Conscious Love:
Insights from Mystical Christianity
The Deal:
A Guide to Radical and Complete Forgiveness
The Dice Game of Shiva:
How Consciousness Creates the Universe
The Essential Nostradamus
Forbidden Faith:
The Secret History of Gnosticism
Inner Christianity:
A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition
Writings on an Unknown History
Hidden Wisdom:
A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions (with Jay Kinney)
First Flowering:
The Best of the Harvard Advocate, 18761976 (editor)
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Copyright 2016 by Richard M. Smoley
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eBook ISBN: 9780399185564
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Smoley, Richard, 1956 author.
Title: How God became God : what scholars are really saying about God and the Bible / by Richard Smoley.
Description: New York City : Tarcher, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015046609 | ISBN 9780399185557
Subjects: LCSH: GodBiblical teaching.
Classification: LCC BS544 .S64 2016 | DDC 231dc23
Cover design by Tom McKeveny
For Nicole, Robert, and William
Like any such effort, this one owes debts to countless people and sources that have informed my thinking over the decades, and it would be impossible to think of, much less list, them all. First and foremost Im grateful to my wife, Nicole, and to our sons, Robert and William, for the loving home that they have provided for me during the writing of this book.
I would like to thank my agent, Laurie Fox, for her help and support in this process. She dealt skillfully with a difficult prospect: a fully completed manuscript that I wrote out of my own head without a contract and without consulting her or, for that matter, anyone else.
A similar debt of gratitude is owed to Mitch Horowitz, my editor at TarcherPerigee, who took on this project with tremendous enthusiasm and who, moreover, has shown tremendous faith in me and my work over the past decade. He is an old-fashioned editor in the best sense of that term.
Drew Stevens, art director of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America, very graciously designed the maps and diagram for this book. I really appreciate his kind and enthusiastic help.
I would also like to thank Michael Burke, my copy editor, for his careful attention to the manuscript, which has been of great benefit both to me and to the final state of this book.
Richard Smoley
Winfield, Illinois
January 2016
BC |
c.2250c.1500. | Middle Bronze Age. |
c.1900. | Traditional date of Abraham. |
c.1800c.1550. | Hyksos period in Egypt. |
c.1500c.1200. | Late Bronze Age. |
c.1300. | Traditional date of the Exodus. |
1207. | Merneptah Stele: first mention of Israel. |
c.1000. | Reign of Saul. |
c.1000920. | Reigns of David and Solomon. |
c.940586. | First Temple period. |
c.920. | Conventional date of invasion of Israel by Sheshonq I, pharaoh of Egypt. |
c.920722. | The divided monarchy: Israel in the north, Judah in the south. |
c.858824. | Shalmaneser Stele. |
c.850. | Tel Dan Stele, mentioning the house of David. Reign of the house of Omri in the northern kingdom of Israel. Building of Samaria. |
c.760. | Time of the prophet Amos. |
| Conquest of northern kingdom of Israel by Assyrians under Shalmaneser V. |
| Jerusalem, under Hezekiah, besieged unsuccessfully by the Assyrians. |
697642. | Reign of Menasseh, king of Judah. |
640609. | Reign of Josiah. |
c.620. | Reformation of the Temple cult. First version of the Deuteronomic history. |
| Sack of the First Temple by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. |
586539. | Babylonian Exile of the Jews. Revision of Deuteronomic history. |
| Jews return from Babylonian Exile, begin to rebuild Temple. |
539AD 70. | Second Temple period. |
521 BC485 BC. | Reign of Darius, king of Persia. |
| Antiochus IV Epiphanes sets up altar to Zeus in Jerusalem Temple. Jews revolt. |
c.165. | Date of the book of Daniel. |
| Antiochus defeated and expelled from Judea. |
c.140. | Maccabees establish Hasmonean dynasty in Judea. |
| Pompey conquers Judea, enters the Temple. |
4946; 4431. | Roman Civil War. |
| Herod the Great takes the throne of Judea. |
| Establishment of the Roman Empire under Augustus. |
| Herod begins restoring the Temple. |
c.85. | Probable date of the birth of Christ. |
| Death of Herod. |
AD |
| Birth of Christ according to Luke. Quirinius governor of Syria. |
2636. | Pontius Pilate governor of Judea. |
| Beginning of Jesuss public career according to Luke. |
3033. | Approximate date of Jesuss crucifixion. |