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There is a lot of strange talk these days about genders. For anyone over fifty, genderconfusion appears to be something new. In the old days things were simpler. Kidswere taught that there were males and females and that men and women werefundamentally different and easy to distinguish from one another. At some point inlife there was a chance you would learn about "hermaphrodites" whose bodies hadboth male and female characteristics, but in general most people spoke about boysand girls, men and women, and never entertained the possibility that the sexes mightbe combined into one androgyne. Not too many people realized that the "God" of theBible is actual three gods rolled into one androgyne, the male god Yahweh, thefemale goddess Shekinah and the androgynous union of the two in one being, whichis often represented as the "Son".
The situation has dramatically changed. Many individuals, groups, politicalmovements, religious movements, professional standards committees, legislators,clergy, teachers, academics, law enforcement officials, journalists, opinion shapers,etc. are arguing over how many genders there are, what form they take, what rightsthey do or do not have; and why it is, or is not, important that we recognize them all.Where did this all controversy come from?
Languages include genders in their grammar, articles and pronouns, often inbeautiful and meaningful ways. English has a "his" and a "her". German has genderarticles such as "der" for the masculine, "die" for the feminine and "das" for theneuter. In America, pink was thought to be a female color and blue predominatelymale. Gender has literally played a leading role in human cultures throughoutrecorded history in patriarchal and matriarchal societies and strongly manifests itselfin the natural world and in anthropological discoveries. So why are things changingnow?
It is true that throughout history there has been some blurring of the linesbetween male and female. Homosexuality was rampant in ancient Greece. Malesoften portrayed females in stage performances. In Sumer, the Gala priests of thegoddess Ishtar confused male and female traits.
And there were many androgynous gods. Some of these gods had both male andfemale faces and sexual organs. They were thought to have created men and womenin their divine androgynous image, not as distinct beings, but as androgynous beingswho were later separated into the two sexes, literally cut in half to form man andwoman.
The chromosomes of a male human being provide us with a good analogy forthe androgynous gods of the ancient world. They are composed of the malechromosome coupled together with the female chromosome. A male sperm cell joinstogether with a female egg cell to form a new organism which contains both male andfemale genetic material.
Some of these ancient androgynous gods had breasts as well as beards. Thingsbecame even more confused when the gods broke apart into male and female andwhen they separated the androgyne Adam into Adam and Eve in a divine act ofmitosis and meiosis. The Jewish mystical set of beliefs known as cabalah teaches thatthe corruption of the androgyne gods and of androgynous Adam into distinctly maleand female forms was a terrible calamity that needs to be rectified through a processthe Cabalists call "Tikkun Olam", which expression means that Jewish people must"repair the world". They believe that this process of repairing the damage beganabout six thousand years ago when Adam was created, then divided into Adam andEve, and needs to be completed now, or terrible things will happen. Fixing humansby making them androgynous will also repair the gods and return them to theirandrogynous form, because what happens on Earth affects what happens in Heaven.The Androgyny Agenda is a religious agenda. It is a cabalistic agenda.
Androgyny based ancient religions hold that not only are male and female onebeing in the proper order of things, but that the beginning and end of history are alsoof one and the same form. That is to say, that human beings must and will return backto their original state of androgyny and mirror the gods, who will follow suit andonce again become androgynes when the world has been repaired, "as above, sobelow". For example, according to cabalah, humanity was created about 6,000 yearsago in the androgynous form of Adam and must return to that androgynous state inthe World to Come. In fact, the messianic age which is about begin will not arriveunless and until human beings are converted back into androgynes.
Adam was fashioned from clay after the androgynous image of the trinity of thegods of the Jews, Yahweh (male), Shekinah (female) and Ein Sof (androgynous andalso symbolized as the androgynous "Son" of the male and female "Parents" in theJewish trinity). When the Jewish People have successfully repaired the world sixthousand years after Adam was created, which is about now, then all human beingswill again become androgynous beings, as it was in the beginning, so it will be in theend. The Androgyny Agenda is, therefore, a significant aspect of the "Jewishmission" to be a "light unto the nations" and "repair the world", which divine worknecessarily sets the stage for the Jewish "World to Come".
The Zohar, written by Moses de Len in the 13th Century, originated the occultsystem of cabalah which is driving the Androgyny Agenda of Tikkun Olam (repairingthe world). The Zohar explains the meaning of the occult principle "as above, sobelow", which creates a unity between the gods and humanity,
"Whatsoever is found on earth has its spiritual counterpart on high and isdependent on it. When the inferior part is influenced, that which is setover it in the upper world is also affected, because all are united. [***]That which is above is in the likeness of that which is below, and thelikeness of that which is below is in the sea [regarded as the mirror of theinferior heaven], but all is one. [***] As it is in all things below, so it isabove."
According to cabalah, Yahweh (actually the Elohim meaning "the gods")separated Adam, who was both male and female, into Adam and Eve. If all goes well,the clock then began to run until six thousand years has passed and the descendantsof Adam and Eve have repaired the world and merged back together intoandrogynous beings. Androgynous Adam had within him/her all the "twin-souls" ofthe Jews, the androgynous souls of all the Jews that became separated into male andfemale half-souls when Adam split into Adam and Eve. Jews, who are presently meremale and female half-souls, look for their ideal soul mates to marry, the identicalhalf-soul which separated from them, so that they can reunite into a form of themale/female twin-soul and have children.
They will continue to have children until all their half-souls are repaired andbecome androgynous twin-souls again after the 6,000 years of creation. Children areneeded so that all the twin-souls created in Adam can be reborn as half-souls intonew bodies through a process of reincarnation (gilgul) and carry out Tikkun Olam(repairing the world and perfecting themselves) until both of their half-souls areperfected and their twin-souls are reunited in the messianic age, the World to Come.They will then enter one immortal and androgynous body, as opposed to the currentimperfect state of things where man and wife suffer through life by being born,giving birth to children and dying. The half-souls do not necessarily progress towardsperfection at the same rate, and do not always meet to marry, which is why manymarriages fail.
According to cabalah, when the Ein Sof decided create the universe it firstcontracted itself to make way for the divine light to enter the newly created vacuousspace (