, Kaye Izon (deceased), and Glenda Bell, who is always by my side and whose love and support knows no limits. My courageous and beautiful mother, Irene Izon, and in memory of my father, Ronald Izon, whose light and love continue to shine through our lives.

And finally to my daughters, Hayley and Skye Byrne. To Hayley, who was responsible for the beginning of my life and its true journey, and to Skye, who followed my footsteps in the creation of this book, and who brilliantly edited and transformed my words. My daughters are the precious jewels of my life, and they illuminate every breath I take through their very existence.

Genevieve Behrend c 1881c 1960 Genevieve Behrend studied with the great - photo 1

Genevieve Behrend (c. 1881c. 1960)

Genevieve Behrend studied with the great Judge Thomas Troward, one of the early teachers of spiritual metaphysics, and author of Mental Science . Thomas Troward chose Behrend as his only pupil, and she went on to teach, lecture, and practice mental science in North America for thirty-five years, as well as write her own popular books, Your Invisible Power and Attaining Your Hearts Desire .

Lee Brower Lee Brower is the founder and CEO of Empowered Wealth an - photo 2

Lee Brower

Lee Brower is the founder and CEO of Empowered Wealth, an international consulting firm that offers businesses, foundations, families, and individuals systems and solutions for empowering their Core, Experience, Contribution, and Financial Assets. He is also the founder of The Quadrant Living Experience, LLC, a boutique firm that licenses and trains an international network of Quadrant Living Advisors. Lee is co-author of Wealth Enhancement and Preservation and author of The Brower Quadrant . To learn more about Mr. Brower, visit www.empoweredwealth.com and www.quadrantliving.com.

Bob Proctor Bob Proctors wisdom came to him through a lineage of great - photo 3

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctors wisdom came to him through a lineage of great teachers. It began with Andrew Carnegie who passed it to Napoleon Hill, and then Hill passed it to Earl Nightingale. Earl Nightingale then passed the torch of wisdom to Bob Proctor. Bob has worked in the area of mind potential for over forty years. He travels the globe teaching The Secret, helping companies and individuals to create lives of prosperity and abundance through the law of attraction. He is the author of the international bestseller, You Were Born Rich . To learn more about Bob, visit www.bobproctor.com.

James Arthur Ray A student of the principles of true wealth and prosperity his - photo 4

James Arthur Ray

A student of the principles of true wealth and prosperity his entire life, James developed The Science of Success and Harmonic Wealth, which teaches people how to receive unlimited results in all areas: financially, relationally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually. His personal performance systems, corporate training programs, and coaching aids are utilized worldwide, and he speaks regularly on the subjects of true wealth, success, and human potential. James is also an expert on many Eastern, indigenous, and mystical traditions. Visit his website at www.jamesray.com.

David Schirmer David Schirmer is a highly successful share trader investor - photo 5

David Schirmer

David Schirmer is a highly successful share trader, investor, and investment trainer who conducts workshops, seminars, and courses. His company, Trading Edge, teaches people how to create unlimited income by developing a mindset that is conducive to wealth. Schirmers analysis of the Australian and overseas share and commodity markets is held in high regard due to his regular accuracy. To learn more, visit www.tradingedge.com.au.

Marci Shimoff MBA Marci Shimoff is co-author of the enormously successful - photo 6

Marci Shimoff, MBA

Marci Shimoff is co-author of the enormously successful Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul and Chicken Soup for the Mothers Soul . She is a transformational leader who speaks passionately about personal development and happiness. Her work is specially geared toward enhancing womens lives. She is also co-founder and president of The Esteem Group, a company that offers self-esteem and inspirational programs for women. Her website is www.marcishimoff.com.

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