: Argentinum Astrum, the Order of the Silver Star was the name of the magical Order of the Great White Brotherhood (of Adepts) founded by Aleister Crowley . The triangle of dots indicates that the Order is a secret society connected with the ancient Mysteries. The reference is to Sothis-Sirius, the Star of the Shadow. Crowleys own magical encyclopaedia, The Equinox , remains the finest source material of A.A. philosophy and magickal teaching.
Abbots Bromley: The scene of the annual Horn Dance, which takes place on the first Sunday after 4th September. It starts at dawn outside the village church, makes a 20-mile circuit of the local farms where the dancers are welcomed as the bearers of good luck, and finishes with a final performance in the main street in the afternoon. No one knows how old the dance is, but its closest parallels are believed to be the ritual dances of primitive societies, reaching back to the Stone Age. The reindeer antlers themselves are at least 1000-years old. SOURCE: Folklore, Myths & Customs of Britain , Marc Alexander; Folklore, Myths & Legends of Britain , compiled by Readers Digest .
Abiegnus : The mystic mountain of the Rosicrucians , symbolosing Initiation .
Abominor : I pray that the (omen or ill-luck) may be averted and used when mentioning anything unlucky. A simple figure of speech to avert ill-luck, similar to touching wood.
Aborigine Tradition: The beliefs and culture of the Australian Aboriginal people lie in remote antiquity and, like many so-called primitive societies, focuses strongly on Nature and Ancestor Worship. Even those who have lived among them for decades remain almost in total ignorance of the ways of the Bushmen, and so the source material available only gives a superficial overview of this extremely ancient culture. It is one of the oldest living religions in the world, although tribal differences make a general description almost impossible.
Abracadabra: A magical word of great power that gave rise to the medieval protective spell, meaning: Hurt me not! Originally a Qabalistic charm constructed from the initials of the Hebrew words AB (father), BEN (son), and RUACH ACADASCH (Holy Spirit). It was considered to be an antidote for all ailments; the word was written on parchment and suspended from the neck by a linen thread in the triangular format.
Abracax: The Persian Supreme Being and in Greek notation it stands for 365, as Abracax was said to preside over the 365 virtues, one of which is supposed to prevail on each day of the year. Abracax Stones were carried as Talismans , having the name engraved on them, or the symbolic forms combining a fowls head, a serpents body and human limbs,
Abrahadabra: Not to be confused with the above, this is the formula of the Great Work . SOURCE: The Magical Revival , Kenneth Grant.
Abramelin the Mage: A 15th century Jewish magus whose Qabalistic writings have influenced generations of magicians, including Samuel Macgregor- Mathers , a leading figure of the Golden Dawn and later, Aleister Crowley . An 18th century manuscript written in French and located in the Bibliothque de lArsenal in Paris, it is alleged to be a translation of a Hebrew original of 1458; Mathers translation, The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage , remains in print to the present day. There is an occult superstition that those who follow Abramelin will sooner or later come to a sticky end.
Abyss: [Qabalah] The gulf between the real and the unreal. Crossing the Abyss is the most critical step taken on the magical/mystical path and a magicians personal attainment is dependant upon the successful crossing. This symbolises the desert of arid human intellection and only those who have been magically trained to cope with the aftermath should attempt the crossing.
Academy: [Greek] Originally a grove of olive trees near Athens where Plato and his successors taught; his school of philosophy was known as the Academy. Plato was buried near the grove. Now used to denote a specialist school for higher study or teaching and recently adopted by some occult factions.
Acca Lrentia : An early Italian goddess of the Earth to whom the seed was entrusted. She was worshipped at the Lrentlia on 23rd December. SOURCE: The Roman Book of Days , Paulina Erina; Phases in the Religion of Ancient Rome , Cyril Bailey.
Accretion Disk: [Astronomy] A disk of material rotating in orbit around a massive object such as a planet or star, or a Black Hole . The rings around Saturn are accretion discs.
Acheron : [Greek] The River of Sorrows and one of the five rivers of the underworld or Hades .
Aconite: Also known as monkshood or wolfsbane. Its poisonous qualities were ascribed to the foam that dropped from the mouths of the three-headed Cerberus when Hercules dragged him from the Underworld. It was used in various potions and flying ointments, as well as being a remedy for poison, and as a sedative. Ruling planet: Saturn.
Acolyte: From the classical Greek/Roman meaning follower. In modern occult terms, an attendant or low-ranking member of a temple or coven who is not an Initiate.
Acronymics: The practice of forming magical or spiritually significant words from the initials of a series of words, often used by Qabalists.
Actaeon : Either because he boasted that he was a better hunter than Artemis , or because he came upon her bathing, the goddess changed him into a stag; he was then torn to pieces by his own hounds. A symbolic reversal of fortune: the hunter becomes the hunted.
Acupressure: A variation on Chinese acupuncture called G-jo (meaning first aid) in which finger pressure replaces needles and achieves results by manipulation. The Japanese form is called Shiatsu.
Acupuncture : An ancient Chinese system of healing and preventative medicine, which has been practised extensively in the West since the 1930s. Needles are inserted into the skin at points that have no apparent connection with the ailment. According to the Chinese texts, there are about a thousand points where needles can produce the required stimulation to relieve or cure disease. This is the oldest known medical system recorded in The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine or Nei Ching .
Adam Kadmon: According to the Jewish Qabalah , this was the first man, an emanation of absolute perfection. He is symbolised by the major axis of ten concentric circles, the sephiroth or ten circles of creation as primeval man he symbolises the Universe. On a mystical level he is actually androgynous, and seen in ancient Jewish mysticism as blending with God.
Adder : see Viper .
Adders Tongue: Found growing in the hedgerows and meadows, this fern was used in medieval times for cleansing wounds and as an astringent, healing ointment and salve. Culpeper recommended the juice, mixed with the distilled water of horsetail for internal wounds and bruises. The ruling planet is the Moon in Cancer.
Adept: Someone completely versed in a particular occult tradition or Path. In classical occult tradition, one who was supposed to have obtained the Elixir or Life and the Philosophers Stone.
Adeptus Minor: A grade of adeptship within ritual magic.
Adhikari: [Sanskrit] Refers to the state of being spiritually competent; a condition of preparedness for undertaking any form of mystical culture.
Adibuddha : Meaning primeval Buddha and the concept of a Buddha who has existed from the beginning of time an original creator.
Adikalika : [Sanskrit] The primordial ( adi ) black ( kali ) goddess ( ka ). A description of Kali , whose symbol is the Night of Time