Hope For All: Ten Reasons Gods Love Prevails
Copyright 2018 Gerry Beauchemin
Malista Press, PO Box 6271, Brownsville, TX 78523
ISBN 978-0-9772793-6-4
All rights reserved.
Unless noted, Bible quotes are from the New King James Version 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.
Agony of a Young Girl
and a Bible Scholar Icon
The word gospel means good news, but sadly, for millions of people, its not good news. Whats good about being told that you or someone you love might suffer forever after death?
To illustrate the depressing effect the fear of hell brings to people of all ages and backgrounds, reflect a moment on the heartache suffered by a 16 year old girl and that of a famed Bible scholar.
In an email to me, Amelia wrote
Dear Gerry,
Im 16 years old. My mom is a Christian, and my dad may not be; Im not really sure.
My whole life I have been taught of this eternal hell that Jesus is saving me from, and it honestly has been the single biggest stumbling block in my entire faith. I could not grasp the fact that God loved me so much but was completely okay with my dad suffering in hell forever. I would lie awake at night in tears because I was so afraid of hell and that the people I love, and possibly myself, could be going to hell. I was so unsettled by this fact that I would get so scared I couldnt even talk to God.
About three weeks ago, I saw your book lying on our coffee table, so I took it up to my bedroom and started reading it. I was up till three in the morning reading it, and I was so amazed and infatuated by it I could not put it down!
Never before had I ever even heard the thought that hell was not eternal, and it was the most amazing thing that I had ever read. Over the next two weeks or so, I kept reading and highlighting it. I actually found myself turning off the TV and reading the book and that is a big deal because I hate to read.
Thank you SO much for writing this book. I honestly had never loved God until I read it, and now I love him so much its crazy! This book has truly changed my life, and Im so thankful! I feel its a message too great to be kept a secret!
I honestly dont know how anyone can believe that God is impartial, all-knowing, loving and all-powerful if they do not believe in this Blessed Hope! Its just impossible!
Thank you so much, and I hope that this encourages you, because your book really encouraged me and changed my life forever. God bless!
How many millions like Amelia are suffering throughout the world? Her agony should be our agony. Something is tragically amiss in the Christian faith when children, or anyone for that matter, are left so distressed.
Listen to the grieving heart of Albert Barnes, author of the famed Barnes Notes:
In the distress and anguish of my own spirit, I see not one ray of light to disclose to me the reason why men and women must suffer to all eternity. I have never seen a particle of light that has given a moments ease to my tortured mind; nor have I an explanation or a thought which would be of relief to you.
I confess, when I look on a world of sinners and of sufferers; upon death-beds and graveyards; upon the world of woe, filled with people wholl suffer forever; when I see my friends, my parents, my family, my fellow-citizens; when I look upon the whole [human] race and when I feel that God alone can save, and yet He does not do it, I am struck dumb. It is all dark, dark, dark to my soul, and I cannot disguise it.
It is all dark, dark, dark. he says. How tragic! This compassionate man dedicated his life to serving God, but due to his mistaken view of Gods character and judgments, he was blinded to the great depth and scope of Gods unfailing, unending love for all people. More about Barnes.
These examples are not unique. They represent millions of people who have suffered like they have. Such distress and agony are not the fruits of the good news of Jesus Christ.
The true Gospel
Is good tidings of great joy. (Lk 2:10)
Is a gospel of peace glad tidings of good things.
(Rom 10:15)
Causes us to greatly rejoice rejoice with joy inexpressible. (1Pt 1:6, 8)
The Gospel is truly glad tidings of indescribable joy when Gods character and judgments are rightly understood. It caused a 16 year old girl to say she loved God so much its crazy! its a message too great to be kept a secret!
I thank God for you, Denisemy wife, soul mate and best friend of 38 years. I could not have asked for a better wife, mom and grandmother for our children and grandchildren. Our deep discussions about the difficult questions of life and faith over the years have helped mature me in my faith. Thank you for your patience and perseverance with me, especially in writing this book. You are awesome! May God fill you afresh each day with His peace and joy. I love you dearly.
Thank you, my daughter, Nicole, for your patience working on the coverand re-working it until we got it right. You have been a great help and encouragement to me. Great job!
Special thanks to my daughter, Renee, for the great effort you made on proofing, formatting, editing and your invaluable counsel. May God especially bless you and your whole family for the sacrifice you all made. You truly persevered, ReneeI cannot thank you enough!
I praise you, Anna (my daughter)with your sisters, for having the courage to think for yourselves about life and faith. You are awesome role models for your children. Your lives and faith inspire me. I treasure our times together and all our conversations.
Our love and prayers go out to our daughters and our grandchildren: Elliora, Esther, Ezra, Jordan, Carter, Dora and Isla, along with their dads that we would all rest securely in our Fathers eternal love.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who has worked so hard proofing the manuscript over many months. You have been such a great help and encouragement to me. May your joy and peace in Christ abound.
Eternal damnation is a terrifying prospect and seems inconsistent with Gods mercy, as well as disproportionate in relation to any mortal sin. Can the Bible really have threatened such a punishment? Many of the great ancient theologians thought not, and Gerry Beauchemin, in Hope For All , has done a real service in presenting, in clear and accessible terms, the reasons why there is hope for all.
David Konstan
Prof. of Classics, NYU. Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, Brown University. Co-author of Terms for Eternity .
This book will very likely change the way you think about God, about people, about yourself and about human destiny. The ten anchors Gerry Beauchemin succinctly unfolds for you in this short work concern a crucial aspect of all of our lives: our concept of God. It shapes who we are and influences how we both regard and treat other people. If we think God is unjust, uncaring or cruel, then it becomes easier for us to be. But if our horizon envisions a God that is just, caring and compassionate, then we too will be so inclined. This isnt just a matter of theology or doctrine, it critically affects how we live our lives here and now.
The world-view Gerry presents in this book, and which is based upon accurate translations of key passages of the Bible, will bring you peace, joy, faithand most importantly, will engender love within the core of your being (1John 4:19). It will transform you and liberate you from fear. Without any reservations I commend this book for your serious consideration.
Jonathan Mitchell, M.A.,
Translator of the New Testament