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Copyright 2018 Dr. Russell Clayton.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-9225-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017918535
Balboa Press rev. date: 03/06/2018
I dedicate this book, in loving memory, to my father, Russell Clayton Jones Sr., and my mother, Mamie Hozell Jones. They gave me life, and through this life, The Greater You was born.
I also dedicate this book to my children: Flynt, Quest, Nevaeh, and Kaya. My role as a father has awakened my own inner child. I thank each one of my children for being the amazing teachers that they are for me and for opening my heart to a love that I otherwise would never have known.
I also dedicate this book to all the children of the world. Our children are our future. May their hearts remain pure and their minds remain open to self-realization in their lifetime. To my loving wife, Olivia, who awakened the unconditional love in my being and without whom my journey of awakening would not have been possible.
My intention for The Greater You is to create a ripple effect in the consciousness of all mankind. I desire to spark a global spiritual transformation that loving souls all around the world will feel. Let this moment be forever known as the birth of the greater you. A society rooted in love that honors every soul is the ideal universe of the future. May this tiny ripple continue to expand and spark a powerful shift in the frequency and evolution of greater human consciousness. My aim is that everyone who comes in contact with this book will experience an elevation in their consciousness, which will spark a shift in that persons identity from their ego mind to their heart. It is this inward movement that empowers the witness inside each of us. The discovery of your truth brings love, wisdom, understanding, joy, and purpose to all courageous enough to accept this journey.
The Greater You is a deep dive into the journey of awakening, which sheds light on the greatest questions of life. Who am I? What is my greater purpose? Where am I going? Why am I here? The answers to each of these questions lie dormant inside you. An awakened being discovers that love is the answer to all dilemmas of mankind. The Greater You is your companion guide intended to accompany you and your loved ones on the sacred journey of self-discovery. Use this resource over and over again. Embedded in each page are truths, insights, affirmations, prayers, and keys to support your awakening.
The Greater You is also a book that should be shared with your family, friends, partner, and children. The insights at the end of each chapter are meant to reinforce the most important principles discussed in each chapter. These poetic insights are intended to further elevate your mind and open your heart. The last insight in most chapters is an affirmation that is intended to be read aloud. Affirmations are powerful I Am statements that inject love, power, and purpose into your daily consciousness. When spoken, these affirmations come alive with the very vibration they were written from. Words can be impactful, but truth reverberates in your heart whenever you hear it.
I recommend reading the book in chapter order, but you may also make up your own order. If you are reading a particular chapter and find your mind drifting, try shifting ahead to another chapter that is more in tune with your vibration. For instance, if you are reading the chapter about crisis, but arent connecting with it at the time, move on to another chapter. Perhaps you will resonate more with the love chapter. Find an association with the spiritual truths that resonate within you.
Be sure to note that the chapters you initially avoid are likely to contain the information you are resisting the most and therefore contain the insights that you need the most. Everyone has a soul, but there is only one spirit, the spirit of God, which speaks to us all. Spirituality is the universal language we all understand as the truth. Finding resonance within these passages is equivalent to finding the truth inside you. Please enjoy the book; it is meant to touch your mind, heart, and soul. The Greater You is meant to be read; but, more importantly, it is intended to be felt.
My inspiration for writing The Greater You came from my parents, Russell Clayton Jones Sr. and Mamie Hozell Jones. When I was growing up in Chicago, my mother was a kindergarten teacher. She taught me my core values, kindness, and the meaning of love. My father was a printer and a landlord. He was a quiet man of few words, but one whose strength and dedication was undeniable. He taught me the value of hard work and the importance of family. He had the dream to provide a private-school education for all three of his children, and he did. My sister Sylvia became a lawyer; my sister Cheri became a family therapist; and I became a physician. The practice of medicine taught me compassion and insight, and it bestowed on me the gift of healing. Little did I know that becoming a physician was only the beginning of my journey.
When my father transitioned in the year 1999, I was left feeling empty, and I longed for him. I searched for any writings from him or tape recordings of his voice, but all that remained were my memories of him. My love for writing and poetry slowly filled the void his loss had created. Writing became my passion. I was determined not to let history repeat itself, so I began to create a book of life for my four children to live by; The Greater You is that book.
To my surprise, what started out as a book intended only for my children turned into a manuscript on personal transformation for the whole world to enjoy. In hindsight, I can see that writing has been a catalyst for my own spiritual development. When I began to share my insights with others, I learned I wasnt alone in my journey. Clearly, my path was also the journey of many others. I theorized that if life was a process, then it could also be dissected, learned, and taught.
There are no coincidences; this book came to your attention for a reason. The connection between you and me has a greater purpose that will eventually unfold. We are all here on earth to evolve and connect with one another. My intention for The Greater You is that on any given day, you can open the book to any page and be inspired to live a more loving, abundant, and meaningful life. Thank you for the opportunity to connect with you. I love you all.
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