William J. Slattery
How Catholic Priests Helped to Buildand Can
Help RebuildWestern Civilization
Cover art: Alejandro Ferrant y Fischermans, Cisneros, Fundador del Hospital de la
Caridad de Illescas , 1892. Oil on canvas. Fundacion Hospital Ntra. Sra. de la Caridad
Memoria Benfica de Vega.
Cardinal Francisco Ximnez de Cisneros (14361517), the priest who reluctantly became statesman, regent of the Spanish empire, and leading protagonist in bringing his nation into its Golden Age, founding among other institutions the Complutense University of Madrid, and defending the Native Americans. The painting by Alejandro Ferrant shows him directing the construction of the hospital La Virgen de la Caridad at Illescas, near Toledo.
Back cover photo: The author, Father William Slattery, at the
Great Saint Bernard Pass in the Swiss Alps (8,100 ft).
Cover design by Davin Carlson
2017 by Ignatius Press, San Francisco
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-1-62164-014-1 (PB)
ISBN 978-1-68149-788-4 (EB)
Library of Congress Control Number 2014911482
Printed in the United States of America
![Cecilia Lawrence Our Lady Queen of Chivalry To the woman clothed with the - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/286873/images/00001.jpg)
Cecilia Lawrence, Our Lady, Queen of Chivalry .
To the
clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet,
and on her head a crown of twelve stars (Rev 12:1) .
To my father and mother,
Thomas and Margaret,
with deep gratitude for their self-sacrificing love
and for giving me lifes greatest treasure: the Catholic Faith .
To Paul and Hlne,
[M]ay you see your children, and your childrens children, unto the third
and fourth generation: and may your seed be blessed by the God of Israel,
who reigneth for ever and ever (Tob 9:11; Douay-Rheims) .
Historians Have Spoken: The Verdict
Priests: Channels of Lifeblood
Milestones of the Catholic Struggle to Build a New Civilization, circa A.D. 2001300
Part 2: Laying the Foundations of a New Civilization,
circa A.D. 3001000
Night Falls over Rome
Rescuing from a Burning City
Saga of Centuries: The Conversion of Europe
Shouldering Society: Bishops from the Fifth to the Seventh Centuries
Birth of a Remarkable Institution: The Parish
The Hairs Breadth
Ambrose: Defender of the City
Augustine: Converter of Culture
Man of His Century and of Every Century
Intellect and Heart Forged by Priesthood
Blueprints for a New Culture
Blueprints for a New Sociopolitical Order
Standing Upright to the End
Leo the Great: Rome at the Center
Gregory the Great and the Thrust toward the Barbarians
Benedict and the Shaping of the Western Mind
Columbanus and the Irish Monks
D-Days: Disembarking of Columbanus in France and of Columba in Scotland
Who Are These Men?
The Silent Revolution
Plight of Church and Society at the Arrival of Columbanus
The Engine of Renewal: The Irish Method of Confession
Mission Accomplished
Boniface: Seed Sower of Civilization in Germany
The New Alliance: Papacy-Monasticism-Frankish Monarchy
Charlemagne: Rough-Hewnfrom Gnarled Germanic Wood
The Ideal behind Charlemagnes Empire
The Reality
The Idealists around Charlemagne
An International Group
The Man Whom Charlemagne Called My Mentor
Educator of an Empires Educators
Restorer of the Tools of Intellectual Culture
Thrust toward Universal Education
After Alcuin and Charlemagne (8141000)
Relations between Church, State, and Society
The Flame Kept Burning: Renaissance of Culture, Naissance of Christendom
Part 3: Distinctive Features of Western Civilization
That Budded in the Dark Ages
The Ancient Rite
The Embodiment of Catholicism
From Sacrifice to Sacrificial Love
Embedded Deep in the Existence of Catholics
Vigil of Arms
Baptizing Men with Claws
Training Warriors to Wield and Sheathe the Sword
The Silhouette of the Christian Warrior Appears
The Knights Vision of Christ
Idealist of Chivalry: Bernard of Clairvaux
The Man behind the Statutes of the Templars
Background to the Templars: The Crusades
Foundation, Development, and Influence of the Templars
Chivalrys Finished Product: A King, a Hero, a ManLouis IX
Ever Relevant: The Living Symbol of Force Subjected to the Spirit
A Millennium-Long Struggle on Behalf of Women
Birth of Chivalric Romantic Love
Clash: The Chivalric Romantic Ideal versus Troubadourism and Courtly Love
Triumph: A Sublime and Enduring Romanticism
Total Art on the Grandest Scale: Gothic Architecture
The Man behind Gothic: Abbot Suger
Before and After Gothic and Always
Music That Rose into the Night: Gregorian Chant
The Catholic Ideal behind Western Economic Progress
First Incubators of Free Enterprise Principles
Worldly Ascetics: The Priests Who Pioneered Modern Economics
Medieval and Renaissance Economic Thinkers
Sketches of Personalities
Men Alive with New Ideas
Installing the Engine of Free Market Economics
Exile to Intellectual Siberia and Return
In Order to Build the Future: Remember!
Migrations and Invasions of the Roman Empire, A.D. 100500
Europe Becomes Christian, 4001450
Renaissance Powerhouses of Western Europe: Celtic Monasteries
Travels and Influence of a Father of Europe: Columbanus, 575615
Celtic Torchbearers of European Renaissance, SixthNinth Centuries
The First Europe: Charlemagnes Empire, circa 800
Plan of a Medieval Monastery
One hot, muggy August afternoon, the inspiration to write Heroism and Genius struck me as I worked in the seventeenth-century rare books room of the library at the Casa Santa Maria, the graduate house of the Pontifical North American College, in Romes historic center.
Thanks to Bishop Nicola de Angelis of the Diocese of Peterborough, I had come back to Rome, most unexpectedly, studying firstly for a licentiate in theology at the Lateran University, and then for a Ph.D. in philosophy at the Gregorian. As those years went by, the mind was quickened and the spirit renewed amid the ancient churches, catacombs, and cobblestoned streets of the Eternal City, where linger not only memories but mystic presence of so many saints and martyrs. How naturally a work like Heroism and Genius can be conceived in that setting where so many men and women creatively and heroically poured out their lifeblood for the most sublime and necessary of idealsthe honor of God through pursuit of the eternal salvation of souls! To stand in spirit among these great Christians is to penetrate not only the past but the present; they provoke you to question the status quo in society, in Church, and, most urgently, in oneself; to leave their presence is to go forth with the soul invigorated unto emulation. Moreover, the closer one gets to these heroes and creators, the better one is able to see, through them, and towering above them, the person of historys one flawless hero and one divine genius. In the most heroic and creative heart that has ever existed, that of the God-Man, one recognizes the source of the ingenuity and courage that, century after century, empowers the Church to have her phoenix hour. Ones conviction that he is the One who matters deepens; and that even a glimpse of him is enough to make life sublimely beautiful while we journey in hope through often dark valleys toward the light of our eternal homeland.
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