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The One Year Pray for Life Bible features copyright 2020 by Joni and Friends. All rights reserved.
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The One Year Pray for Life Bible is an edition of the Holy Bible, New Living Translation.
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. All rights reserved.
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This index is provided to help you locate the start of any book in the Bible. In The One Year Bible, the books are divided up into segmented readings, so locating a reference or using it like a regular Bible arent possible. However, this list makes it possible to locate the start of a given book.
Before You Begin
I am truly excited that you are joining me in using The One Year Pray for Life Bible, especially during this incredible season of opportunity in the Kingdom of Christ. When I look across our broken land and consider the heartbreaking needs around the globe, I am invigorated as never before to prayto discipline myself to pray for life over the next twelve months and to use the Bible as my prayer guide.
As an aging quadriplegic and a Christ follower for over sixty years, I have witnessed a gradual eroding of the precious safeguards that protect the weak and vulnerable. Whether in America or in the darkest corners of the least-developed nations, a ferocious battle is being waged against all life. Who are the casualties of this war? The baby in Africa left to starve to death because his disability is considered a curse on the family. The clinically depressed teenager in Europe who qualifies for state-sanctioned, doctor-assisted death. The elderly woman in an unlicensed nursing home who suffers from loneliness and abuse. The preborn little girl who is aborted for the simple reason that her mother preferred a son.
I am not being an alarmist, nor am I exaggerating facts. A culture of death is advancing throughout the earth and is threatening livesyoung and old. Look across the world and you will find that wherever there exists a famine of Gods Word, all life is at risk.
You can see why I am so glad you have chosen to use The One Year Pray for Life Bible. We desperately need to pursue earnest worship of the Creator of life and sincere intercession on behalf of those who bear his imageevery single human. Yes, works of mercy and justice are necessary, but prayer is the primary work in this battle. As Oswald Chambers wrote, Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.
Will You Be an Eleazar?
Let me tell you a Bible story. Eleazar was a great warrior who stood alongside the three mighty men of David. During a fierce battle against the Philistines, Israels army gave up and fled, but Eleazar killed Philistines until his hand was too tired to lift his sword, and the L ORD gave him a great victory (2 Samuel 23:10).
The king was impressed that Eleazar kept his heroic grasp on his sword and bravely fought on while others ran away. This exceptional warrior did not cower before the enemy; instead, he put his strength into his sword and rushed into battle with victory on his mind. Because of his noble courage and persistence, God smiled and gave his people a great victoryall because of one brave warrior.
I envision you as a modern-day Eleazar. Our land is teeming with strong and ruthless enemies that war against life. God is calling you to battle on behalf of preborn children in danger of being aborted; families who are breaking apart; depressed teenagers; at-risk children; the homeless; the elderly and medically fragile; and those struggling against addiction, disease, and loneliness.
These people have a target on their backs. Because they are also created in the image of God, they are in the adversarys crosshairsespecially so because they are weak and vulnerable. These people are in need of earnest prayer support. They are being assaulted by overwhelming enemies such as euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence, abortion, and suicide. Pandemic can now be added to the national woes that threaten to overwhelm the vulnerable in our society. Consider how the coronavirus festered and left serious mental health challenges in its wake, not to mention fear and debilitating anxiety.