1. Meeting Ourselves
2. Healing the Divided Psyche
3. Uncovering the Wound
4. The Three Stages of Healing
5. Real Life Stories
6. Existential Wounds
7. Recovering our Innocence
8. The Law of Attraction
9. A Healed World
Author's Preface
Three years ago, I thought that my work was done. I had written over thirty books on love, healing and forgiveness and I had led transformational wor k shops and retreats all over the world. But my gui d ance indicated that there was still more for me to do. Human pain on the planet was intensifying and there was a need to create a transformational pro c ess that would enable people to heal their wounds and step into their roles as facilitators and leaders in the new millennium.
Over the last three years our Spiritual Mastery Process has helped numerous individuals heal their wounds and change the beliefs that keep their self-betrayal in place. You will read some of their st o ries in this book. These courageous individuals were able to face their deepest and dar k est fears, heal their childhood traumas, and step into their power and purpose as authentic human beings. Each learned to take off his mask and b e come real to himself and others. Each learned to find her gift and step forward to serve others.
I know that these stories will inspire you to commit to your own healing process. Indeed, that is why I wrote this book. And that is why my st u dents are willing to share these very personal and revealing stories with you. They know that if hea l ing is po s sible for them it is possible for you too.
This book presents a new paradigm for the hea l ing journey that integrates the insights of depth psychology and spirituality. This new paradigm a p proach recognizes the necessity of healing of our deep childhood wounds as a prerequisite for u n derstanding who we are and what we have come into this life to do. It makes it clear that we cannot meet our True Self until we heal our trauma, co r rect our erroneous beliefs about ourselves, and di s solve our reactive behavior patterns.
Our healing process helps us realize that in o r der to meet our True Self, our False Self must die. This ego death experience creates a ps y chological and spiritual crisis in our lives in which we are asked to surrender our ego agenda and meet our fear head on. It invites us to get in touch with our core wound and heal our shame and unworthiness.
To grow, we must go through this crisis. We have no choice. The old ways of living no longer work for us. We know we have to stop allowing fear to run our lives. We know we have to stop betraying ourselves. We can no longer live the life that others want for us. We can no longer live out of sacrifice or guilt. We have to let go of all that. We have to risk being ourselves, regardless of how scary a propos i tion that is.
This book provides a roadmap and a guide for weathering this spiritual crisis. It presents real life stories of people who have healed their wounds, discovered their gifts, and learned to live in ha r mony with their spiritual purpose. If you are loo k ing to meet and honor yourself at the deepest level, read these stories with an open heart and an open mind. They will recall you to your truth and help you to manifest it.
Many years ago, my teacher told me " I am the door to love without conditions. When you walk through, you will be the door." It took a few years for me to see just how powerful these words were.
Three years ago, I invited my readers to come and experience directly how to love without conditions. Many came and tested the waters. A few stayed and learned at depth. They learned to embody the energy of unconditional love and acceptance. They walked through the door just as I had walked through many years before.
Now they are able to hold the door open for you. They are the living proof that Spiritual Ma s tery is not some abstract, far off goal, but a living process that is accessible to all who are willing to do the deep work.
This book holds the door open for you. I invite you to walk through it.
Paul Ferrini
The Core Self
The Core Self is our essence. It is who we are at the most fundamental level. It is the conne c tion point between our divine origin and our human incarn a tion. It is the divine spark that we bring with us into this embodiment. It i n cludes all the gifts and talents we possess in their p o tential. It is what makes us unique. It is the blueprint we are born with.
All of us have a Core Self, but not many of us are in touch with it. That is because the Core Self can be encountered only with u n conditional love and acceptance. If we look without love and a c ceptance, we will not see the Core Self. We will see the wounded self. The wounded self grows up with conditional love and lives in a state of fear. It seeks love but cannot find it.
The Core Self cannot be wounded. That is b e cause it is whole and complete. There is nothing lacking in it. There is nothing in it that needs to be changed or fixed. When we are connected to our Core Self, we are connected to all that is. We live in relatio n ship to our Source or higher power. We abide in who we are.
The Core Self is our energetic connection to Love. It connects us heart to heart to each other. When we rest in the Core Self, there is no separ a tion. There are no sep a rate bodies or separate agendas. There is just infinite, boun d less love.
When we abide in the Core Self, we are incap a ble of judgment. We cannot trespass or d e fend. We cannot find fault. We know that we are loveable and a c ceptable just the way that we are and so are others.
Our Core Self is the resting place of Unive r sal Love. It lives there, breathes there, and moves out from there into the world.
The Core Self has been called Tao, A t man, Christ, Buddha nature, and so forth. It has many names and is spoken of in many trad i tions. We call it the Core Self because it is the essence and the center of our Being.
The Core Self is eternal, consistent, unchang e able. In this sense, it is not subject to the ups and downs of physical exi s tence. Some say it is not born and does not die because it exists beyond the viciss i tudes of this world. The Core Self is there, even though we have not e n countered it. It cannot be destroyed or taken away from us. However, it can be disguised, covered over or i g nored. And it can take some of us a very long time to remove those disguises and come face to face with our e s sence.
The Wounded Self
The Core Self is overshadowed by the wounded self. That is because we see ever y thing through our pain. Indeed, the shadow is sometimes so dark that we dont see the light behind it.
How do we know we are wounded? We know because we have pain or distress of some kind. We are triggered in our relationships. We have reactive behavior. We fight with others or run away from them.
We know that we are wounded because there is a lot of fear that comes up and we don't know how to hold that fear compassionately. We don't know how to be with our fear or the fear of others.
We know that we are wounded because things happen that make us very angry at ourselves or at others. We feel overwhelmed by feelings of grief, jealousy, unworthiness.