If you havent yet discovered your place in the mission of God or are just looking for more clarity, this book is definitely for you.
DAVE FERGUSON, lead visionary, NewThing; author, Hero Maker
If you want to see big things happen in your life and work, Find Your Place is your go-to companion.
RANDY FRAZEE, pastor; author The Connecting Church 2.0
Find Your Place has challenged me to lean into who God has called me to love and how I can leverage my unique wiring to put love into action.
TONY MORGAN, founder and lead strategist, The Unstuck Group
People serious about following Jesus and finding their place in Jesus mission to restore all things need to read this book.
ALAN HIRSCH, founder, 100 Movements, Forge, and 5Q collective; author
Rob and Brian help you discover where you are now, discover where you need to be, and provide ways to discover the path to get there.
NEIL COLE, apostolic catalyst of organic church movements; author, Organic Church
Invite Rob and Brian, through this book, to be your guides in discovering and embracing Gods calling on your life.
DANIEL IM, author, No Silver Bullets
If you struggle with knowing what you should do with your life, this book is for you.
DR. RICHARD L. PRATT JR., president, Third Millennium Ministries
The best people to write a book on personal calling are ones who have relentlessly optimized their own. Find Your Place provides a clear road-map for others to follow.
STEVE GLADEN, pastor of small groups, Saddleback Church
I highly recommend that every church purchase several copies of this book and take all of their leaders and potential leaders through it. It will make a difference!
CHRIS SURRATT, author, Small Groups for the Rest of Us
This is not theory, it is practice. This book is a must read for anyone who is serious about making disciples and developing leaders.
DAN SOUTHERLAND, author, Transitions
Brian and Rob have done some amazing work. Do yourself a favor and learn from their decades of ministry.
BEN REED, adult ministries pastor, MISSION Community Church
This book is a game changer. Read it and then give this practical, clear, and life-changing book to every Christian you know. They will rise up and call you blessed.
STEVE BROWN, founder, Key Life Network; author; seminary professor
Daily I talk with people about their calling. I will recommend Find Your Place to people who are looking to reach their full potential for the mission of Jesus.
JANET MCMAHON, community life pastor, Restore Community Church
Wow, where has this book been? It could radically change Christianity in America from attendance driven to fulfillment living for each individual made in the image of God.
EDDIE MOSLEY, adult groups minister, Brentwood Baptist Church
Find Your Place is exactly what every church member needs. Once you apply these truths, your life, your church, and your community will never be the same.
ALLEN WHITE, author, Exponential Groups: Unleashing Your Churchs Potential
Find Your Place has changed my life, my familys lives, and my business. Read it only if you are truly interested in being activated into His mission for your life.
ANDY TRAUB, president, Traub and Associates Consulting
Find Your Place
Copyright 2019 by Rob Wegner and Brian Phipps
ePub Edition February 2019: ISBN 978-0-3101-0013-3
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First of all, we dedicate this book to our kidsHannah, Sam, and Caleb on the Phipps team, and Maddie, Whit, and Belle on the Wegner team. It is our deep desire that you know that you were born on purpose, with a purpose, for a purpose. The world needs you to find your place. We believe in you. We are for you. Jesus has a one-of-a-kind masterpiece mission designed for you. We commit our lives to serving you so you can find your place.
Second, we dedicate this book to every follower of Jesus who has accepted the challenge to identify, develop, and optimize their personal calling. You are the heroes of this book. We believe you are the future of the church. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or dad, a city clerk, an architect, a medical doctor, a college freshman, a line worker, or a senator, your calling matters. The world also needs you to find your place. We believe in you. We are for you!
May the stories and insights in these pages help you find the way to