Praise for Minute by Minute
Joanne Moodys book, Minute by Minute, is the story of a most amazing testimony of healing. Its one of the greatest healings I have seen, and one of the most documented histories of pain and disability. But, it is not just the story of her healing; it is the story of living life with disabling pain for years, and life after healing. It includes an out of body experience at her death. This is an amazing book, one that I highly recommend to everyone.
Powerful, inspiring, and refreshing! Joannes testimony gives hope and encouragement to those whose healing hasnt come yet and inspires them to not give up, but to continue to press into a holy pursuit of a healing touch from God. The testimony of years of excruciating pain testifies of the grace of God that she encountered daily as God supplied all she needed each day. The testimony of healing cries out to the Lord to do it again! It creates a passion to experience more of the power and presence of the Lord. Read this book and be inspired!
Having watched both the debilitating illness in Joannes life and her miraculous healing, her story is a living epistle of what God desires for each of us. The Father longs to heal, restore, and commission us to represent His heart to a world and Church struggling to believe Christs death offers both forgiveness and healing. (Psalm 103:25)
Joanne is a truly gifted writer. Her story is engaging and honest. She creates great word pictures and honest responses. Joannes description of God is the God we all want to know!
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2017 by Joanne Moody
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Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
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Authors disclaimer: I have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories and my journals. To maintain their anonymity, in some instances I have changed the names of individuals and places. I also have changed some of the identifying characteristics and details such as physical properties, places of residence, and medical care facilities.
Epub Edition August 2017 ISBN 9780785216162
ISBN 978-0-7852-1614-8 (TP)
ISBN 978-0-7852-1730-5 (eBook)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017943896
Printed in the United States of America
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For Mike and Kian,
the loves of my life,
and Jesus Christ, my everything
J oanne anguished in pain at a level too intense to imagine for fourteen years. Not even the strongest pain medications gave her relief. I cried through the accounts of her tortured life. I have to wonder how she maintained the will to keep pressing forward. Amazingly, however, even when she wasnt experiencing healing for herself, she still prayed with faith for other peoples healing. In spite of the unimaginable trials that Joanne endured night and day, she still maintained her belief that God is good, God is love, and that God heals.
When God highlighted Joanne to me at the VOA conference in Orlando, Florida, in August 2013, I casually prayed for her in obedience to His nudging as I passed by her. Then as I returned to my seat, I realized God had something big in mind. I went back to where she was on the floor, the most comfortable position for her as the pain was very intense.
I asked if I could pray again and the Holy Spirit took over. God had set up yet another divine appointment. Joannes total and miraculous healing was the result! Yea God!
When God blows His breath on us, what we become is rarely what we can imagine or dream. He changes our direction and we dedicate our lives to His calling, and it becomes our main purpose. Joannes healing sparked a compelling passion to listen to the Holy Spirit, pray, and see God heal.
Bill Johnson says that God gives breakthrough in personal experience so we will use the elevated position of favor to equip the saints. The healing Joanne received has elevated her to a place of favor in an amazing way. She is an atmosphere changer in Gods kingdombringing heaven to earth everywhere she goes. It is her relentless desire to teach and share her testimony so that all the saints are equipped to pray for the sick and see people gloriously healed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
I am deeply humbled to know this mighty woman of God. As you read the pages of her book, I pray that you also will be compelled to pray for the sick and declare that the impossible is nothing for God.
Global Awakening Board of Directors
Impact Christian Fellowship, Kerrville,
Texas, Core Leadership Team
Real Estate Developer
I have two problems with hard labor: hard and labor. I prefer soft, and Id prefer not giving birth.
H alf the city of Redondo Beach, California, was pregnant that cold, overcast day in January 1999. That could be a slight exaggeration, but when my husband, Mike, and I arrived at the hospital, the corridors were crammed with women in all stages of labor. There had been no power outages, no snowstorms, nothing to explain the baby boom we were witnessing. I was dressed in the largest clothes I ownedextra-large mens gray sweatpants and a flowing, multicolored flowered tunicand yet, I still felt like a sausage crammed into its casing. I wore black wool clogs one size larger than usual to accommodate my swollen feet. My normally small frame was stretched to bursting.