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Table of Contents
1. For easier reference, all Documents are numbered consecutively and are referred to subsequently as D.1, D.2, etc.
2. When referring to an official Roman Document, it is customary to indicate: (a) its provenance (e.g., The Second Council of the Vatican, here referred to as Vatican II, or the Vatican department which issued it, such as the Sacred Congregation of Rites, here abbreviated to S.C.R.); (b) the first words of the original document, usually Latin (e.g ., Sacrosanctum concilium); and (c) the date of its publication. As a help to the reader, these details are added underneath each title in the Table of Contents and at the commencement of each Document.
3. An alphabetically arranged key to the abbreviations used for Vatican departments is given after the Table of Contents.
Vatican II, Sacrosanctum coneilium, 4 Dec. 1963
2. Motu Proprio on the Sacred Liturgy
Paul VI, Sacram liturgiam, 25 Jan. 1964
3. Instruction on the Proper Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
S.C.R., Inter oecumenici, 26 Sept. 1964
4. Decree on Concelebration and Communion under Both Kinds
S.C.R., Ecclesiae semper, 7 March 1965
5. Decree on the Administration of Holy Communion in Hospitals
S.C.R., Cum hac nostra aetate, 14 Feb. 1966
6. Apostolic Constitution on the Revision of Indulgences
Paul VI, Indulgentiarum doctrina, 1 Jan. 1967
7. Instruction on Music in the Liturgy
S.C.R., Musicam sacram, 5 March 1967
8. Second Instruction on the Proper Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (in part)
S.C.R., Tres abhinc annos, 4 May 1967
9. Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery
S.C.R., Eucharisticum mysterium, 25 May 1967
10. Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Missal
Paul VI, Missale Romanum, 3 April 1969
12. Instruction on the Manner of Distributing Holy Communion
S.C.D.W., Memoriale Domini, 29 May 1969
13. General Instruction on the Roman Missal.
S.C.D.W., Cenam Paschalem, 26 March 1970
14. Instruction on the Extension of the Faculty to Administer Holy Communion under Both Kinds
S.C.D.W., Sacramentali Communione, 29 June 1970
15. Third Instruction on the Correct Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
S.C.D.W., Liturgiae Instaurationes, 5 Sept. 1970
16. Declaration on Concelebration
S.C.D.W., In celebratione missae, 7 August 1972
17. Instruction on Facilitating Sacramental Eucharistic Communion in Particular Circumstances
S.C.D.S., Immensae caritatis, 25 Jan. 1973
18. Circular Letter on the Eucharistic Prayers
S.C.D.W., Eucharistiae participationem, 27 April 1973
19. Declaration on First Confession and First Communion
S.C.C. and S.C.D.S., Sanctus Pontifex, 24 May 1973
20. On Holy Communion and the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass
S.C.D.W., Eucharistiae sacramentum, 21 June 1973
21. Directory on Childrens Masses
S.C.D.W., Pueros baptizatos, 1 Nov. 1973
22. Declaration on the Meaning of Translations of Sacramental Formulae
S.C.D.P., Instauratio liturgica, 25 Jan. 1974
23. Letter to Bishops on the Minimum Repertoire of Plain Chant
S.C.D.W., Voluntati obsequens, 14 April 1974
24. Apostolic Letter Concerning Mass Stipends
Paul VI, Firma in traditione, 15 June 1974
25. Note on the Obligation to Use the New Roman Missal
S.C.D.W., Conferentiarum episcopalium, 28 Oct. 1974
Vatican II, Inter mirifica, 4 Dec. 1963
27. Pastoral Instruction on the Means of Social Communication
P.C.I.S.C., Communio et progressio, January 1971
Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, 21 Nov. 1964
29. Apostolic Letter on First Tonsure, Minor Orders and the Subdiaconate
Paul VI, Ministeria quaedam, 15 August 1972
30. Apostolic Letter Containing Norms for the Order of the Diaconate
Paul VI, Ad pascendum, 15 August 1972
Vatican II, Orientalium Ecclesiarum 21 Nov. 1964
Vatican II, Unitatis redintegratio, 21 Nov. 1964
33. The Common Declaration of Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras
Paul VI and Athenagoras I, 7 Dec. 1965
34. Instruction on Mixed Marriages
S.C.D.E, Matrimonii sacramentum, 18 March 1966
35. Joint Declaration on Cooperation
Paul VI and Archbishop Michael Ramsey of Canterbury, 24 March 1966
36. Marriage Between Roman Catholics and Orthodox
S.C.O.C., Crescens matrimoniorum, 22 Feb. 1967
37. Directory Concerning Ecumenical Matters:Part One
S.P.U.C., Ad totam ecclesiam, 14 May 1967
38. Declaration on the Position of the Catholic Church on the Celebration of the Eucharist in Common by Christians of Different Confessions
S.P.U.C., Dans ces derniers temps, 7 Jan. 1970
39. Apostolic Letter on Mixed Marriages
Paul VI, Matrimonia Mixta, 7 Jan. 1970
40. Directory Concerning Ecumenical Matters: Part Two: Ecumenism in Higher Education
S.P.U.C., SpiritusDomini, 16 April 1970
41. Joint Declaration on Unity
Paul VI and Vasken I Catholicos, Supreme Patriarch of the Armenians, 12 May 1970
42. Reflections and Suggestions Concerning Ecumenical Dialogue
S.P.U.C., En mars 1966, 15 August 1970
43. On Admitting Other Christians to Eucharistic Communion in the Catholic Church