Copyright 2008, 2011 by David Cameron Gikandi
Study Guide copyright by Hampton Roads Publishing, Inc.
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Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dat is available upon request.
ISBN: 978-1-57174-736-5
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Originally published in 2008 by Xlibris, ISBN: 978-1-4363-7166-7 (hardcover) and 978-1-4363-7165-0 (paperback).
There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.
Wallace D. Wattles
by Bob Doyle, featured teacher in The Secret and author of Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power
Long before I was known for my work with the Law of Attraction through The Secret movie or my online programs, Ilike manywas a seeker. I was desperately trying to find a way to make my life better.
I was highly intrigued with a concept I had stumbled across that suggested we as human beings can somehow create our realitythat there were ways to be intentional about what our experience of life is!
Over the course of many years, I read countless books and listened to hours and hours of audio programs that explored these concepts. I read about visualization and meditation. In fact, many of the books I read were considered metaphysical or New Age. While I have nothing at all against New Age material, there was a very strong part of me that needed more than just concepts that sounded good.
I needed proof.
It wasn't that I didn't believe what I was reading. On a conscious level, I totally understood how using tools like visualization and meditation could somehow change the circumstances of my life. However, I couldn't seem to make them work, which was extremely frustrating.
I had studied all of this for so long, in fact, that I became interested in teaching these principles to others. I created audio programs and did some speaking in hopes of making a living showing people how to create their lives by design.
The trouble, of course, was that I was not yet fully doing that myself. There were missing pieces to the puzzle that I still needed before I could take my intellectual understanding of these ideas and put them into practice in a way that would see results.
As a result, I was not very successfulalthough to this day, I believe what I was teaching was accurate. However, there were missing piecespieces I first needed to find for myself before I could ever make a profound difference in the lives of others.
Things became so financially bad that I finally realized that what I needed to do was just stop trying so hard. I had been teaching people that the universe would do all the figuring out for you, if you would only let it. The truth was, however, that I didn't really understand how that worked!
In essence, I decided to follow what I was teaching to other people, which was to listen to and act on my intuition. This meant getting clear on what I wanted in my life, and then watching for signs, if you will, of what I should do next. This was tricky at first, because the things I was led to do didn't seem to make any logical sense in terms of my goals. Still, I followed those nudges, which led me down a path that changed my life forever.
Sparing you all the details, a series of inspired conversations and chance meetings led me to find A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi. Back then, the book was only available as an e-book (downloaded from the Internet), and when I read the promotional material about the topics covered, I was more than just a little excited. The promises of the book seemed to address every question and challenge I had with this whole create your reality thing, and I immediately got a copy and read it voraciously.
My mind was totally blown on many levels, because the book literally filled in all the blanks for me. It addressed what I hadn't even realized that I neededthe science!
For the first time, I was able to understand the real power of my thoughts and beliefsthat they were real energy that had a significant impact on my experience of life. Through reading this book, I was able to see clearly that, although I was taking a lot of action in my efforts to become successful, my true beliefs about money and success were that money is hard to come by, and there will never be enough, because that had always been my experience growing up. I suddenly understood the power that these beliefs were having over my ability to be, do, and have all the things I wanted in life.
The book addressed the topic of quantum physics in a way that actually made sense and was easy to understand. Suddenly, creating your own reality didn't seem New Age anymore; in fact, it is something that we are all doing every moment of every day.
In what seemed like an instant, I had absolute clarity about the next steps to take in my life and how to evolve my vision for helping people to understand these concepts in a way that would make a powerful difference for them.
I immediately envisioned an online program through which I could share David's work with the world, and I contacted him to ask if he would allow me to include his book in our Wealth beyond Reason Program (which, by the way, was inspired by his book and would never have been created without it!).
I am eternally grateful that he agreed.
Since that time, I have had the privilege of sharing A Happy Pocket Full of Money with thousands of people and watching it have a similar impact on them. Eyes were opened all over the world because of David's amazing ability to communicate how the universe really works and how to utilize this knowledge practically to live amazing magical lives.
My success, my career, the differences I've been able to make in the lives of others, and the incredible opportunities I've had (like appearing in The Secret) are all due to David Cameron Gikandi and this amazing book you hold in your hands. I consider David a friend and one of the few people I actually think of as a mentor and a hero.
This is like no other personal-development book I have ever read.
A Happy Pocket Full of Money is going to rock your world.
Have fun!
Money: An IllusionA Shadow of Something Else
T HE FIRST STEP TO HAVING WEALTH is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? Let us start with money, the world's symbol of wealth, and then move deeper.
Money is not real.
Money is merely legal tender, a form of exchange. We use it to exchange value. It represents value.
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