One of the things I wish we knew about Iris was how She felt about Her role. I imagine that She was given the role and not really given a choice, but with so much we know about other Greek godds and their internal conflicts, its a shame Iris doesnt have the same details (at least that I could find).
I can imagine always being the messenger and the errand-runner may have been tiresome at first. Not only do you see what the godds ask and ask for again and again, but you also would be the one carrying the message and likely getting the anger or ire of the recipient. Its like Iris is the face of the company, but not the one who makes the decisions. I bring this up because if Iris teaches us of service to the godds, I dont feel its blind service, even if we dont see Her get upset or annoyed by Her role. She is not human. You are.
If theres anything I have learned time and time again in my priestessing and witchcraft work, its that I also have to serve myself. I need to set aside time for nourishing practices and my own interests. When I dont, I become angry and resentful of the things I agree to do, even if I really want to do them. Service to yourself is necessary for sustainability in any relationship. You need to be able to take care of your own needs first, which will then allow you to decide if you want to take on more tasks from others.
I do not believe in wringing myself out to serve the godds. I believe they want me to be happy. I believe they want me to delight in my own life too. A tired and burnout priestess is not a very effective servant, after all.
Practice: Balancing Service
To make sure you honor yourself in the way you serve the godds and yourself, and especially with Iris in mind, balance is vital. To be clear, I dont feel balance is a static practice. It is a practice of continuously adjusting to see what works in a particular moment or movement. When you are called to serve in some capacity, I offer the practice of discernment.
- Is this something I want to do?
- Is this something I have time to do?
- Is this something I have resources to do?
Because these questions take time to consider, I would highly recommend you take at least 24 hours to think on any request of your service. I know in this world of instant answers, it might seem strange to ask for time, but it will help you truly hear the answer thats right for you. You can even call on Iris to help you with your decision-making. You can ask if She can talk to the godds about your decision or if She has any advice for you.
Taking time will allow you to make the best decision for you and for the state you are in at the moment. Nothing requires your immediate attention. And if it does require your immediate attention, check in with yourself about how YOU feel about the service, not whether it will be good for another person. Make sure its good for you first.
No matter what you say and what you offer, make sure to balance it with time for yourself. I often will count how many hours I am teaching or priestessing and try to give myself that many hours of no-commitment free time. It doesnt always work out perfectly, but the more I balance the two, the more I enjoy both.
Chapter 3
Symbols & Offerings
Sweet One, Dear One
Goddess of Rainbow and the Connection Between
I call to you
I call to the colored arc of your travels
To the wondrous song of your wings
To the beauty of your service
And the sharpness of your messages
Iris, servant to the godds
Keeper of messages and mysteries
Holder of sacred pitchers
And sacred promises
Rainbow mystery
Quietly gliding from the heavens
To the underworld
I call on you for your wisdom
And I follow you to the places
Only you can go
May my heart be in service to others
May my heart be in service to myself
May the colors of my curiosity
Always lead me to perfect knowing
And well-thought-out action
Goddess of Rainbow
Messenger of the Godds
Connection and movement
Action and presentation
May I recognize you when you arrive
Dressed in a message that only i can recognize
And hear when I am ready to hear it
I will sing the song of your presence
And follow the arc of your journeys
To there and back again
To here and back again
Blessed Iris
Blessed one
Daughter of sea and cloud
Holy one
In your colors I know meaning
In your wings I am carried home
Hail Iris
Hail Rainbow
-- Irisanya Moon
While it is clear there were groups that worshipped Iris in ancient times, their practices did not get recorded the same way the practices of Aphrodite or other godds were. Iris is often depicted as having golden wings, carrying a kerykelon (a heralds rod) and an oinochoe (a water pitcher). The rod signified Her role as a herald, and the pitcher often contained nectar for others to drink. In some texts, She is said to have carried a caduceus (a winged staff). Some sources note that the liquid is something needed to talk to spirits. Other texts note that Delians offered cakes, made of wheat, honey and dried figs to Iris.
Common Correspondences
Colors: All
Element: Air
Plants: Iris
Stones: Rainbow quartz, Moonstone, Rainbow moonstone, Opal, Rainbow obsidian.
Incense: Iris, Violet, Lavender, Myrrh, Frankincense.
Symbols: Rainbows, Golden/white wings, Caduceus, Pitcher of water, Clouds, Sun/sunlight.
Offerings: Water, Wine, Honey, Wheat, Figs, Cakes or cookies, Irises, Feathers, Prisms.