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These essays provide a very thorough mapping of sins ugly reality. Rarely do we meet such realism as we find here.
J. I. Packer, Board of Governors Professor of Theology, Regent College
In this fine little volume, Morgan and Peterson provide an excellent one-stop treatment of the doctrine of sin. As we have come to expect with all the volumes in this series, Fallen treats the doctrine of sin biblically, theologically, historically, and pastorally. This text should work very nicely for undergraduate or graduate students.
Bruce Ashford, Provost, Dean of Faculty, and Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Sin is seriousthats the thrust of this timely collection of essays and, more importantly, the teaching of the Scriptures. But in our postmodern society where there are no absolutes, and in an effort not to offend anyone concerning the issue of sin, we sometimes use other language: done wrong, erred, or made a mistake. Here is a bold book that encourages us not to be afraid to talk, preach, or teach concerning the Bibles understanding of sin and its effects both personally and societally. The Puritans were rightit is only when we have first grasped the depravity of the human heart that can we ever fully appreciate the greatness of the love of God in salvation.
Trevor J. Burke, Former Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute
Sin is the great spoiler. It spoils our relation to God, each other, ourselves, and our environment. This important volume shows not only that sin is the great spoiler but also how to understand sin biblically and to face the temptation that comes with it. Without this dark backdrop, the coming and cross of Christ make little sense. A team of excellent scholars has served the church so well in this work. I commend it highly.
Graham Cole, Dean, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Homiletical in arrangement, exegetical in essence, theological in content, and contemporary in expression, Fallen meets the need of the contemporary church to reflect on an often overlooked essential of the biblical story line and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Starting with a fresh note of application, the contributors skillfully and pastorally move through the topic, showing biblical foundations and offering fresh applications for the church today. Fallen helps believers rejoice in sins defeat through the cross of Christ, discern sins traces and impact on contemporary society, and warn us as believers, as Luther did, that we are at the same time just and sinner. A must-read for pastors, seminary students, and lay persons eager to learn more about the foundations of the faith.
John D. Massey, Associate Professor of Missions, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
The doctrine of sin has never been a popular teaching, but it is an irreducible essential for every generation to grasp, or else the gospel will be redefined or rejected. Counterfeit Christianity heralds a message about a god without wrath bringing people without sin into a kingdom without judgment. The removal of sin removes the very guts of what makes the gospel good news. The book you hold in your hands is the most far-reaching, well-rounded modern treatment of sin that I have ever read. I commend it highly.
Jason C. Meyer, Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis , Minnesota
Sin is the inconvenient truth, the bad news that we are tempted to hurry past in our rush to get to the good news of the gospel. The authors of Fallen do not rush past this hard subject; they examine it carefully, patiently, and thoroughly in all its biblical, historical, systematic, and practical implications. Exceptionally well unified for a multi-author work, Fallen may be the most complete resource on the doctrine of sin in this generation and will certainly serve well as a comprehensive introduction to this neglected topic.
Fred Sanders, Associate Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University
Praise for the Theology in Community Series
I do not know another series quite like this one. Each volume is grounded in both the Old and New Testaments and then goes on to wrestle with the way the chosen theme has been developed in history, shaped the lives of men and women, and fits in the scheme of confessionally strong Christian theology. The volumes are characterized by rigor and reverence, and, better yet, they remain accessible to all serious readers. If we are to pursue more than unintegrated biblical data, but what Paul calls the pattern of sound teaching, this is an excellent place to begin.
D. A. Carson, Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
This distinguished series brings together some of the best theological work in the evangelical church on the greatest themes of the Christian faith. Each volume stretches the mind and anchors the soul. A treasury of devout scholarship not to be missed!
Timothy George, Founding Dean, Beeson Divinity School; General Editor, Reformation Commentary on Scripture
This series offers students, pastors, church leaders, and educators alike a marvelous resource characterized by theological fidelity, biblical faithfulness, and pastoral insight. Confessional, evangelical, and historically informed, each volume engages the best of Christian thinking through the centuries while addressing the important issues of our own day. Chris Morgan and Robert Peterson are to be commended for designing these most helpful volumes, which will serve the church well for years to come.
David S. Dockery, President, Trinity International University
Robert Peterson and Chris Morgan have put together an elegant and edifying series of books. This series tackles some big and juicy topics on theology, ranging from kingdom to suffering to sin to glory. They have recruited some of the best theological thinkers in the world to explain what it means to have a faith seeking understanding in our contemporary age. The volumes are full of solid teaching in biblical, historical, systematic, and practical theologies and contain a wealth of immense learning. A valuable resource for any thinking Christian.
Michael F. Bird, Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College, Australia
Other Crossway books in the Theology in Community series, edited by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson:
The Kingdom of God (2012)
The Deity of Christ (2011)
The Glory of God (2010)
Suffering and the Goodness of God (2008)
Fallen: A Theology of Sin
Copyright 2013 by Christopher W. Morgan and Robert A. Peterson
Published by Crossway
1300 Crescent Street
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided for by USA copyright law. Crossway is a registered trademark in the United States of America.