We have waited too long for exactly this book! Alexander Schmemann was, without question, the most profound liturgical theologian of the twentieth century. Yet, though his writings are eminently relevant to the church in general, up to this point they have been seriously engaged almost exclusively by fellow members of his Orthodox tradition and by members of one of the other higher liturgical traditions. Here, at last, we have a truly ecumenical engagement with Schmemanns thought. Top scholars from a variety of ecclesiastical traditions offer illuminating interpretations of Schmemanns texts, subject his thought to critique when that seems relevant, and then use his ideas in their own theological reflections on liturgy. Altogether, a superb contribution to the cause of liturgical theology.
Nicholas Wolterstorff , Yale University
In this collection, Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Reformed, and Evangelical essayists consider the life, work, and thought of Alexander Schmemann, whose contributions to sacramental theology, liturgical and pastoral reflection, and ecumenical engagement remain pertinent today. Readers familiar with Fr. Alexander will find here new interpretations by authors of different generations, while those not yet acquainted will come to understand the Orthodox theologians connections between theology, liturgy, life, Church, and world.
Karen B. Westerfield Tucker , Boston University
Porter Taylor assembles an expansive ecumenical group of authors, often from unexpected corners of Christianity, to connect, challenge, and extend Schmemanns work into encounters with new research and questions. What better way to honor such a foundational figure in the field of liturgical theology?
Lizette Larson-Miller , Huron University
For over fifty years, serious students of Christian worship have been stirred by the writings of the late Orthodox theologian Alexander Schmemann. This volume of equally outstanding essays not only pays tribute to his intellectual legacy, but also advances exciting new lines of inquiry for the next generation of ecumenical liturgical theologians who seek to follow in his footsteps.
Melanie C. Ross , Yale Divinity School
We Give Our Thanks Unto Thee, edited by Porter C. Taylor, brings together essays that honor Fr. Alexander Schmemann, both with its title, most apt for a eucharistic man, but also by means of its rich content. Roman Catholic, Reformed, Anglican, various evangelicals, and, of course, Orthodox join in offering perspectives by which we can better appreciate the light that continues to radiate to diverse places from this remarkable thinker and pastor, since his falling asleep in the Lord thirty-five years ago. The essays vary from a practical supplying of historical details for the purposes of contextualization, to an appreciative engagement with bracing points of disagreement, to a demonstration of how Fr. Alexanders sacramental understanding may become a means of transformation in surprising places. In all this, the joy and grand vision of Fr. Alexander emerges, encouraging readers to re-read his most well-known book, and to go beyond to those writings that are more demanding!
Edith M. Humphrey , Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
We Give Our Thanks Unto Thee
Essays in Memory of Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Edited by
Porter C. Taylor
Foreword by
Serge Schmemann
The contributors give this volume in loving and grateful memory of Father Alexander Schmemann, without whom much of our work would not be possible.
This book is also dedicated to those readers who are engaging with liturgical theology for the very first time. We hope that Fr. Alexander will be as powerful a guide for you as he has been for each of us.
Kimberly Belcher , Assistant Professor, Notre Dame, IN.
David W. Fagerberg , Professor, Notre Dame, IN.
Steve Guthrie , Professor, Belmont University, Nashville, TN.
Todd E. Johnson , William K. and Delores S. Brehm Associate Professor of Worship, Theology, and the Arts, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA.
Paul Meyendorff , Editor, St. Vladimirs Theological Quarterly , St. Vladimirs Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY.
William C. Mills , Rector, Nativity of the Holy Virgin Orthodox Church, Charlotte, NC.
Bruce T. Morrill , SJ, Edward A. Malloy Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Timothy P. OMalley , Director of Education; Academic Director, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy; Editor, Church Life Journal, Notre Dame, IN.
Don E. Saliers , Theologian-in-Residence, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, GA.
Eugene R. Schlesinger , Lecturer, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
Porter C. Taylor , PhD student, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Dwight W. Vogel , Professor emeritus , Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL.
John D. Witvliet , Director & Professor of Worship, Theology, and Congregational and Ministry Studies, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI.
Joyce Ann Zimmerman , CPPS, Director, Institute for Liturgical Ministry, Dayton, OH.
Presenters of the Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lectures
1984 Father Boris Bobrinskoy The Holy Spirit in the Thought of the Cappadocian Fathers
1985 Metropolitan George (Khodr) St. Basil the Great as Bishop and Pastor
1986 Sir Dimitri Obolensky The Cyrillo-Methodian Mission: Scriptural Foundations
1987 Professor Nicolas V. Lossky Traces of Orthodoxy in the West after the Schism
1988 Father Aidan Kavanaugh Confirmation: From Missa to Chrismation
1989 Father Sergei Hackel The Orthodox Church of Russia in the Millennium Year
1990 Metropolitan Theodosius (Lazor) Canonical Unity in America
1991 Professor Dimitry Pospielovsky Orthodox Christianity and the Crisis in Soviet Society
1992 Father Thomas Julian Talley Memory and Hope in the Eucharistic Prayer
1993 Father Thomas FitzGerald Togetherness in Christ: The Challenge of Conciliarity
1994 Professor Susan Ashbrook Harvey The Very Fragrance of Paradise: Sense Perception and Knowledge of God in the Church Fathers
1995 Protopresbyter Vitaly Borovoy Father Schmemanns Theology in Russia: A Contribution to the Renewal of the Russian Orthodox Church Today
1996 Professor John Wesley Cook Christian Faith in Contemporary Culture
1997 Father Alkiviadis Calivas Worship in the American Context: Issues of Liturgical Inculturation
1998 Professor Remus Rus The Holy Liturgy and the Divinization of Man and the Cosmos
1999 Father Sergei Glagolev Father Alexander Schmemann and the Liturgical Revival in the Orthodox Church
2000 Father Paul Schneirla Orthodoxy in North America: 19502000
2001 Professor Paul Valliere Russian Religious Thought and the Future of Orthodox Theology
2002 Archbishop Demetrios (Trakatellis) Masterpieces of Human Sensitivities: St. Basils Letters
2003 Professor Albert Raboteau Orthodox Christianity and American Culture: Conflict or Transformation?
2004 Professor Alexander Lingas Culture, History, and the Future of Orthodox Liturgical Music in America
2005 Father Leonid Kishkovsky Orthodoxy Today: Tradition of Traditionalism?
2006 Cardinal Avery Dulles (lecture read by Father Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ) The Imperative of Orthodoxy
2007 Father Paul Lazor Father Alexander Schmemann: A Personal Memoir