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Charles R. Fox - Night Vision: Making Sense of Supernatural Dream Encounters

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Charles R. Fox Night Vision: Making Sense of Supernatural Dream Encounters
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While you sleep, the Holy Spirit is still speaking!

What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or was God speaking to you?

Many believers really want to understand their dreams but arent sure where to start. In Night Vision, Dr. Charles Fox lays a solid foundation by offering the biblical basis for dreams and then shares his own personal journey of actual dream encounters and their interpretations. Practical advice, common dream symbols, and prayers of activation into greater night encounters with the Lord remind the reader to stay grounded in the Word of God.

Night Vision will teach you how to:

  • Interpret your own dreams.
  • Recognize Gods instruction, warning, and encouragement in the night seasons.
  • Respond to what God is speaking to you.
  • Discern the counterfeit dreams.
  • Interpret others dreams.
  • There are heavenly encounters waiting for you when your head hits the pillow! Sharpen your night vision and begin communicating and fellowshipping with the Lord on a whole new level. Receive Dr. Foxs wisdom and an impartation for more revelatory encounters in your dreams!

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    E NDORSEMENTS I am sincerely grateful for the work that Charles Fox has put - photo 1


    I am sincerely grateful for the work that Charles Fox has put into his latest project, Night Vision. This is a much-needed element for the Body of Christ. Establishing a biblical foundation to understanding dreams and how God can use them is extremely important for our current culture that can easily be swayed by an enemy posing as a good thing, but not a God thing. Through Night Vision, Charles has constructed a phenomenal book with real life examples that helps any reader grasp a further understanding, knowledge, and wisdom concerning how God can speak to us through the night. This is a must-have book for anyone who desires to grow in their walk with the Lord!

    Ryan Johnson Ministries

    This is an excellent book on God-given dreams. It is easy to read yet profound. Dr. Foxs work deserves a place in seminary and Bible college courses for its balanced, biblical, practical, and clear focus. I have known Dr. Fox for almost three decades. During all those years he has shown himself to walk in integrity and consistent spiritual perception. His new book on dreams demands serious attention to those interested in the God who communicates.

    Author, How Jesus Defined Christianity: His Kingdom/Spirit Mission and Its 7 Foundational Mandates

    Night Vision is an anointed book with great biblical insight and solid teaching. If you desire to be empowered in understanding and interpreting your dream life and dream language, this message is for you. Revelation and discernment do not sleep! This teaching will give you a strong biblical foundation, spiritual depth, insight, accuracy, and maturity on how to know and advance in the messages the Lord is releasing in the night hours through night visions and dreams. I greatly appreciate this manuscript that Dr. Charles Fox has scribed. It is written from personal supernatural encounters and experiences that carry life, revelation, and wisdom from heaven. Thank you, Charles, for this anointed training, empowering, and activating message!

    Cofounder of Christian Harvest International
    Strategic Prayer Apostolic Network
    Author of Glory Warfare and Discerning the Spirit Realm

    My dear friend Dr. Charles Foxs new book Night Vision will not only help you understand your dreams, but will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord. I so appreciate the biblical scholarship and the amazing stories in this book, and so will you. Much of my ministry can be directed back to God directing my life through dreams, and I wish this book had been available to me 30 years ago. Beloved, commit yourself to prayer and the scriptures, read this book, and get ready for your personal dream journey with God.

    Founder of Dreamstreamco.com and 818thesign.org
    Author of The Dream King: How the Dream of Martin Luther King Jr. Is Being Fulfilled To Heal Racism in America

    Throughout Scripture, we see God speaking to His people through dreams and visions. The God we encounter in the Bible is still very much at work in our lives and world today, and He longs to communicate with us in that same way. Charles Foxs new book Night Vision will help you grow in your journey of dreaming with God and give you the tools to unpack and understand what Hes saying to you at night.

    Publishing Executive, Destiny Image

    Copyright 2022 Charles R Fox All rights reserved This book is protected by - photo 2

    Copyright 2022 Charles R. Fox

    All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked TPT are taken from The Passion Translation, Copyright 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc., www.thepassiontranslation.com. Used by permission of BroadStreet Publishing Group, LLC, Racine, Wisconsin, USA. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. All emphasis within Scripture quotations is the authors own. Please note that Destiny Images publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.

    P.O. Box 310, Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310
    Promoting Inspired Lives.

    This book and all other Destiny Image and Destiny Image Fiction books are available at Christian bookstores and distributors worldwide.

    For more information on foreign distributors, call 717-532-3040.
    Reach us on the Internet: www.destinyimage.com.

    ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-6220-3
    ISBN 13 eBook: 978-0-7684-6221-0

    For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.
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    I want to first give thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. None of this would be possible without Him giving me the strength. I dedicate this book to my loving wife April, our childrenGabby and Isaiahand the late John Paul Jackson. Even though we never officially met, you were my mentor and teacher from afar. I also want to thank the following people: my dad, Charles R. Fox, Sr. (thank you, Dad, for leading me to the Lord and being such a great man of faith); my mom, Vicky Fox (Mombo) Mccallister (thanks for your love and always believing in me); my friend, Jon Ruthven (I love you, Doc); and finally Randy Clark (thank you for writing the foreword to this book). It is truly an honor to co-labor with you in this new season!


    Charles Foxs new book, Night Vision: Making Sense of Supernatural Dream Encounters, is an informative study regarding spiritual dreams. Dr. Fox from Regent University in Renewal Studies provides biblical insights regarding dreams. Examples of dreams from both the Old Testament and New Testament are provided. He points out how the Bible provides discernment between dreams that are from God, from demonic sources, or from the human spirit resulting often from unresolved issues, conflicts, and concerns. He provides an entire chapter to deal with counterfeit or deceptive dreams. In this chapter he also deals with dark/discouraging dreams and how to handle them. Dr. Fox provides insight in how to interpret the many different symbols in our dreams.

    Dr. Fox presents twenty-one dreams that were significant in his life. He emphasizes the importance of the context of dreams, which he provides, the dream itself, and then the interpretation of the dream and the significance it had upon his life. This was a learning experience for me. His stories of how God led him in making decisions and kept him from making mistakes through his dreams were encouraging.

    It was an interesting read that was not overly academic but much more a personal self-disclosure of Dr. Foxs learning curve. Especially intriguing to me was how God used prophecy and dreams to lead him to his wife and to break up with his girlfriend before he met his wife. Dreams that helped him with his children, warning about problems in his church that would have happened if he hadnt been warned not to appoint someone to key leadership, about revival, about drugs, a warning about a famous pastor who was morally compromised and doctrinally unorthodox and to stay his distance from the pastor, dreams pointing to directions regarding spiritual warfare, positive dreams, dreams indicating the importance of obedience, a comforting dream for his most painful experience in life, dreams that let him know about a student who was in financial need, a dream that would give Dr. Fox more faith for defeating the demonic attacks upon his life, and a dream that would encourage him regarding the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

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