Extraterrestrial Channeling
Alien Abduction Syndrome
Copyright - 2013 AndreaScarsi
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Books byAndrea Scarsi
Answers For The Soul: Fragments OfEternal Wisdom
Blessings!: Dedicated ToOsho
Extraterrestrial Channeling: AlienAbduction Syndrome
Home Sweet Home Staging: Easy IsRight
How To Ask A Woman Out: GentlemenOnly
Journey To TheUnderworld
Make Your Own Vineyard: Ex ViteVita
O Iguana! My Iguana! Herbivore IsBeautiful
Pearls of Wisdom: Tales Of OrdinaryMetaphysics
Reiki First Degree Manual
Reiki Second DegreeManual
Reiki Third Degree Master Manual
Seeds of Enlightenment: The BuddhaWithin
Tarot Reading Essentials: The NewBasic Meaning Manual
The Art of Persuasion: How To AchieveYour Goals Ethically
The Art of Worrying: How To Enter AndExit It At Will
The Secret of Meditation: The InnerDimension
The Secret of Metaphysical Science:Our Eternal Journey Through Infinite
Vegetarian Cuisine: ReasonsObjections Recipes
Walking the Dogs: A Dialogue AManual
Zen The Sense Of Nonsense: AnecdotesFor Synaptic Deprogramming
Extraterrestrial Channeling is the transcription of directcommunications I received from entities belonging to otherdimensions, planets, and times. I compiled them to create a storyand transmit vital information to those wanting to know more aboutthe subject and make contact with their brothers and sisters fromthe sky.
Communicatingwith aliens is indeed easy; we only have to suspend our mentalactivity and listen, and there are also theirs amid the endlessranges of frequencies. We do not need large telescopes or radioobservatories; we have the necessary technology already installedin our brains, and we only have to turn it on. To do it, we mustlearn to be silent, patient, quiet, and present listening entities,attentive to every interior movement and subtle fluctuation ofconsciousness. The contact is there, the transmission is open, andthe information flow from both sides.
Listening is the secret of trans-galacticcommunication. And that's just the beginning. Knowing how topatiently, silently, and attentively listen is also termed asmeditation.
Extraterrestrial Channeling tells you human and alien stories. Itcommunicates information and life situations that adapt to this andother planets and takes you to an inner journey where you only knowwhat the truth is and what to do with it.
That'suniversal teaching.
To Our Friends Of All Dimensions , Planets, And Times
Acknowledg ments
I wish tothank all of the entities I am in contact with, for their support,tuning and work calls, and their loving companionship when I needit.
I thank all friends who areasking me about channeling and enjoying listening to my stories.
I thank youbecause we are in tune and I know that you know.
I thank allthe stars and planets for being the safe anchors of our souls.
I thank theWhole, without which nothing is there.
Note of the Author
As the Author,I strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in thecreation of this book. Nevertheless, I affirm that the contentsexpressed in it are solely the result of my knowledge, experience,and personal understanding of the considered spiritual disciplineand do not guarantee and declare at any time that these areabsolute and unequivocal.
While I havemade all attempts to verify the information provided in thispublication, I assume no responsibility for errors, omissions,different interpretations, or experimentations of the subjectmatter herein.
Any perceivedslights of specific persons, peoples, companies, or organizationsare genuinely unintentional.
In self-helpbooks and manuals, there are no guarantees of performed results orincome made, as one expects. I caution the Readers to rely on theirjudgment about any single circumstance and act accordingly.
This book doesnot pretend, in any way, to stand as an authorized professionalsource of any kind, be it medical, dietetic, psychological,religious, legal, commercial, accounting, or financial. I advisethe Readers to seek services of competent professionals in all thefields mentioned above.
Enjoy your practice.
Table of Contents
It all startssoon after my eighteenth birthday. In those days, I'm just anaverage high school teenage student. My hair is long, I'm wearingtight jeans, flowered shirts, and I'm having fun with what theculture of that period offers.
On the eveningof September 1st, 1973, at sunset, quietly returning home on mymotorbike, I have an accident with a car crossing my path. Thedriver notices me too late; he suddenly brakes and stops in themiddle of the intersection, on my line of direction.
I also break,but there's nothing I can do to avoid the impact. I bend my bike tothe left, slide on the asphalt, and end up with my chest againstthe front bumper, then under the car.
The momentbefore the collision, when my mind realizes the inevitability ofdeath, it accepts the fact, gives up, and dissolves. There's amoment of silent witnessing emptiness, then a bolt of lightningexplodes, and I see my whole life in a single flash, then thedarkness.
A gap ofnothingness.
When I returnto consciousness and open my eyes, everything is silent and takesplace in slow motion. I see people arriving, others moving around,and someone insistently talking to me, his face close to mine. I'mlying on the ground, under the bike which is under the car. It'sall silence, absolute, and profound - silence inside and silenceoutside, just a quiet ocean of silence.
When therescuers try to pull me out from under the scraps, I realize I havea fractured femur. I hear myself telling them to stop and call anambulance. In that waiting, all sounds of the world return, but notmy physical sensations. I do not feel anything, no pain, noemotion, no feeling, nothing at all.
I'm just awitness coming from another place.
Once at thehospital, I get my first treatments; I'm medicated, bandaged,drilled, and taken to my room. It's then, in that newfound,tranquil situation after the cyclone, that my mind returns,bringing with it a fixed idea: I have a fractured bone, I'm nolonger whole, my leg broke, I've lost my physical integrity.
My mindcontinues spinning, endlessly around this thought, again and again:I'm no longer whole, I'm fractured, my physical integrity is gone,my body broke.
Due toinjections, or the unusual situation, or the mix of both, I beginto see, projected on my consciousness screen, a blue-tinted movie.That movie goes on throughout the night, images after images that Ido not know where they come from, nothing I can recognize. Faces,places, situations, everything is utterly alien. It's just a bluemovie in which everything is blue-tinged, and my mind keeps sayingthat I'm no longer whole.
First Meeting
Three weekslater, I come home with a prognosis of three months in bed. It's onthose days that I start having strange, new sensations that beginwith a perception of enlargement: I feel my body getting bigger andbigger.
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