About Spiritual Paths and Liberation
Teachings of Mohanji (P. K. Mohan): His Communions, essays, correspondences and transcribed satsang Q & As (up until 2010).
Compiled by Marina Wolny
2011 P.K. Mohan (Mohanji). All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
First published by Author house 2011
Second published by Indigo Books 2012-13
Third edition published by Awakening Producion and Publication Pvt Ltd 2014
ISBN 13 : 978-81-929544-0-0
M.R.P. :
: 900/-
: 20
$ : 35
This book is surrendered
To the Great Masters of every path
who guided people through time;
To all the Masters who exist on earth and in other realms;
To all the wisdom and knowledge
that flows from them like an eternal river
which is consistently nourishing the seekers of each generation;
To the known and unknown Masters of
the past, present and future, in all the planes of existence
and the grand tradition that flows through
hundreds of Spiritual Gurus forever
It is YOU who must make the effort
The Master only points the way
ommunions with the Higher Masters happened to me in the path of my spiritual journey as a seeker. I have been speaking, writing and answering questions on these subjects since many years. However all these expressions were lying scattered. Marina Wolny, with great conviction and determination, collected and organized them to compile this book for sharing with the world. Even though all the communications have been spontaneous, extempore, contextual, or in reply to someones personal question, the answers can be considered as universal.
I feel that understanding of the following three questions will help you to connect better with the contents in the book:
Who am I?
Where do I come from?
And why was this book compiled?
In the highest sense, I am a piece of the Parabramha, just another soul like you. You and I are the same. We are one. In relation to you, whoever you think I am, I am that. Every being has various roles. So it depends on how you see me, perceive me, feel me, understand methat makes me who I am, in relation to you. We have various roles to play in one lifetime. We mean different entities to different people. We are not any one thing. We are a mixture of everything. Yet, we are nothing also. In the night, when you sleep, all these dualities vanish and you become one with the sleep, one with the perfect nothingness of deep sleep. When you wake up, the conscious mind brings forth all the relationships that could make your existence in the world. So you are, always in relation to something else.
I come from the same place where you have come from. We are children of one Father. You may call him the way you like, Father, Allah or Parabramha. All the embodied beings came from Him and go back to Him. All of us have our roles to play here and then we will leave. If you look at the whole show as a witness, you will see the divine hand in everything; the hand of the Father. I hope I did not confuse you. What you perceive me to be, I am that. Do not get stuck with this image of me. I could leave it any day. The energy will remain. It will even grow, as it need not live within the parameters of a limited body. To exist in a body is like existing in a cage. I always feel for the animals and birds that are caged. Our soul is just like that. The body is a cage. Just like the animal or bird being used to a cage, we are used to our body. Just like the animals or birds explore possibilities within the parameters of their cage, we explore various experiences using the body. The fact remains that we are essentially caged. We have the choice of liberation. Liberation is reduced dependency on all aspects of body, mind and intellect. Thats the advantage that human beings have. We can achieve enlightenment in one lifetime. But, we have to walk the path till the end. We have to keep walking. Nobody else can do it for you. This is individualistic.
This book has been compiled to aid you to find your SELF and help you to stay with your own soul. Please do not be fooled by the illusions outside your window.
I wish you great spiritual evolution in this life.
God Bless You
Love and love alone
arina Wolny was inspired to present all the expressions which have been happening through me over the years in a book for sharing with a wider audience. My sincere appreciation and thanks goes to Marina whose perseverance and dedication, actually made this compilation possible.
I would like to thank those who communicated the questions that provoked the answers that are presented in this book. The contexts are relatively new, but the wisdom behind these words are eternal. I do not own the wisdom or the words. They all are just happening through me. We are all transitory beings. We can own nothing on earth, on a permanent basis. Yet, I Would like to thank all those who were connected with me and clarified many questions with me time and again. If you had not asked anything, this book would not have happened. The mission is to help increase the awareness of the generations, to cultivate selflessness and purity in thoughts, words and actions. The giant pillars of the mission are Faith and Purity.
I would like to thank my wife Biba (Biljana Mohan) who has been taking care of various aspects of my life, including the mission, meditations, satsangs and everything else. How can I thank her enough?
