Steve Madison
Copyright Steve Madison 2020
All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
The Higher Community
T he Ultrahuman is coming. The Ultrahuman is a member of a higher community. The Ultrahuman is our destiny. The Ultrahuman is the ordinary humans designated replacement.
In mythology, the Titans, the old gods, were replaced by the Olympians, the new gods. In history, the Neanderthals were replaced by modern humans.
In terms of the triune brain, the dinosaurs (the brain stem creatures) gave way to the mammals (the limbic system creatures), and they will in turn give way to the angels (the neocortex beings). Mythos will give way to Logos. Faith will give way to reason and logic. Empiricism will surrender to rationalism. Materialism will be replaced by idealism. Science, based on perceptual truths of fact, is destined to transform into ontological mathematics, based on conceptual truths of reason. Mathematical mind rather than scientific matter will become the means by which intelligent humanity understands reality.
Mind constructs and controls matter, not the other way around. Minds, by their nature, are agents of control. Material objects, by their nature, are not. It is logically impossible for entities that inherently lack control to create inherently controlling entities. You cannot get from non-control to control.
Control has always existed in the universe, and it has always existed via minds. Matter, to the ancient Greeks, was something associated with chaos, formlessness, the total absence of control. Order had to be created out of chaos, and this happened via mental agents (gods, spirits, minds). Matter, left to itself, could never establish order. It was the essence of non-order. In modern science, matter is associated with randomness, chance, accident, probabilism, indeterminacy, indeterminism, the Multiverse, acausation and emergentism. The principle of sufficient reason whereby everything has an exact and orderly explanation is conspicuously absent from scientific materialism, and is never once referenced or cited by any scientist.
Everything is about to change. The greatest and final paradigm shift is coming. The Ultrahuman is the being associated with this final phase, when humanity starts to understand its own divinity.
The medieval eschatologist Joachim of Fiore spoke of three great Ages:
1) The Age of the Father (the Old Testament).
2) The Age of the Son (the New Testament).
3) The Age of the Holy Spirit (the Highest Testament).
In this final phase, the Noosphere will merge with the Omega Point.
The Ultrahuman is the being for the Third and Final Age.
If the first enlightenment was the artistic Renaissance and the second enlightenment the empirical Age of Science, then the third and final enlightenment will be the Age of Mathematics, when humanity at last becomes rational and logical, able to know and understand core reality, and thus able to direct reality, exactly like the gods.
Homo novus (New Man) must displace homo sapiens , the wise man who proved not nearly as wise as he imagined, but was certainly a model of arrogance and conceit.
Ultrahumans Supermen and Superwomen are superthinkers.
Nietzsche, an early prophet of the Ultrahuman, said, I teach you the Overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?
All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughing stock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the Overman: a laughing stock or a painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape.
Whoever is the wisest among you is also a mere conflict and cross between plant and ghost. But do I bid you become ghosts or plants?
Behold, I teach you the Overman. The Overman is the meaning of the earth.
Nietzsches Overman will morph into the Ultrahuman. Where the Overman was defined by Dionysus, the Ultrahuman will be defined by Apollo, ably supported by Apollos Shadow, Dionysus. The Ultrahuman is engaged in an Apollonian-Dionysian dialectic of reason and emotional intoxication.
The Ultrahumans are the Coming Race. Everyone has the chance to join this Higher Humanity. Most will reject the offer. Only the highest souls understand what is at stake.
U ranium found in nature consists of two isotopes, U-235 and U-238. Energy production in nuclear reactors comes from the fission or splitting of the U-235 atoms, a process that releases heat energy.
U-235 is fissile slow-moving neutrons can cause U-235 fission. U-238, by contrast, is fissionable as opposed to fissile only fast, energetic neutrons can cause U-238 fission. U-238 cannot sustain a chain reaction. U-235 can. Nuclear reactors therefore require for their fuel uranium enriched in U-235. Robert Heinlein said, As for keeping ourselves separate, we are about like the U-235 in U-238, not effective unless separated out. New Man, in other words, cannot succeed until he separates itself from Old Man; the powerful substance must free itself from the substance putting a brake on it and holding back evolution.
New Man is subjected to pseudomorphism false form while he is overwhelmed, contaminated by, and everywhere surrounded by, Old Man.
We need a chain reaction of the mind, a Noosphere detonation that will transform everything. Only by attaining a critical mass of Ultrahumans will this be possible. The Mind War is currently being won by the stupid. The Dunning-Kruger effect defines the human race the delusion of intelligence as opposed to actual intelligence. Stupid people do not know what intelligence is, and intelligent people have never faced up to the fact that the stupid are placing an enormous brake on intelligence.
Intelligent people separated themselves off into universities, but universities do not run the world. Banks, corporations, consumerism, predatory capitalism, religious faith and mysticism, and bread and circuses rule the world. Its time for the intelligent to take over.
Science Fiction
S cience-fiction shows such as Star Trek depict countless different species with entirely different ways of relating to and interpreting reality. You would have thought that scientists would get the message and grasp thats its impossible for any particular species to provide the truth of reality from a particular species perspective, since anything they say is always infected by the particularities and quirks of their species. What we are looking for is the general solution, with which all species agree. That general solution will be the least like any offered by any particular species.
What is the most general subject you can get, furthest from any species-driven interpretations? Its mathematics. It can only be mathematics.
Look at science. Its core is mathematics. The ridiculous part of science is the fallacious manmade interpretations applied to mathematics. Science imposes the manmade paradigm of materialism and empiricism over mathematics. Every other species would have its own fallacious paradigm, driven by its particular sensory apparatus.
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , the character Odo belongs to a race of fluid shapeshifters called Changelings. These liquid lifeforms exist, on their home world, as an amalgamated mass a viscous orange liquid known as the Great Link. A Changeling contains a structure known as a morphogenic matrix, containing special enzymes responsible for its shapeshifting ability. Changelings are required to revert to their natural liquid state every few hours to regenerate.