The Great Beginning of Cteaux
A Narrative of the Beginning of the Cistercian Order
The Great Beginning of Cteaux
A Narrative of the Beginning of the Cistercian Order
The Exordium Magnum
Conrad of Eberbach
Translated by
Benedicta Ward, SLG, and Paul Savage
Edited by
E. Rozanne Elder
Foreword by
Brian Patrick McGuire
Collegeville, Minnesota
A Cistercian Publications title published by Liturgical Press
Cistercian Publications
Editorial Offices
Abbey of Gethsemani
3642 Monks Road
Trappist, Kentucky 40051
A translation of the critical edition of Bruno Grieer,
Exordium magnum cisterciense sive Narratio de initio cisterciensis ordinis,
Series Scriptorum Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis, volume 2
Rome: Editiones Cistercienses, 1961
Translation 2012 Benedicta Ward and Paul Savage
Introduction 2012 Paul Savage
2012 by Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, microfilm, microfiche, mechanical recording, photocopying, translation, or by any other means, known or yet unknown, for any purpose except brief quotations in reviews, without the previous written permission of Liturgical Press, Saint Johns Abbey, PO Box 7500, Collegeville, Minnesota 56321-7500. Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Konrad, Abbot of Eberbach, d. 1221.
[Exordium magnum Cisterciense. English]
The great beginning of Citeaux : a narrative of the beginning of the Cistercian order : the Exordium magnum of Conrad of Eberbach / translated by Benedicta Ward and Paul Savage ; edited by E. Rozanne Elder.
p. cm. (Cistercian fathers series ; no. 72)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-87907-172-1 (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-87907-782-2 (e-book)
1. CisterciansHistorySources. I. Ward, Benedicta, 1933- II. Savage, Paul. III. Elder, E. Rozanne (Ellen Rozanne), 1940- IV. Title.
BX3406.3.K6613 2012
To the memory of
M. Basil Pennington, OCSO
A. M. (Donald) Allchin
Et quod miratur in patribus, ipse sequatur
Brian Patrick McGuire
Benedicta Ward, SLG
Paul Savage
Bibliographic details are cited in the bibliography.
Acta SS | Acta Sanctorum. |
BHL | Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. |
Canivez | Canivez, Josephus-Maria, ed. Statuta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Cistercienses, 11161786. 8 vols. |
Cap | Capitula. Included in the Exordium Cistercii and the Summa Cartae Caritatis, in Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 398413. |
CC | Carta caritatis. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 44252. |
CCCM | Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnhout: Brepols, 1966. |
CCP | Carta caritatis posterior. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 498505. Citations are made according to traditional chapters, with Waddells line numbers in parentheses. |
CCSL | Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina. |
CF | Cistercian Fathers Series. Cistercian Publications. |
Cottineau | Cottineau, Laurent H. Rpertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurs. |
CS | Cistercian Studies Series. Cistercian Publications. |
CSEL | Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. |
DHGE | Dictionnaire dhistoire et de gographie ecclsiastiques. Paris: Letouzey et An, 1912. |
EC | Exordium cistercii. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 298404. |
EM | Conrad of Eberbach. Exordium magnum cisterciense sive Narratio de initio cisterciensis ordinis. |
EO | Ecclesiastica Officia. |
EP | Exordium parvum. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 41640. |
Gallia Christiana | Gallia Christiana in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa. 16 volumes. Paris: Regia, 17251899. |
Grieer | Exordium magnum cisterciense sive Narratio de initio cisterciensis ordinis. Edited by Bruno Grieer. Rome: Editiones Cistercienses, 1961. |
Le Grand Exorde | Conrad dEberbach, Le Grand Exorde de Cteaux ou Rcit des dbuts de lOrdre Cistercien. Studia et documenta 7. |
Inst | Instituta Generalis Capituli / Institutes of the General Chapter. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 45397. |
Janauschek | Janauschek, Leopold. Originum Cisterciensium Tomus I. |
LM | Herbert of Clairvaux. Liber miraculorum. |
PL | Migne, J.-P., ed. Patrologia cursus completus, Series Latina. |
RB | Regula Benedicti. The Rule of Saint Benedict. |
RM | Regula magistri. The Rule of the Master. |
S-Bland | Caesarius of Heisterbach. The Dialogue on Miracles. Translated by H. von E. Scott and C. C. Swinton Bland. |
SBOp | Sancti Bernardi Opera. 8 vols. |
SBS | St. Bernards Sermons for the Seasons and Principal Festivals of the Year. |
SCh | Sources Chrtiennes. |
SCC | Summa Cartae Caritatis. In Waddell, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cteaux, 398413. |
Strange | Caesarius of Heisterbach. Dialogus miraculorum textum. Edited by Joseph Strange. |
Textes de Cteaux | Van Damme, Jean Baptiste, and Jean de la Croix Bouton. Les plus anciens textes de Cteaux. Achel, 1974. |
Tubach | Tubach, Frederic C. Index exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious Tales. |
Vita Bern | Vita prima sancti Bernardi. The First Life of Saint Bernard. |
Williams | Williams, Watkin. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. |
The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux
English translations are noted in the bibliography.
Abb | Sermo ad Abbates. SBOp 5:28893. |
Adv | Sermo in adventu domini. SBOp 4:16096. |
Apo | Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem. SBOp 3:63108. |
Asc | Sermo in ascensione domini. SBOp 5:12360. |
Asspt | Sermo in assumptione BVM. SBOp 5:22861. |
Circ | Sermo in circumcisione domini. Sermones per annum. SBOp 4:27391. |
Conv | Sermo de conversione ad clericos. SBOp 4:69116. |
Csi | De consideratione libri v. SBOp 3:393493. |
Ded | Sermo in dedicatione ecclesiae. SBOp 5:37098. |
Dil | Liber de diligendo Deo. SBOp 3:11954. |
Div | Sermones de diversis. SBOp 6/1:59406. |
Ep | Epistles. SBOp 7 and 8. |
Epi | Sermo in epiphania domini. SBOp 4:291309. |
5 HM | Sermo in cena domini. SBOp 5:6772. |
Hum | Liber de gradibus humilitatis et superbiae. SBOp 3:1359. |
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