Catholic Mass For Dummies
by Rev. John Trigilio, Jr.,
Rev. Kenneth Brighenti,
Rev. Monsignor James Cafone
Nihil Obstat: Rev. Donald E. Blumenfeld, PhD, Censor LibrorumImprimatur: Most Rev. John J. Myers, DD, JCD, Archbishop of Newark January 19, 2011 Newark, New Jersey
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Catholic Mass For Dummies
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About the Author
Rev. John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD: A native of Erie, Pennsylvania, Father Trigilio serves as the pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel (Marysville, Pennsylvania) and St. Bernadette Catholic Churches (Duncannon, Pennsylvania). He is the president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and executive editor of its quarterly journal, Sapientia magazine. Father Trigilio cohosted several weekly TV series on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): Web of Faith, Council of Faith, Crash Course in Catholicism, and Crash Course in Pope John Paul II. He also serves as a theological consultant and online spiritual advisor for EWTN. He is a Cooperator in Opus Dei, was listed in Whos Who in America and Whos Who in Religion, and is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Harrisburg (Pennsylvania) in 1988.
Rev. Kenneth Brighenti, PhD: A native of New Britain, Connecticut, Father Brighenti is the Director of Pastoral Field Education and an assistant professor at Mount Saint Mary University and Seminary (Emmitsburg, Maryland). He is the managing editor of Sapientia magazine and a member of the Board of Directors for the Con-fraternity of Catholic Clergy, and he cohosted three weekly TV series on Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Father Brighenti also served as a U.S. Naval Reserve Chaplain for ten years and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Metuchen (New Jersey) in 1988. He and Father Trigilio coauthored Catholicism For Dummies (2003), The Everything Bible Book (2004), Women in the Bible For Dummies (2005), John Paul II For Dummies (2006), and Saints For Dummies (2010), and he authored Marriage as Covenant (2009). Fathers Brighenti and Trigilio are also Knights of Columbus and members of the Order Sons of Italy of America (OSIA) and the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF).
Rev. Msgr. James Cafone, STD: A native of Belleville, New Jersey, Msgr. Cafone serves as tenured assistant professor in the Religion Department of Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. He is the vice-chair of its Board of Trustees and a member of the Board of Regents and the Committee on Mission and Identity. He teaches full-time at the university and serves as minister to the 47 members of the Priest Community at Seton Hall. He also serves as chaplain to the Alumni Board of the university. Monsignor wrote the foreword to John Paul II For Dummies (2006), written by Frs. Brighenti, Toborowsky, and Trigilio.
This book is dedicated...
In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, whose maternal intercession and guidance helped us throughout the research, writing, and editing of this project.
In honor of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, Head of the Holy Family, and Patron of Universal Church, for his paternal protection on our ourselves, our families, and our friends.
In honor of St. Thomas Aquinas, OP, whose love of the Holy Eucharist inspired us throughout our seminary formation and continuing into our priesthood.