Index of Biblical Texts
Page numbers refer to print edition.
1, 106, 146
1:6, 86
1:26, 92, 119, 122
2, 107
2:24, 108
11, 107
12:3, 167
22:18, 167
24, 127
26:4, 167
28:14, 167
37:16, 198
20:5, 145
11:2ff., 139
1 Samuel
15:11, 145
16:14, 145
18:10, 145
3, 160
16:10, 168
22, 74
27:10, 67
85:1-2, 163
89, 168
110:1, 52, 78
118, 161-62
119, 198
143, 160
149:6, 51
6, 112-115
7:14, 135
45:7, 145
15:14, 145
2:34, 193
3:6, 145
1:12, 145
9, 168
5:5, 40
5:9, 146
5:13, 128
6:8, 128
7:7, 151
11:11, 40
11:28, 148
13:44, 134
13:52, 135
15:9, 189
16:13, 59
19:24, 170-76
26:38, 59
27:46, 59
28:20, 78
4:23, 127
10:17-22, 170
10:24-25, 170
13:4, 32, 59
13:32, 62
16:1-7, 128
1:33, 78
8:1-3, 170
10:25-37, 147-49
12:49, 113
18:41, 128
24:25-27, 107, 135
24:32, 113
24:47, 135
5:19, 79-80
5:39, 147
6:38, 80
6:57, 79
8:48, 148
1416, 75
14:6, 190
16:15, 79
17:10, 79
2:31, 168
3:21, 78
5:14, 133
7:14, 152
1 Corinthians
2:6-7, 144
2:10, 151
2:10-16, 152
2:12-16, 155
2:13, 153
4:15, 50
4:16, 148
9:9-10, 152
10:1-6, 133-34
10:11, 152
15:25, 78
2 Corinthians
3:6, 13, 152
3:15-16, 152
11:3, 166
3:28, 46
4:21-31, 163-67
4:24, 133-34, 152, 161-62
5:1, 46
5:32, 108
1 Timothy
2:13-15, 108
3:5, 80
General Index
Page numbers refer to print edition.
Abednego, 97
Abel, 97, 107, 161
Abraham, 137-38, 149, 167-68, 192
Abraham, William, 19-21
Absalom, 160
Adam, 107-8, 121, 138, 147, 159, 165, 192, 199
Aemelia-Liguria, 103
Ai, 137
Alexandria, Alexandrian exegesis, 65, 67, 105, 107, 123, 131-32, 136, 138, 141-56, 158, 163, 170
allegorical interpretation, 85-92, 115
Allison, Dale Jr., 38-41, 129
Alypius, 124
Ambrose, 8, 11, 36-37, 55, 102-8, 121-22, 131, 170, 174, 180, 198-99
Ambrosiaster, 8, 131
Ananias, 159
Anaxagoras, 171
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS), 7, 15, 101, 108, 182
Anderson, David, 93
Anicetas I, 125
Anselm, 24
Anthusa, 93-94
Antioch, 9, 93-94, 131, 155-56, 170
Apokatastasis, 52-53
Apostolic Constitutions, 47
Aquila, 143
Arcadius, 96
Arianzus, 68
Arius, Arianism, 9, 56, 58-63, 65, 67-68, 72-74, 78, 80, 85, 103
Armenia, 45, 96
Armstrong, Louis, 28
Athanasius, 8-9, 11, 37, 41-42, 55-56, 58-64, 68, 72-73, 182
Athens, 65, 82
Augustine, 8, 11-12, 24, 28, 32, 37, 50, 55, 101-2, 104-5, 115-25, 131, 170, 173-74, 180, 193, 197, 199-200
autonomy, 22
Auxentius, 103
Bacon, Francis, 22
Basil the Great, 8, 11-12, 37, 45, 48-49, 55-56, 66-67, 77, 81-93, 103, 131, 155
Baxter, Richard, 184
Beatrice, Pier Franco, 54
Benedict, 85
Blaising, Craig, 26-27
Bray, Gerald, 102
Browne, Charles Gordon, 80
Brown, Harold O. J., 178, 187-91
Brown, Peter, 118-19, 121
Bultmann, Rudolf, 16, 181
Caesarea (Cappadocia), 65
Caesarea (Palestine), 65
Caesarius, 67
Cain, 107, 161
Calvin, John, 13, 178, 181, 189, 200
Campbell, Alexander, 14, 25
Camus, Albert, 16
Cappadocia, 65, 81, 84-85
Carthage, 117, 119
Casey, Michael, 35, 37, 54, 181, 199
Chadwick, Henry, 55
Chafer, Louis Sperry, 26
Childs, Brevard, 181, 195
Christian Instruction (De doctrina Christiana, Augustine), 125
christological interpretation, 108, 113-14, 192-94
Chrysostom, 8-9, 11, 37, 40, 45-46, 55-56, 66, 93-101, 131, 155, 157, 174-76, 180-81, 199-200
church father, definition, 49-55
Cicero, 103, 110-11, 121
City of God (Augustine), 11, 199
Clark, Elizabeth, 46-47
Clement of Alexandria, 11, 33, 50, 153-54, 156, 170-72
Clement of Rome, 50
community and exegesis, 9, 194-95
Concerning the Letter and the Spirit (Luther), 13
Concerning Virgins (Ambrose), 108
Constantine, 70
Constantinople, 9, 31, 45-46, 56, 65, 67, 68, 72, 94, 96-97, 126
Constantius (bishop), 106
Confessions (Augustine), 11, 104, 116, 119, 197, 199
consensual theology, 18
Corrigan, Dame Felicitas, 125
Council of Chalcedon, 50-51
Council of Constantinople ( A.D. 381), 50, 74, 77
Council of Ephesus ( A.D. 431), 51
Council of Nicaea (Nicea), 50, 61, 74, 77
crates, 171
creation, 85-92
Crispus, Quintus Vibius, 33
Cucusus, 45, 96, 98
Cutsinger, James, 185-86
Cyril of Alexandria, 11, 51
Damasus (pope), 112
David, 97, 159-60, 167-68
de Margerie, Bertrand, 104, 193-94, 197
De utilitate credendi (Augustine), 197
Deferrari, Roy J., 92
deity of the Holy Spirit, 75-76
Democritus, 171
Descartes, Ren, 22
desert fathers, 36
Diocletian persecution, 103
Diodore of Tarsus, 155, 157-63
Duties of the Clergy (Ambrose), 108
ecclesiological interpretation, 108, 113-14