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NO BOOK STANDS alone. This one was aided by the friends who gave so generously of their time and the spiritual masters whose influence saturates every page. I am deeply grateful to Jeremy Hayward, Dan Hessey, Elizabeth Namgyal, Tim and Glenna Olmstead, and Irini Rockwell for their penetrating comments. Thank you to Sharon Adams, Marc Bekoff, Frank Berliner, Elizabeth Callahan, Cindy Shelton, Ari Goldfield, Jules Levinson, Will Johnson, Mark Mathews, and Kimberly Roberts. Thank you to Daia Gerson, who was always willing to drop her projects and answer my endless questions when I needed her the most.
Special thanks to Janine Kotre, teacher and heart-friend, whose presence and open heart was of inestimable benefit. I am grateful for the courage of Steven Rhodes and the kindness of Sidney Piburn at Snow Lion Publications. Thank you to my editor at Snow Lion, Michael Wakoff, whose precision and caring did much to polish this book. Very special thanks to Laurie Mathews, who spent countless hours giving detailed feedback and offered unflagging encouragement in the face of my doubt. This book would not have happened without her.
A deep thank you to the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, an extraordinary teacher whose wisdom and warmth has graced and shaped my life for nearly twenty years. His ability to transport the brilliance of the East into the culture and vocabulary of the West is benefiting countless beings.
The biggest influence in my life, and a presence felt in every page of this book, is my teacher Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He faced hardship and obstacles beyond comprehension and taught me how to transform darkness into light. The Western spiritual world, and my life, will never be the same because of his boundless love.
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