Copyright Become A Living God.
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First Edition: 2017
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Author: Timothy Donaghue
Publisher: Become A Living God
No graver evil exists than adversarial apostasy in the purview of The Tribe. So much so that they personified the essence of this evil into an archetype known as The Devil. (page 35)
Let it be known: religion does not need to exist in order for humans to fall in love with truth, goodness, and beautya person need only bathe in the rainbow light of the worlds grandest marvels while freed from under the ominous shadow of a fictional god. (p.39)
As if forged out of the purest gold the earths crust could muster, this cosmic maximlove lifebecomes the most precious legal tender of the species. In the form of a mutual, consensual social contract: love one another. (p.40)
If humans conceived god and then believed that god created them in reverse, what does that say about humans? Does not a parent who believes their own child gave birth to them rank below an animal? Even a worm knows its own eggs. (p.55)
Thus, god refers to a frozen being, a fixed being, a static being, an ossified being, a fossilized being, a dead being. The English lexicon possesses a word for this: corpse. (p.57)
It is nothing short of remarkable that humanity still cannot stare reality straight in its cosmic eyes and affirm: you owe us nothing, and we owe you thing. (p.59)
For the death of god denotes the death of idealism in mankind. The most toxic intellectual venom caused mankind to fall into a coma over ten thousand years ago. Who can possibly prognosticate what illness and madness will ensue when he finally opens his eyes and sees reality for the first time, moreover, when it dawns on him how much evil he committed in his stupor? His ocean of tears would drown the earth. (p.61)
For so long humans have glorified their own existence. They have claimed to be the privileged sons and daughters of perfect godsa political rank above royalty!and yet in this vain ivory tower they have not once considered the possibility that they rank on par with fecal matter on the weighted scale of the universe. (p.65)
Perhaps the secret to life lies in an alternate viewpoint altogether. Rather than injecting anesthesia to numb away the storm chase after the storm. Descend into the brimstone mine of hell and summon its devils to conspire on earth! (p.69)
When a person jumps into the air, they inevitably hit the ground. When a species militantly breeds absolutist ideology into itself for over ten thousand years, they inevitably suffer an apocalypse of the psyche, an Armageddon of the intellect, a nuclear winter of the soul. (p.76)
Virtually all major earthly ideologies have entered the nihilistic stage, and they all converge to form an inescapable psychic black hole right now. The only shelter lies in the abyss of ones own head. Every single human being from now into the future will experience fallout in the abyss. (p.79)
Anyone who enjoys the freedom of their own personal moral valuation cannot be anything other than a joyful pessimist in a world full of nihilists! (p.81) ![The Devil Suicide Apocalypse The Abyss - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/star.jpg)
![The Devil Suicide Apocalypse The Abyss - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/5_img01.jpg)
He lives through photographs of paintings. His ocean of tears could drown the earth. He classifies as an endangered species, so you need to fight for him.
![The Devil Suicide Apocalypse The Abyss - image 3](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/5_img02.jpg)
I DEDICATE this dissertation to the only man in history who ever thought like me, Friedrich Nietzsche. His ideas permeate this treatise so thoroughly, you can almost smell his cologne on the pages. ![Picture 4](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/star.jpg)
B ROTHER Friedrich insisted that a philosopher is nothing more than a confessor. He means the psychology of an intellectual underlies and justifies their worldviewthat a man or womans psychology and philosophy cannot be separated.
I chiseled these essays as I entered into the most pessimistic and jaded mood of my life thus far. Did the ideas cause the mood or did the mood cause the ideas?
Honestly, the creation of this hurt very badly. I would often close my laptop consumed by a dreadful nausea, which haunted me the rest of the day. I ideated suicide incessantly and became distant and apathetic to all the loving women in my life, whom felt worried sickone even reported me to an authority as a danger to myself.
Nietzsche casually referenced the abyss in his own prose. It denotes an intellectual position of nonentity or non-ideology, an acceptance of unreality and amoralityto unveil false appearance. In simplest terms, it entails abandonment of faith in absolutist ideals like god, soul, morality, truth, beauty, and eternity.
In the abyss, psychic disillusionment and pessimism ensue. Nevertheless, as gloomy and unpleasant as this sounds, Nietzsche did not espouse traditional pessimism per se. To the contrary, he entreated fellow travelers to love life with his maxim amor fati, that is, love of fate.
The existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre soberly defined man as condemned to exist, as if humanity had been created then abandoned, left behind to live alone without the courtesy of an explanation as to why. To rationalize such a bizarre mystery, primitive humans invented vain idealsreligionto glorify themselves, i.e., absurd mythical tales that not only excuse human ignorance but deify it rapaciously!
In order to really love life, a person needs to live in reality. To live in reality, a person needs to expunge idealism. As said earlier, philosophy is nothing but psychology, alas this aphoristic dissertation is nothing but the tear-drenched diary of a solitary wanderer, the diary of a lost soul, of a freak in the abyss, of the devil? ![Picture 5](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/star.jpg)
![Picture 6](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/star1.jpg)
![Picture 7](/uploads/posts/book/318983/images/star.jpg)
The Devil
1. The Riddle of the Riddle.
An arrogant monk sat encircled by a gaggle of tourists whom traveled from far off lands to uncover the secrets of the universe. The sly ascetic curled his lips into a Cheshire grin as the fools lined his basket with sweet fruits and piled silver coins high into his pot. When suddenly, a homeless boy in rags who slept in the alley politely interrupted the mystical street theater.
He implored: may I please have a scrap to eat, oh venerable sage? My dry tongue has never savored fresh juice before.
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