World Top Secret:
Our Earth IS Hollow!
The Scientific, Scriptural and Historical Evidence
that Our Earth Is Hollow!
Rodney M. Cluff
Copyright 2013
December 27, 2018 Edition
Rodney M. Cluff
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 4078430
ISBN-10: 1481136852
ISBN-13: 978-1481136853
To those who love truth that is stranger than fiction.
World Top Secret:
Our Earth IS Hollow!
from the author
about the author
CHAPTER ONE The World's Top Secret!: The Greatest Geographical Discovery In History!
CHAPTER TWO Our Earth IS Hollow! -- The Scientific Evidence
CHAPTER THREE The Garden of Eden -- FOUND!
CHAPTER FOUR The Land of The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel -- FOUND!
CHAPTER SIX The Origin of Flying Saucers -- FOUND!
CHAPTER SEVEN "And They Shall Hunt Them... Out of the Holes of the Rocks"
CHAPTER EIGHT The Celestial Destiny of Our Hollow Earth
CHAPTER NINE The Auroras Prove Our Earth Is Hollow!
CHAPTER TEN The Earth's Van Allen Radiation Belts Prove Our Earth Is Hollow!
CHAPTER ELEVEN Earthquakes Prove Our Earth Is Hollow!
CHAPTER TWELVE Our Hollow Earth and the Plate Tectonic System
CHAPTER THIRTEEN The Throne of King David -- FOUND!
CHAPTER FIFTEEN A Proposal for an Expedition to Our Hollow Earth
Evidence from Voyager Indicates Uranus is Hollow!
Is the Asteroid Eugenia Hollow?
Phobos, Moon of Mars Is Hollow!
Location and Size of the Polar Openings
Did The Lost Soviet Flyers Fly Into Our Hollow Earth?
German Submarine U-209 Made It To Our Hollow Earth!
Biography of Ret. Colonel Billie Faye Woodard
The Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole by Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Molten Rock Seas, Semisolid Continents Reported
Above Earth's Core
Pulsars Beacons of Deep Space
NOAA Polar Orbiting No-Fly Zone Over Antarctica
Airline Pilot Story and NORAD Photo
Cassini Spacecraft Shows Saturns North Polar Opening Has a Hexagonal Shape
NASA movie short showing Earth's South Polar Opening
Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition
Multi-Colored Snow Falls Over Three Siberian Regions
Atmosphere of Saturns Moon Enceladus Is Caused by
Venting from South Pole
The Surface of the Sun is Solid Indicating that the Sun is a Hollow Crystal Ball
Hot Spot Detected at Saturn's South Pole
The Holy Scriptures Indicate the Lost Tribes of Israel are INSIDE our Earth
Hot Spots at The Poles of Jupiter Indicate that Jupiter is
Hollow with an Inner Sun and Polar Openings
The New Jerusalem -- Found, in the Sun!
Ozone Holes at the Poles are Evidence for Polar Openings
Did the Lost Greenland Viking Colony Migrate to Our Hollow Earth?
An Ancient Mercator Map Depicts the Lost Garden of Eden at the North Pole
Interesting Hollow Earth Emails
Charles A. Lindbergh, discovered the North Polar Opening in about 1931
Gravity is an Ether Flow
The Gyroscopic Particle -- The Force of Magnetism
How Atomic Nuclei Cause the Ether Flow We Call Gravity
The Unified Field Theory
The Formulas of Gravity
Calculating the Gravitation Constant
Calculating the Mass of the Earth
The Geosynchronous Orbit Formula
Surface Gravities of the Planets
Centrifugal Force Equals the Gravitation Force Acting On an Orbiting Body
Squaring Kepler's Third Law Velocities Gives the Relative Masses of the Planets
Equal Gravisphere Distances Are Calculated from Relative Orbital Velocities
Calculating the Gravity Force on Earth's Tides
A More Correct Gravitation Force Formula
Shell Densities of the Planets & Their Moons
The Solar System
The Density of Earth's Shell
The Densities of the Planets
Equal Gravisphere Distances
Deep-In-The Earth Experiments Question Newton Gravity Theory
The Gravity of Inner Earth
Can Gravity Alone Keep the Inner Sun Centrally Positioned?
The Discovery of Flying Saucer Technology
and Gravity Control
Control of the Gravitational Ether Flow
A Powerful Electrogravitic Source: The Searl Effect Generator
Constructing A Flying Saucer Space Craft
The Virtual City of Light
Gravity Bibliography
Gyro Drop Experiment Performed by Kenneth Gerber,
M.D. and Richard F. Merritt Analysis by Edward Delvers
from the author
As a young man, I had two favorite subjects, science and religion. In my study, it became my conviction that ultimately science and religion will become one and the same, science being the study of God's creation; and religion consisting of the revelations of God to mankind. Both are ultimately manifestations of the truth of all things given to man by God in His infinite kindness and love to bring about the happiness of His children.
It is from the Book of Mormon, a text of scripture written by ancient American prophets of God that I gained the desire to obtain the object of both true religion and true science: the search for the truth of all things . The ancient American prophet of the Book of Mormon concluded this book of scripture with a perfect scientific test anyone can perform on that book to know it is of God. Moroni wrote 421 A.D.:
"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
It is by application of this scientific test to that book of ancient American scripture that I came to a knowledge that it is of God, because God did answer my prayer and let me know by the power of the Holy Ghost of its truthfulness. Millions of Latter-day Saints have performed this same test and received the same answer of the divinity of that book. Therefore, it could be said that Mormonism is a scientific religion.
The acquisition of this one precious truth has given me the impulse to discover the ultimate: the truth of all things. And my search has not been in vain. In fact, my search is a much more efficient one because my hits in the dark are much more infrequent when I have the power of the Holy Ghost to lighten the way to the next truth.
Thus my search has been an exciting one and I hope some of the things I have uncovered concerning this earth of ours will be as exciting to you as it has been to me.
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