Dr. Deepali Jaju and Mr. Sumit Partap Gupta are epitomes of selflessness. With inherent purity, and perfect awareness of the path and the mission, their dedication and silent thoughts, words and actions have tremendously helped to evolve the mission. They continue to serve and lead selflessly. I would also like to thank all the Shaktipat initiates, who are serving the world unassumingly, silently and effectively, by conducting meditations and empowering people; by unburdening them from their heavy baggage of samskaras or inherent impressions. Their selflessness and dedication is moving the wheels of our mission. They are invaluable.
I appreciate and thank the contribution of Mrs. Shanthy Vaidya for her art work portraying Navanath gurus and Ms. Caroline Moscato for her careful proof reading of the manuscript.
I thank my parents Dr. P. K. Namboothiri and Mrs. Sreedevi, my brother Manoj and my Grandfather Late T. Sankaran Namboothiripad, who had been a pillar of strength for me during my formation times. I gratefully acknowledge their contribution towards my existence on earth.
A special thanks to my uncle Prof. T.M Sankaran and Aunt Mrs. Thankamani Sankaran for fostering me as parents during a part of my student days. My sincere thanks and gratitude to my uncles Sri.T.M Narayanan and Sri.T.M Anujan and their families for their sincere love and support in my life. I express my deepest gratitude to Mata Devi Vanamali. My late daughter Ammu had been my greatest teacher. She walked the earth only for less than five years. But, the wisdom that she showered on all of us cannot be measured in terms of anything. My heart felt gratitude to Ammu too, considering her to be elder to me, because she left her body ahead of me. My gratitude and thanks to Ammus mother and my ex-wife Saritha too.
This is the third re-print. This book has reached many people across the world. This has inspired many people to walk the path of pathless, which gives me a lot of satisfaction. Many people have come forward in many countries over the years to take the message of liberation forward. My sincere thanks to all of you, who have helped us spread the message of liberation in your region and beyond. Having said that, I am obliged to mention a few names who are working as pillars in their region and taking the message and activities forward totally self-lessly, without any expectations. The pillar of unconditional Love Annette Adamson, supported by Hein Adamson, Zelda Visagie, Riana Gaspar, Sulosh Pillai, Yashik Singh, Vishal Mothilall, Mitesh Khatiwala, in South Africa. Ganesh Venketachalam, Lata Ganesh, Viji Sagar, Anita, Jordan Shenk, Saloni, Kala, Sona Bhatnagar, Raj, Reshma Jumani, Ravneet Singh, Annette Alixandra, Linda Dulicai, Jennifer and the team in the USA. Charu Srivastava and team in Canada. Mr & Mrs.Vijay Ramanaidoo, Ranjan, Jaysree, Hemant and team in the UK. Zoran Stefanosky and team in Macedonia, Biljana Vozarevic, Klara Vukov, Vanja Baltic, Spomenka, Hana, Dr. Alexander and the team in Serbia, Dr. Deepali Jaju, Rajesh Singh, Unni Bhaskar, Geetha Sreenivas, Pramod, Murari Bansikar, Narendra Bhandri and team in Oman, Bridget and team in Malaysia, Dr. Manjari Rao, Devang Kapadia, Jennifer Randive, Pradeep Sukhrani, Sajesh, Bindu Mohanan, Suji Ramachandran, Swati Bhushan, Anil Hegde, Hemkant Pagdere, Ambili and Anil Kumar, Leila, Nasrin, Dr.Christina Formenius, in the Middle East. Danjela Bhandari, Nilkanth Yengde, Deepali and Anurag Bais, Muthukumar, Preethi Duggal, Vinita Agarwal, Shenazz Nadirshah, Dr. Samata Vasisht, Namrata Rajagarhia, Kiran Nene, Seema Bhatt, Sumit, Sakshi, Arihant, the Gupta family and Rohmetra family, Phaneedhar and Richa Kapoor, Vasantha Bai, Shubhaji, Bharti Kapoor, Arora family, Vinod Kumar, Jitender Grover, Rajni Dasgupta, Harshini Titra, Harmeet Kohli, Pooja Kohli and Udit Pathak, Joga Singh, Palak Mehta, Aparna Sharma, Preeti Yadav, Shahid Khatai, Mr & Mrs. Dhanesh Ranjan, and Amita Shukla and Anupama Bakshi in India. Caroline Moscato in Australia. Daina Gribonika in Latvia, If I have omitted any names, kindly understand that it is not intentional.
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