All of us experience pain at one time or another. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, betrayal of a friend, spouse, or family member. The hurt we experience comes from a plethora of sources. For most of us, the pain, betrayal, dishonesty, anger that comes from the actions of others is so deep that we build walls of protection which hinder our ability to trust and connect with others.
Its more than just building walls of protection and trusting others that this hurtful pain causes. Satan waits for the dark times in our lives so that he can occupy our thoughts with his whispers in order to take us away from our Lord Jesus.
At some point in your life, you have felt this kind of emotional distress; and I am here to tell you that if youre not careful, you will fall victim to Satans whispers, and they can consume you. I know this firsthand because I was in one of those dark places for many years. My hope is to show you how to overcome the whispers of Satan. Even though it is difficult, you can overcome with a lot of work and living every day on purpose.
I have laid out a strategy in this book. The things that you will read will be very simple to understand but very difficult to put to action in your life. My advice would be to take it one step at a time. Work the exercises, and do the work. The only way to have complete healing is to do the work. I give you credit and praise for picking up this book and saying, Enough is enough! I want a change.
let your transformation begin!
Getting Started
Not too long ago, I was asked this question: Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired yet?
I could never really voice an answer or understand the question completely. That is, until the exact moment that I became sick and tired. I knew the answer then. If you have ever been to the point in your life where you have become fed up with your situation, you know about being sick and tired. This phrase cannot be explained or described. It is experienced. To admit that you are sick and tired means admitting that you are living life at a standstill. That you are stuck. That the pain is too much, and that we are filled with fear. That, my friends, is the most terrifying of emotions.
Fear of the unknown, of what could be, of yourself even, can paralyze your forward momentum in life. This emotion can be most hurtful, uncomfortable, and even leave you feeling hopeless. Yet fear can help us grow, learn, and even build character. If not careful, your fear can overtake you and send you into a whirlwind of despair. Fear can be paralyzing, but it can also be used as a tool for growth.
Fear is a tool that Satan uses to plant doubt and despair in your heart. It is a tool in Satans hands that keeps you captive and away from God or your goal to become better by stepping out in faith and changing of your life situation or circumstance. Many people get stuck here, in the despair of Satans whispers. You know these whispers, everyone does. They are the whispers of all your sins. They may look a little like this: lying, cheating, eating disorders, failed marriage, sex outside of marriage, stealing, depression, anger, forgiveness. There are many more I could name; however, I believe you get the picture.
Is this where you are right now? Captive to Satans whisper of hopelessness and drowning in his quicksand?
Its okay, my friend. We have all been there at some point. What I want to tell you now is that you dont have to stay there. You can stop the cycle and change your situation. However, it will be hard, uncomfortable, and even scary at times. I was where you are, and I understand your pain. Satan has been trying to kill our joy since the beginning. Im here to tell you that you can break that cycle and very much disappoint Satan.
John 10:10: The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I come to give life that is full and good.
Satan may be trying to steal your joy and passion, sending you into a whirlwind of emotion, but Im here to tell you that you can defeat him. Look at the passage above, and have hope. Jesus states right here that he came to save us, to give life that is full and good. Therefore, you can defeat Satan just as Jesus defeated Satan in the wilderness.
I think as human beings we get trapped by our emotions so much that we forget what is truly happening. Think of it as a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes, because we are living the situation in the moment trying to just make it through to the next day, we dont see that Satan is holding us captive, and Jesuss promises look unreachable.
I wonder how many of you can identify with this. Everything is moving along great, maybe you received that promotion, maybe the money you needed showed up. You look at your life, and youre thinking that life is good. Then it happens; maybe you lost your job or maybe you are diagnosed with some illness. Your justification, I knew it was too good to last.
So begins another ride on the roller coaster, trying to make it back to the top. The thing about life is you cant control all the ups and downs. You can only control your reaction. Just like the roller coaster, climbing that big ladder to the top once there will create the momentum to fall going around curves, maybe even a loop or two before slowing to a stop once the ride is finished. At which point you will either stand in line to ride again or depart. Take real life now, look at your highs and lows. Even when you stand still, the reality is you can get stuck on the roller coaster and repeat the ride continually with the highs, lows, and standstills. The pattern can continue for years if you dont recognize what is happening. This, my friend, is Satan holding you captive. He has your emotions running in so many directions with those whispers of all your past sins and hurts. He wants you on that roller coaster causing chaos, fear, stealing your joy, and most importantly, he wants you to doubt.
If you are always looking to fall, fail, or just waiting for something to happen to take your joy away, then you will always ride that same roller coaster. Moreover, Satan will keep you captive. Satan looks for ways to kill you, your spirit, your joy. Genesis shows us that he has been trying to kill us, our spirit since he spoke to Eve in the garden.
I must tell you, Satan is very good at manipulating your emotions. Remember, Satan is a thief. Remember, he was an angel and with God before he fell to earth. He knows what your darkest desires are and tricks you into believing that he is on your side, giving you a taste of what you think you want. Those desires can be so sweet. I know. Everything looks so good; you think you have it all; then everything turns upside down. Now youre blaming your coworker for not getting that promotion, or the cigarettes you smoked, because now you have been diagnosed with lung cancer.
And really, all along you know it was you and your choices. But youre still doing the same things you were doing before.
Then you get up one day and decide youre sick and tired of being sick and tired of your life situation and or circumstance. That, my friend, is the day you recognize that you dont have to continue riding the roller coaster. At that moment, you begin to change your life. You may be wondering: How do I know? Well, that is simple; it is at that moment when the decision is made to make a change in our lives and circumstances. Nothing stands in the way. Hence, Satans power that holds one captive can no longer have a hold on you.
In a single instant, you will have the courage of a lion.
Courage is not the absence of fear, no, courage is when you keep going in spite of being afraid. Courage is when you keep going even after you fail, and you will fail. Courage is the willingness to continue to go after your dream or belief when no one believes in you except you. Courage is when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you change your life or circumstance. How many times have you walked in courage and not recognize that was what you were doing? I am here to tell you, too many. Too many times Satan has held us captive so long we lose our self-worth or maybe lose our way.