The Astrologyof Indigos
EverydaySolutions to Spiritual Difficulties
Understandingthe Alignment of Outer Planets and Cluster Charts
Copyright MaryEnglish 2013
First publishedby Hensley Healing Publishing October 2013 Smashwords Edition
All rightsreserved. Except for brief quotations in articles or reviews, nopart of this book may be reproduced in any manner without priorwritten permission from the publisher and author.
The rights ofMary L English as author have been asserted in accordance with theCopyright, Design and Patents Act 1988
. What is Astrology? The studyof the correlation between the planets and us
. What is/are Indigos? Peopleborn during the Uranus and Neptune conjunction
. How to identify an Indigousing Astrology and one-sided charts
. OK, Im an Indigo! Now what?Understand your life purpose
. What is Belief? How doesAstrology Help? Find your Jupiter
. When things goWrong
. Self-Help Resources. Usethese organisations, Try these remedies
Also by MaryEnglish
6 Easy Steps inAstrology
How to Survivea Pisces (O-Books)
How to Bondwith an Aquarius (O-Books)
How to Cheer upa Capricorn (O-Books)
How to Believein a Sagittarius (O-Books)
How to Win theTrust of a Scorpio (Dodona Books)
How to Love aLibra (Dodona Books)
How to Soothe aVirgo (Dodona Books)
How to Lavish aLeo (Dodona Books)
How to Care fora Cancer (Dodona Books)
How to Listento a Gemini (Dodona Books)
How to Satisfya Taurus (Dodona Books)
How toAppreciate an Aries (Dodona Books)
This book isdedicated to my son SG,
May Your Lifebe Blessed with Love and Light
I would like tothank the following people:
My lovelyTaurus husband who has cooked meals, collected me from work,answered the phone, taken messages and held the space for this bookto be born.
I would alsolike to personally thank Mary S, Oksana G, Anastasiia C, Alam O,Stefanie J, Ryan J, Indigo Leslie, Zackhie B-C, Craig M, MichelleE, B Reid, Matthew E, Raquel M, Justin C, Jade P and Nicky M, forso kindly offering to contribute and/or read through thismanuscript for me.
My thanks alsogoes to Dave Powel for designing such a lovely cover and BarrySmyth for updating my website with Dave's designs.
And last, butnot least, I would like to thank my lovely clients for their valuedcontributions and questions.
I work inprivate practice as a Homeopath and Astrologer and see in my clinicall types of clients. I also work over the Internet and the phoneas it doesnt really matter where a person is located, theirsuffering can still be described and helped with.
It was becauseof my work as a Homeopath that I discovered what an Indigo is, andalso because of my experience as an Astrologer that I found out whythe phenomenon had happened when it did.
The first Indigo that I met in my practice,was nine years old and visited me in May 2002. His Mum brought himalong, partly because she was having difficulty with the variouslabels her child had been given but also because he was sufferingfrom sleeplessness, was argumentative, aggressive and angry withthe world. On further questioning (something that sets Homeopathsapart from other practitioners, we take a very detailed case) ittranspired that a younger brother had been born blind with part ofhis brain missing, terrible acid reflux, and was awake for 20 hoursin every 24. This little boy didnt live long and eventually died.My patient though, had shown a natural affinity for his sufferingand used to touch his head before communicating with him, eventhough no-one had told him to do this. His mother said he had an'understanding of his brother's needs.
Without going into any further details of his case, I prescribed aremedy and arranged to see him again in a months time. I met hisMum a while later at the school and she told me how hed been athis Nans and had fallen asleep on the sofa a few days after takingthe remedy. Because he was so quiet and unresponsive, his Nan hadworried that hed actually died, as he'd never been this quietbefore.
I knew then, that the remedy was starting toheal him. As this boy had been brought to me for Homeopathictreatment, I didnt automatically draw up his Birth chart but afterhis second follow-up, something about him made me ask hisbirth-time and I looked at his chart. During this particular month,I visited a Healing Fair in Bath where I live and was drawn to buya book called The Indigo Children by Jan Tober and LeeCarroll.
The book described so accurately this particular boy and hisproblems, that I then bought The Care and Feeding of IndigoChildren by Doreen Virtue, so I could offer his Mum some hope andexplain that this boy isnt a challenge, the system looking afterhim is.
Then I compared his chart toothers in my collection and noticed a striking similarity withcertain childrens charts I had treated recently and some I hadtreated quite a few years before. Then another boy from the firstboys class was brought to me and his chart had the same configuration and so did mysons, who was also in the class. In fact over 10 children in thisyear all had similar charts. This set me on a mission that stillintrigues me to this day.
Later that yearI decided to do a small amount of personal research and posted somedetails on an Indigo website asking for birth data. The site I usedwas only visited by people interested in Indigos, and I decided touse the data from 100 people. After 100 people had given me theirbirth data, I published, only on my own website the results. Of the100 people, 95 of them had one-sided charts.
I thought thiswas reasonably significant so I wanted other astrologers andIndigos to know, that there was something happening astrologicallywhen they were born.
I will explainmore about Astrology in Chapter 1.
Since Ipublished my article in 2004, it has been read by over 100,000people and is still being read at a rate of about 10,000 people ayear. When I first published it though, it was copied onto a numberof sites, (without my permission) so I dont have completelyaccurate figures about its readership. I only have the stats frommy own site, so those figures might be larger. I have kept thearticle there, so it can be read by anyone wanting to know aboutthe Astrology of Indigos.
I have giventalks about the Astrology of Indigos and my article was publishedin the Astrological Association of Great Britain's journal.
I thoughtmaybe, over the years, the phenomena would die down but I'm stillcontacted by numbers of people every week asking about their chartsand about Indigos and have given advice and help to the people thatcontact me after reading the article.
This book has been written to expand on that article and togive more information about how Astrology reflects our experience on planetearth and explains the Astrology of Indigo phenomenon.
Mary English,Bath May 2013
Chapter 1
What isAstrology?
Astrology has avery ancient history. As long as there have been humans on theplanet, there has been a search to make sense out of chaos and toadd meaning to our lives.
The firstastrologers were the Babylonians. They lived in what is now calledIraq, way before the birth of Christ.
A Brief History of Astrology
As HistorianChristopher McIntosh tells us:
Astrologydates back to our earliest records of human learning. It is theprecursor of astronomy as for many years they were one science. Themainstream of astrology has its source in an area which was alsothe beginning of Western civilisation: the Middle East.
Here man laid down his hunting weapons, abandoned the nomadiclife-style, and settled down with plough and scythe to develop anagricultural society. This settled society brought more leisure anda disciplined government and with that came organised religion withtemples and priests.
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