in the
Transforming the World
One Person at a Time
~Wave Three~
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Transformation Books
York, PA
Pebbles in the Pond:
Transforming the World
One Person at a Time
(Wave Three)
Christine Kloser
Copyright 2014 Christine Kloser
Published by Transformational Books atSmashwords
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoymentonly. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.If you would like to share this book with another person, pleasepurchase an additional copy for each recipient. If youre readingthis book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for youruse only, then please return to and purchase yourown copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of thisauthor.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photography, recording, or in anyinformation storage or retrieval system without written permissionfrom the author and publisher.
Cover design by Sarah Barrie
Layout and typesetting by Ranilo Cabo
Editor: Marlene Oulton,
Proofreader:Gwen Hoffnagle
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this bookwill be donated to the causes the publisher supports.
Also By Christine Kloser
Everyday Inspiration to Help You Remember What YourHeart Already Knows
Transforming the World One Person at a Time
(Wave One)
Transforming the World One Person at a Time
(Wave Two)
A Radical New Approach to Purpose, Passion andProfit
How to Put Soul in Your Business
and Money in Your Bank
Real Women Reveal Proven Strategies for Personal,Business, Financial and Spiritual Fulfillment
in the
Transforming the World
One Person at a Time
~Wave Three~
Help Me Be
Strong enough to be vulnerable.
Wise enough to realize how little I know.
Loving enough to embrace my enemy.
Tender enough to be powerful.
Smart enough to realize I cant do it alone.
Brilliant enough to shine the light of others.
Doubtful enough to know the power of faith.
Courageous enough to share my truth.
~Christine Kloser
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Table of Contents
byChristine Kloser
by LisaNichols
byAndrea Rockstein-Ahrens
by Candace Asher
by KaylanDaane
by Lynn Finley
by Lara Homans
by Linda Hyden
byNisha Jackson
by ZemirahJazwierska
by NuLuv Jones
by Tiffany Kane
by David Kloser
byCharlotte Lawrence
by SARK (aka Susan Ariel RainbowKennedy)
by Jacqueline Lawrence
by Char Leonard
by Dinah Lin, MBA
by Norie A. Marfil
bySabrina Martinez
by SharonMatthias
by Carin Rockind
by MelissaRowe, PCC, MSW
by Gail Saunders
by Shalini JoshiYamdagni
in theNext Wave of Pebbles in the Pond:
![Pebbles in the Pond-Wave Three - image 3](/uploads/posts/book/342963/tmp_adeb4be93dec95db70cd34cc1e5babe2_lk7asz_html_m44aae6c2.jpg)
A small body ofdetermined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their missioncan alter the course of history.
~ Gandhi
THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING THE WHISPER IN YOURHEART to pick up this book and crack open the cover. My guess is like the contributors to this book youve been on a powerful,transformational journey that sometimes joyously surprises you andother times throws you an unexpected curve ball that knocks you toyour knees.
Perhaps as you read this youre in the middleof the most challenging time of your life. Or maybe youve justcome through a difficult situation with a renewed sense of faithand hope. Perhaps you have a niggling sense that a growthopportunity is lurking around the corner waiting for you, but youjust dont know what it is yet.
No matter where you stand right now on yourpath, I trust that since youre here taking time to read thisbook you believe in the concept of a pebble in the pond andshare in the vision of a world that is transformed one person at atime.
While world transformation may seem like afar-fetched dream, the truth Ive come to know is that as wetransform as individuals, we do make a difference in the lives ofthose around us. And if youve ever thrown a stone in a still pond,you know that one single splash sends ripples outward in everydirection, creating more and more ripples. Its the same thing whenthat splash is the impact of your life and how you live it eachand every day the impact expands.
It doesnt matter if youre a leading-edgeentrepreneur, schoolteacher, mom, rocket scientist, doctor, writer,healer, manager, salesperson, nurse, volunteer, retiree, oranything else; your life and how you live it can be a force forgood in our world. Every person has the power to make a difference,including you, and thats exactly what this book is about.
At this time in history we are on theprecipice of experiencing the new world many people have beendreaming about a world filled with love, cooperation,contribution, service, community, and abundance for all. And thereare a growing number of people who are doing all they can to healthemselves, become a part of the solution (simply by being who theytruly and authentically are), and bring more light and love intothe world.
In the pages of this book youll meet suchvisionary leaders and world-changers. You might recognize some ofthe contributors as bestselling authors and leading entrepreneurs.Others arent as well known, yet their stories are testaments tothe power of one persons transformational journey to send ripplesof good into the world.
I personally feel so blessed to receive thegift of working closely with most of the contributors to this book.Weve gathered together over the course of eight months to birththis book in service to you. As you discover each contributorsstory, youll see why I consider it a blessing to call them myclients, soul travelers, and friends. Pebbles in the Pond - WaveThree is only possible because of the love and light they bring tothe world.
Some chapters will make you cry, while otherswill make you laugh. Some will touch your heart deeply, whileothers will inspire you to think differently. Some chapters will bedifficult to read as you hear of the challenges a few of theauthors have faced that nobody should ever have to live through.And others will offer you a heartfelt reassurance that if they cando it (whatever the it is), you can, too.
So as you proceed through this book, dontfeel the need to read the chapters in order. Chances are as youperuse the table of contents or randomly flip open the pages, youwill receive exactly the message that is meant for you in thatmoment.
Above all else, let the stories in this bookbathe you in love, compassion, understanding, and inspiration totransform your challenges and struggles (large or small) intobeautiful blessings for yourself and others.
You never know what miracle may happen as aresult of reading one of these stories. In fact, this book seriesin and of itself is evidence of the miraculous grace that appearedduring the most challenging time of my life. In the first wave ofPebbles in the Pond (published 2012), the title of my chapter wasThe Best Worst Time of My Life.
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