How To Quit Eating Junk Food
Quickly, Painlessly And Permanently!
Published By Shaharm Publications
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1. Identifying Your Junk Food Problem
O ne of the factors that often allows individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol to get beyond their addiction is admitting the fact that they have a problem. They may have been addicted to the substance for years, and it may be such a large part of their life that being without it is almost like cutting off an arm or a leg. What many people dont recognize, however, is that junk food is a very addictive problem as well. In fact, there are some experts who believe that certain types of chemicals that are included in many of the junk foods that we consume are actually more addictive than drugs such as heroin and cocaine.
I f you are interested in kicking the junk food habit and getting off these types of foods once and for all, this book is the perfect solution for you. Through its pages, you will learn how to identify the problems that you have, and to recognize the solutions that are available to assist you in kicking the junk food habit once and for all. When doing so, it can be a real feeling of freedom and relief, especially when you understand what junk food is doing to your body as well as to your mind.
Junk food comes in a wide variety of styles and sizes. You have sugary junk foods, such as candy bars and jellybeans, but you also have salty junk food, such as pretzels. You have junk food that doesnt really fit into any type of description, such as those that are produced by companies like Hostess and Little Debbies. These types of foods contain sugar but they contain such a wide variety of other, often unknown, ingredients that it can be quite frightening when you truly know what is inside of them.
Another type of junk food that people often overlook is diet food. Most people feel that if they give up sugary soda in favor of diet soda, they are doing a great service to their body. The fact the matter is, however, the chemicals that are found in diet soda and other diet foods are often so dangerous that they rival or even surpass the dangers that are associated with the junk food that they are trying to mimic. Not only that, many of the so-called diet foods actually contain chemicals which are thought to be designed to make you fat. Isnt that ironic?
Discovering What Junk Food Is Doing to You
In the pages of this publication, you will learn what junk food is doing to you, and the type of effect that it is having on both your body and your mind. This information can be quite eye-opening, and it is likely that you will never look at junk food the same way again. Once you are able to recognize that junk food is nothing more than an addictive substance, youll see the sanity in giving it up, and also the struggle that you may have in doing so.
Im not telling you about the dangers of junk food in order to make you feel guilty. After all, guilt is a major part of many of our junk food habits, and once we find that we have eaten an entire box of cookies while staring at the clock on the microwave, it is likely that we are having thoughts of guilt. How in the world did I eat all of those cookies? or What is wrong with me? These are some of the more common questions that are asked by those of us who struggle with junk food addiction. In reality, nothing is wrong with you, there is, however, something fundamentally wrong with a system that allows this type of food to exist in the first place.
Is There a Solution to Junk Food Addiction?
In order for you to truly understand your junk food addiction, it is necessary for you to understand addiction in general. In a chapter that is soon to follow in this publication the subject of addiction will be reviewed in great detail. You will see that it is not only something that is in your head, it is actually a chemical process that is in your brain. When you eat junk food, if satisfies an urge, and as a result, you learn that you must have junk food in order to receive the same level of satisfaction.
There are also many psychological reasons why we may be addicted to junk food as well. As you will learn in the chapter on addiction, this is not by chance. The junk food companies have gone to great lengths to keep you in their grips and to ensure that you are not only addicted to their food, you continue to crave more and more of it as you eat it.
If you find yourself in this situation, you certainly are not alone. Many millions of people suffer from junk food addiction, and whether they want to recognize it or not, it is a problem that is having a negative impact on their health. Fortunately, there are things that can be done to help you to break free from the habit and to remain free from it for the rest of your life.
We will discuss a few of the solutions that are open to you, but we also express the need to maintain junk food avoidance. After all, junk food is an addiction, and like all addictive substances, it has a lifelong hold on you. Just one bite of a Twinkie or a single scoop of ice cream could end up sending you in a downward spiral, and before you know it, youre back on the carbohydrate wagon and dealing with all the problems that are associated with it.
We dont need anyone to tell us that junk food is problem. We recognize the fact that it makes it difficult for us to maintain our weight, and it can sap us of our energy, leaving us feeling lethargic and unable to concentrate. If you have found yourself in this situation, take heart. There is help to overcome the addiction, and it is found in this book. When you apply it in your life, you will not only be able to break free from junk food, you will also discover all that life has to offer when you are on the other side.
2. Why Do We Love Junk Food?
I n the United States, as well as in many other countries around the world, we seem to have a love affair with sugary sweets and salty junk food. It doesnt matter if you are talking about eating a box of snack cakes or a bag of chips, it is something that seems to have a grip on us that is next to impossible to break. Most people consider this to be a problem with personal morals, or a lack of willpower that causes them to be caught in this cycle. The fact of the matter is, however, it is out of our control.
F irst of all, junk food contains addictive substances, and as such, it causes us to be addicted to it. As youll see in the following chapter, addiction is a very real issue and it is one that can affect the chemicals in your brain to ensure that you continue to use the addictive substance for the rest of your life. In fact, it even can put you in a downward spiral so that as you continue to foster the addiction, you build up a tolerance to it and continue to eat more and more of the junk food.
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