I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have supported me in this daunting undertaking and have assisted me in innumerable ways in bringing this project to its completion:
To Salman Akhtar, psychoanalyst, author, friend, colleague, poet, and lexicographer extraordinaire, who first brought the existence of Sterba's lexicon to my attention and convinced me of its historical importance and the value of making it accessible to the public.
To Leticia Fiorini and Gennaro Saragnano, former and present chairs of the publications committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association; and to its members, Mary Kay O'Neil, Samuel Arbiser, Gail Reed, Christian Seulin and Paulo Sandler, who have responded positively to all my suggestions and wholeheartedly supported my efforts in bringing the project to fruition.
To Robert Michels, Verena Sterba Michels and Katherine J. Michels, whose long-standing dedication to psychoanalysis and whose familial ties to Richard Sterba have immeasurably enriched both the content and spirit of the work.
To Nellie Thompson, who made it possible for me to gain access to the transcript of the interview with Richard Sterba, made under the auspices of the Columbia Psychoanalytic Textbook Project, which is included in the volume, and who provided me with valuable information about its nature and origin.
To Rhoda Bawdekar-Sebastin, publications officer of the International Psychoanalytical Association, who has graciously answered my sometimes perplexing questions and guided me in solving innumerable technical problems connected with the production of the volume.
To Kevin Murphy, chair of the Department of Humanities of the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, whose support and perseverance were crucial in facilitating my receiving a sabbatical leave from the university to complete the project; and to all my colleagues in the department, who have continually encouraged me in this, and other scholarly endeavours over the years.
And lastly, to my brother, Axel Hoffer, whose influence in my life is profound and incalculable, and without whose enduring presence this work, and others like it, would never have come into being.
Peter T. Hoffer
Philadelphia, September 2012
abasia; Abasie
abnormal; abnorm
aboulia; Abulie
abreaction, to abreact; abreagieren
abstinence; Abstinenz
absurd; absurd
accent; Akzent
accidental; akzidentell
acme; Akme
act out; agieren
act, operation; Akt
action, reaction, activity; Aktion
active technique; aktive Technik
active-passive; aktiv-passiv
activity; Aktivitt
actual or current neurosis; Aktualneurose
actual; aktuell
acute hallucinatory confusion; Amentia
acute; akut
adaptation; Anpassung
adequate; adquat
Adler, Alfred
aesthetic feelings; sthetische Gefhle
aetiology; tiologie
affect; Affekt
affection; Affektion
affective; affektiv
affectivity; Affektivitt
aggression; Aggression
aggressive impulse or instinct; Aggressionstrieb
agoraphobia; Agoraphobie
alcoholic delirium; Alkoholdelirium
alcoholism; Alkoholismus
alimentary; alimentr
alloplastic; alloplastisch
altruism; Altruismus
ambisexuality; Ambisexualitt
ambition; Ehrgeiz
ambivalence of feeling; Gefhlsambivalenz
ambivalence; Ambivalenz
amnesia; Amnesie
amount or charge of affect; Affektbetrag
amphierotic; amphierotisch
amphigenic; amphigen
amphimixis; Amphimixis
anaclitic or dependent type of object choice; Anlehnungstypus der Objektwahl
anaesthesia; Ansthesie
anagogic; anagogisch
anal character; Analcharakter
anal erotism; Analerotik, Analitt
anal region; Afterzone
anal region; Analzone
anal; anal
analgesia; Analgesie,
anal-sadistic; analsadistisch
analysand; Analysand
analysis; Analyse
analyst; Analytiker
anamnesis; Anamnese
animatism; Animatismus
animism; Animismus
antagonistic; antagonistisch
anthropology; Anthropologie
anthropophagy; Anthropophagie
anticathexis; Gegenbesetzung
anticipatory anxiety; Erwartungsangst
anticipatory idea or image; Erwartungsvorstellung
antithesis, the opposite; Gegensatz
antithetical or contrary sense of primal words; Gegensinn der Urworte
antithetical pairs; Gegensatzpaar
anxiety hysteria; Angsthysterie
anxiety; Angst
anxiety-dream; Angsttraum
anxiety-equivalent; Angstquivalent
anxiety-neurosis; Angstneurose
anxiety-pleasure; Angstlust
anxiety-readiness; Angstbereitschaft
anxiety-signal; Angstsignal
apathy; Apathie
apparatus exerting [imaginary] influence; Beeinflussungsapparat
appropriate; adquat
arc de cercle Arc de cercle
archaic; archaisch
ascetiscism; Askese
asexuality, absence of sexuality; Asexualitt
asocial; Asozial
association; Assoziation
association-experiment; Assoziationsexperiment
association-psychology; Assoziationspsychologie
asthenia; sthenie
asthma; Asthma
atonement; Bue
attack; Anfall, Attacke
attention; Aufmerksamkeit
attention-theory of parapraxes; Aufmerksamkeitstheorie der Fehlleistungen
aura; Aura
authority; Autoritt
autism; Autismus
autistic thinking; autistisches Denken
autoerotism; Autoerotismus; Autoerotik
autohypnosis; Autohypnose
automatic actions; automatische Handlungen
automatic obedience; Befehlsautomatie
automatism; Automatismus
autoplastic; Autoplastisch
autosuggestion; Autosuggestion
autosymbolic phenomenon; autosymbolisches Phnomen
autotomy; Autotomie
auxiliary; auxilir
avarice; Geiz
bed-wetting; Bettnssen
being beaten; Geschlagenwerden
being devoured; Gefressenwerden
belief in demons; Dmonenglaube
belief; Glaube
binding; Bindung
bioanalysis; Bioanalyse
biogenetic law; biogenetisches Grundgesetz
biology; Biologie
bipolarity; Bipolaritt
birth; Geburt
birth-trauma; Geburtstrauma
bisexuality; Bisexualitt
bite, biting; beien
blasphemy; Blasphemie
blinding; Blendung
blocking of affect; Affektsperre
borrowed sense of guilt; entlehntes Schuldgefhl
Breuer, Josef
bridge; Brcke
brother horde; Bruderhorde
catabolic; dissimilatorisch
cathexis; Besetzung
character analysis; Charakteranalyse
character; Charakter
characterology; Charakterologie
character-resistance; Charakterwiderstand
Charcot,Jean Martin
charge; Besetzung
chemistry of sexual processes;
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