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Mormonism For Dummies
by Jana Riess, PhD, and Christopher Kimball Bigelow
Mormonism For Dummies
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About the Authors
Jana Riess, PhD, is the Religion Book Review Editor for Publishers Weekly magazine and is also the author of The Spiritual Traveler: Boston and New England (HiddenSpring) and What Would Buffy Do?: The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide (Jossey-Bass). She holds degrees in religion from Wellesley College and Princeton Theological Seminary, and a PhD in American religious history from Columbia University. She is frequently interviewed by the media on trends in religion and publishing. A convert to the LDS Church, Riess has spoken at Brigham Young University Womens Conference and other Mormon gatherings, as well as professional conferences. She lives in Kentucky with her husband and daughter.
Christopher Kimball Bigelow is the great-great-great-grandson of a Mormon apostle who had more than 40 wives. He served an LDS mission in Melbourne, Australia, and worked as an editor at the LDS Churchs official Ensign magazine. A graduate of Emerson College and Brigham Young University, Bigelow cofounded and edited the Mormon literary magazine Irreantum and the satirical Mormon newspaper The Sugar Beet, and hes working on a memoir and a novel. A Hodgkins disease survivor and the oldest of ten siblings, he lives with his wife and four children in Provo, Utah. You can reach him at chrisbigelow@gmail.com .
From Jana: To Sister Wibiral and Sister Lundblade, two of the most caring missionaries to have ever served anywhere, with much gratitude.
From Chris: To the memory of my pioneer Mormon ancestors, who made choices and sacrifices that bless me every day of my life.
Authors Acknowledgments
We want to thank our mutual agent, Linda Roghaar, who introduced us to each other and encouraged us to collaborate on this project. We also want to thank Kathy Cox, our acquisitions editor, and Chrissy Guthrie, our project editor, who have overseen this book from concept to finished product. Historian Jan Shipps served as our technical review editor and provided important expert commentary on every chapter during the revision stage. We also need to thank those friends, family members, and colleagues who graciously and carefully took the time to comment on some or all of this manuscript: David Allred, Paris Anderson, Ann Bigelow, Mitzie Bigelow, Sylvia Cabus, Andrew Hall, Tona Hangen, Grant and Heather Hardy, Heidi and Tyler Jarvis, Sammie Justesen, Ken Kuykendall, Jonathan and Laurel Langford, Tania and John Lyon, Brian Maxwell, Henry and Carol Miles, Benson Parkinson, Robert Slaven, Phyllis Tickle, Darlene Young, and Margaret Young. Although this book isnt authorized or approved by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we appreciate the help of the Churchs Public Affairs Department in providing up-to-date information and statistics.
Jana thanks her family, especially her husband Phil, for love and unflagging support, and also her friends Ray, Roberta, and Angela Black for enduring friendship and incomparable hospitality.
Chris thanks his wife, Ann, for her feedback and support, as well as many friends and family members who offered encouragement.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Christina Guthrie
Acquisitions Editor: Kathy Cox
Copy Editor: Kristin DeMint
Editorial Program Assistant: Courtney Allen
Technical Editor: Jan Shipps, PhD