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Praise for the Writing Revolution
The writing strategies discussed in this book are life-changing for students who are exposed to them. A must-read for educational leaders, teachers, and parents... giving students the power of the pen to write their way to a successful future.
Deirdre A. DeAngelis-D'Alessio,
principal, New Dorp High School
This program has the power to illuminate and make big ideas and big content move into the minds of our young people. Hear my plea... do not dismiss the work of The Writing Revolution. It represents the highest art of teaching.
David Coleman, president and chief executive officer,
The College Board
The Writing Revolution, true to its name, is a truly revolutionary resource for educators. This revolution is an awakening of consciousness firmly based in research, strong and easy-to-implement practices, and most importantly, refreshingly rational thought about writing instruction in particular, and literacy in general.
David Abel, chief academic officer, ELA, of UnboundEd
Every once in a while, you find an outstanding method that is clear, makes sense, and is embraced by teachers and students alike, and what's most important, works! This is how I would describe The Writing Revolution. I have observed it in action, and I have been encouraging teachers to learn about it and use it. Students who are engaged in this find that not only their writing skills but also their thinking and reading skills improve as well.
Sally E. Shaywitz, author of Overcoming Dyslexia (Knopf);
Yale University School of Medicine, The Audrey G. Ratner Professor in Learning Development; co-director, Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
As someone who has dedicated his life to writing and reading, I enthusiastically endorse the method so lucidly presented in The Writing Revolution. This book will give our nation's students a solid writing foundation because it shows teachers how to teach, not just assign, writing.
Peter Travers, Rolling Stone, senior writer and film critic
The Writing Revolution offers teachers across the content areas ground-breaking guidance on how to develop all students into clear, coherent young writers.
Jessica Matthews-Meth, former director of secondary literacy for DC Public Schools,
instructional coach in the District of Columbia
As an author, I am deeply concerned about the vast number of students who cannot express themselves with clarity in their writing. The Writing Revolution is grounded in research, has been proven effective by decades of classroom application, and is impeccable in its logistics.
Mary Higgins Clark, best-selling author
The Writing Revolution offers a clear, practical, research-based methodology for instruction. From teacher to administrator, all educators will benefit from this book. The authors demystify the teaching of writing so that we may better fill the world with strong writers.
Esther Klein Friedman, executive director,
Literacy and Academic Intervention Services,
New York City Department of Education
The practices and approach laid out within these covers work. We had the good fortune to discover Dr. Hochman's approach in 1988 through our son, who was her student at Windward. Since then, we've taught writing using the Hochman Method to elementary school reluctant writers in Harlem, adolescents studying the trades in Vermont, community college students struggling to put words to paper, and to hundreds of teachers baffled by how to improve their students' writing. We celebrate the arrival of this lucid guide to making every student an articulate, confident writer.
David and Meredith Liben,
Student Achievement Partners and ReadingDoneRight.org
The Writing Revolution provides concrete, evidence-based strategies for building writing fluency. It's a godsend for classroom teachers who are intent on giving their students the tools to communicate in a rich and engaging way.
Barbara Davidson, executive director,
Knowledge Matters Campaign
The Writing Revolution provides an excellent framework for teaching writing to all students. Elementary, middle, high school, and college educators can improve their instruction by applying strategies set forth in this book. This book clearly demonstrates how to use spoken language to support writing, in turn, supporting critical thinking by students across all content areas. It's a great tool for supporting college and career readiness standards outlined in the Common Core State Standards, a timely and important need for all educators.
Anthony D. Koutsoftas, associate professor,
Department of Speech Language Pathology,
School of Health and Medical Sciences,
Seton Hall University
Copyright 2017 by The Writing Revolution. All rights reserved.
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