Zion Willingham
Love Alive Comfort Food Cookbook
Copyright 2021 by Zion Willingham
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Love Alive
The Love Alive series focuses on eating our best. Food should upbuild our mind, body, and soul. I pray that youare blessed as you read this book.
Comfort Food
Comfort food is defined as food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically any with a high sugar or other carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking. This means that the entire premise behind comfort food is psychological. A different way of defining comfort food is a potential coping mechanism.
It is no wonder that this mechanism often acts more like a Judas, than a friend. For example, you have a hard day at work, so you drive through your local fast food window. The instant guilt hits you but you ignore it. You have too much dessert. You hear the still small voice. You ignore it. This is all in the name of comfort.
Eventually, this kind of eating will refuse to be ignored. I dont know about you but this scenario is not comforting. Its the work of evil spirits and the flesh.
How do I know? I know because I have battled the bulge. I have gone up and down the emotional yo-yo of losing weight and gaining it back. I know how strong this particular network of spirits can be, especially when they are operating unnoticed. In addition, I know how a lack of understanding concerning weight loss can lead you to harmful measures, like diet pills, to attempt to create an artificial balance with food. Why? Because these are things that I have done. They didnt work. Its not just because I didnt take the right pill, or do the right diet. I was postured to fail. Why? I had the habit of looking for comfort in an enemy, who I thought was a friend. When I was happy, I consulted this friend. When I was sad or worried, I found comfort in this friend. When my comfort food caused me discomfort, I sought a bad balance. The result was years of up and down weight loss.
If this is you, know that you are not alone. The World Health Organization reports that 650 million adults were obese. In 2016, 39% of adults aged 18 years and over (39% of men and 40% of women) were overweight. Overall, about 13% of the worlds adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese in 2016. The w.? tripled between 1975 and 2016. (WHO.int) These statistics make it clear that there is something else at work other than greed. I believe this is the result of an extensive network of spirits who operate in stealth to keep souls bound in the terrible cycle of weight loss.
I challenge us all to reconsider how truly comforting our favorite comfort food is to our bodies. I challenge us to determine to change our definition of comfort food, from food that serves as a coping mechanism, to food that our entire body enjoys.
The way to meet this challenge is deliverance. This is renunciation, repentance prayers, and healing.
We will explore this deliverance. I have also shared some recipes. Finally, we are going to discuss the intended way to conduct meals, that situates us in the drivers seat.
I hope you will join me in this final book of the natural health series. Lets consult the real comforter, the Holy Spirit, about our diets. Love is alive when God is in control.
The Spiritual Side of Eating
Taken from Natural Health and Divine Healing
I can fast and pray. I would lose weight and even the desire for bad foods. This is great right? Not if the results are temporary. The results stand a huge chance of being temporary if I dont realize that the battle of the bulge is a spiritual war against a very powerful group of spirits, who usually team up with your flesh and familiar spirits to hit below the belt. We dont see it as spiritual warfare because Satan has deceived us into thinking that all battlefields and weapons look the same.
So back to our example, you go on a diet and the gluttony goes, maybe other evil spirits related to overeating and weight loss go as well. So what happens between the loss of the cravings and the weight coming back? The next set of events is best described by Jesus
Matthew 12:43-45
When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.
Then it says, I will return to the house I left. On its return, it finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there; and the final plight of that man is worse than the first. So will it be with this wicked generation.
A Woman of God once told me that there are no baby germs, I will extend that to say that there are no baby demons. Some spirits may be weaker than others in an area, but a strongman of gluttony is just as vicious as a strongman of anger.
In other words, demons are demons. You are not hungry, you are under assault and it is best to raise up and fight back against the forces that want to destroy you.
So to recap, my suggestions for the battle of the bulge are fasting, abstaining, prayer, and spiritual warfare. It is not unheard of for God to impart a special weight-loss plan. Generally, if he does, it will be a lifestyle change.
The Flesh
I mentioned in my book, Mad As Hell, that the flesh is easily the biggest demon you must contend against. It is the unrepentant enemy in your camp. It is the first and last frienemy that every human will face. I would even venture to say that the flesh is more wicked than familiar spirits. The reason is that we are born with the old sin nature (flesh). The flesh, like demons, acts as a parasite. You may think it is dead, or at least under control, only to have it raise up at the slightest provocation.
Satan and his camp are expert provocateurs. They will push and pull to see a display of your flesh. Therefore, it stands to reason that we must all tame the flesh.
The History of the Fleshly Nature
The Fleshly Nature is the fallen character of man. Man did not inherit the fleshly nature as a result of being born human. Man inherited the fleshly nature as a result of sin and iniquity. This is important to understand because, in the beginning, it was not so. (Matthew 19:8) We were never created to be led around by anything that is fallen. Man in his correct state was given dominion over all things. This dominion was not retracted. Jesus recovered our full authority under heaven and on the earth. (Matthew 28:18)
The fruits of the Holy Spirit are the initial mental state that we were all created to walk in. Iniquity was found in us and we lost our first estate. The indwelling of the Holy Ghost should restore our true nature, but there is indeed a battle.