If I lived in Tampa Id join the Underground. Seriously. Its the most exciting and thoroughly missional church Ive encountered on my travels. The whole missional thing isnt a theory or a conversation or even a paradigm for those guys. Its a way of life!
MICHAEL FROST, author of The Shaping of Things to Come
What the church in the West needs more than any single thing are brave stories. Theories, methods, and old church metrics run amok, but stories blow through the paralysis of paradigms and give us practices for a new day and a new church. Whenever anyone asks me what Ive seen in America that is truly missional church, I always point them to the story in Tampa called the Underground. For years, Ive been trying to get Brian to share their story and am thrilled that they have tried, tested, and now are willing to extend their story into the national conversation.
HUGH HALTER, author, founder of Missio, and US director of Forge America
In Underground Church, Brian Sanders brings above ground valuable lessons learned from leading a church that is solely focused on mobilizing people to reach the lost and serve the poor. If you want to discover a new framework for church that doesnt focus on running programs but on equipping peoplethis book is a must-read!
DAVE FERGUSON, author of Hero Maker
The Underground is proof that being led by the Spirit has always looked and felt like creative, innovative experimentation throughout church history. As the Spirit weaves in and out of peoples gifting and calling, the result is a diverse, empowered church that becomes an underground city transforming network.
PEYTON JONES, author of Reaching the Unreached and Church Zero
This is not your everyday blustery, grandiloquent, church planter saga. Honestly, I have heard too many of those. The UNDERGROUND story is raw and honestthe real deal. Brian Sanders eloquently teaches the reader what it means to plant a church, to flail, flounder, and then to forge a beautiful new narrative of what it can mean become the church.
LINDA BERGQUIST, NAMB church planting catalyst, coauthor of Church Turned Inside Out and The Wholehearted Church Planter
Underground Church
Copyright 2018 by Brian D. Sanders
ePub Edition February 2018: ISBN 978-0-310-53808-0
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D espite some incremental changes in the Western church, our churches remain marked by a lack of missional imagination, creativity, and advancement. The predominant strategy of most churches continues to be the largely outdated European form of church that accompanied Christendom. In fact, many evangelical churches are stuck in some variation of the church of Christendom brought about by church growth theory and practice. The problem is that these forms of church have harvested all the fruit they could, and we now need to discover a methodology to reach higher up the tree to gather the fruit that has been left untouched. Because of this cultural captivity, we are very much in need of brave leaders to revolutionize the church and break free from our current thinking. Brian Sanders is one such leader, and the Underground Network is the kind of church that is required.
In only a decade, the Underground Network has become an ecclesial structure that reaches the lost and poor in Tampa Bay by planting what they call microchurchessmall, missional communities that all usher in Gods kingdom in a unique way. I have been able to visit the Underground on several occasions, and each time Ive been inspired by this community of redeemed peopleall missionaries, all sentworshiping God as those who have experienced salvation. The Underground represents the genuine, healthy, sustaining movements we need more of. It prefigures other churches, showing all we could do in our stewardship of Jesuss call.
Most of my work asks how the church can recover and activate the idea of the church-as-movement. In Forgotten Ways, I explore the six dynamics of movement and how to activate these in any expression of church. The Underground is one of the few expressions in North America that not only tries these six elements (called mDNA) but also thrives in doing so. And following the incarnational impulse, they have found a way to contextualize the elements and make them their own. It is time for this community to be shared with a wider audience and taken seriously as a viable paradigm for church.
Underground Church is an articulation of an ethos, philosophy, and approach that is a movemental form of the church. In the opening pages of the book, Brian catches us up on the history of the movement and allows us to interact with some of their groundwork ideas. Then, he takes us on a tour of the culture of the Underground and provides a glimpse into the life of their missionary family. Each page is enriched with concepts, illustrations, and reflections that ought to provoke questions and contemplation in our communities and churches. Finally, Brian brings us into the backroom of the organization and makes sense of the complex design and systems that govern the community. At the end of each of these divisions, he offers a story about how these principles play out in the day-to-day life of the Underground. Its a thrilling and powerful look at this incredible church.
We need new church models to help guide us into a new future. Without them we are doomed to repeat the same old ideas that cant quench our desire to see a renewed world through the power of Jesus. Something important is happening in the life and ministry of this remarkable movement, and we can all learn from it.
Take up and read!
Los Angeles, 2017
S pecial thanks to Todd Wilson, for all your encouragement and for making the introduction to this great team at Zondervan. To Ryan Pazdur, Nate Kroeze, Matt Estel, and everyone that worked on the book, thank you for treating each manuscript you work on like it is the only one. To my tireless assistants Alisa Rehn and Kathryn Eng, thank you for always seeing the good in the roughest of drafts. Lots of love to our media team, especially Jessie Rajski and Leann Theivagt for your contribution here and for always making what I do a little cooler. And of course, thank you to all the people of the UNDERGROUND, for living creative, brave lives, and making all of these ideas real.