Being in Balance
Change Your ThoughtsChange Your Life
Co-creating at Its Best (with Esther Hicks)
Dont Die with Your Music Still in You (with Serena Dyer)
The Essential Wayne Dyer Collection
(comprising The Power of Intention,
Inspiration, and Excuses Begone! in a single volume)
Everyday Wisdom
Everyday Wisdom for Success
Excuses Begone!
Good-bye, Bumps! (childrens book with Saje Dyer)
Happiness Is the Way
I Am (childrens book with Kristina Tracy)
I Can See Clearly Now
Incredible You! (childrens book with Kristina Tracy)
The Invisible Force
Its Not What Youve Got!
(childrens book with Kristina Tracy)
Living the Wisdom of the Tao
Memories of Heaven
My Greatest Teacher (with Lynn Lauber)
No Excuses! (childrens book with Kristina Tracy)
The Power of Awakening
The Power of Intention
The Power of Intention gift edition
A Promise Is a Promise
The Shift
Staying on the Path
10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
Unstoppable Me! (childrens book with Kristina Tracy)
You Are What You Think
Your Ultimate Calling
Wishes Fulfilled
Advancing Your Spirit (with Marianne Williamson)
Applying the 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
The Caroline Myss & Wayne Dyer Seminar
Change Your ThoughtsChange Your Life (unabridged audio book)
Change Your Thoughts Meditation
Co-creating at Its Best (unabridged audio book)
Divine Love
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Unplugged
(interviews with Lisa Garr)
Everyday Wisdom (audio book)
Excuses Begone!
(available as an audio book and a lecture)
How to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want
I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation
(with James Twyman)
I Can See Clearly Now (unabridged audio book)
The Importance of Being Extraordinary
(with Eckhart Tolle)
Inspiration (abridged 4-CD set)
Inspirational Thoughts
Making the Shift (6-CD set)
Making Your Thoughts Work for You (with Byron Katie)
Meditations for Manifesting
101 Ways to Transform Your Life (audio book)
The Power of Intention (abridged 4-CD set)
A Promise Is a Promise (audio book)
Secrets of Manifesting
The Secrets of the Power of Intention (6-CD set)
10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
The Wayne Dyer Audio Collection/CD Collection
Wishes Fulfilled (unabridged audio book)
You Are What You Think
Change Your ThoughtsChange Your Life
Co-creating at Its Best (with Esther Hicks)
Excuses Begone!
Experiencing the Miraculous
I Can See Clearly Now
The Importance of Being Extraordinary
(with Eckhart Tolle)
Modern Wisdom from the Ancient World
My Greatest Teacher
(a film with bonus material featuring Wayne)
The Power of Intention
The Shift, the movie (available as a 1-DVD program, an expanded 2-DVD set, and an online streaming video)
10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
Theres a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Wishes Fulfilled
All of the above are available at your local bookstore, or may be ordered by visiting:
Hay House USA:
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Copyright 2003 by Wayne W. Dyer*
Published in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.: Published in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: Published in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India:
Cover design: Scott BreidenthalInterior design: Julie Davison Interior photos/illustrations:
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private useother than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviewswithout prior written permission of the publisher.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
*This manuscript is based on Wayne Dyers audio/CD program Meditations for Manifesting, 1998, originally published by Hay House.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data for the Original Edition
Dyer, Wayne W.
Getting in the gap : making conscious contact with God through meditation / Wayne W. Dyer.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-40190-131-X
Meditation. I.Title.
BL627 .D94 2003
Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-4019-6559-4
E-book ISBN: 978-1-4019-1940-5
For my daughter
Serena Joanna Dyer.
Your loving smiling spirit lights up every space you enter.
Through the rise and fall of empires, through the creation of vast bodies of symbols that give shape to our dreams; through the forging of magic keys with which to unlock the mysteries of creation... through it all we are marching from epoch to epoch towards the fullest realization of our soul.
Yes, we are coming, the pilgrims, one and allcoming to our true inheritance of the world, we are ever broadening our consciousness, ever seeking a higher and higher unity; ever approaching nearer to the one universal truth which is the Allcomprehensive all embracing.
The gap is an exquisite place! Its a place where miracles occur. The gap is owned by everyone on this planet. Its yours to enter at will. What awaits you in the gap is the experience of activating the higher human dimensions of insight, intuition, creativity, and peak performance; as well as coming to know relaxation, enchantment, bliss, and the peace of making conscious contact with God.
As you begin reading this short book and listening to the meditation download that accompanies it and begin the practice of going into the gap, keep uppermost in your mind that you can enter this glorious gap between your thoughts at any moment you choose. (Download .) The power of the gap is available to you in the midst of a business meeting, at the dinner table while engaged in a heated discussion, on the 18th tee of a long day on the golf course, or even while riding on a crowded bus.