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This book is dedicated to making the first and last duality easy to transcend. It is not hard and neither should it take a long time to realise the truth. May you find the peace that you are looking for in the true understanding and direct experience of reality.
You are the formless reality in which the universe is simply an appearance and not an actual thing. There are no actual things, everything that appears to be tangible and solid is really only so because we are perceiving it through our human senses. What is real is the formless, intangible Self that is everywhere at all times. You are not a human being and you are not the formless cause of all the forms.
There is no manifestation of this world, things, objects and people; it is all the One Self. Many spiritual students struggle with trying to understand how the manifest and unmanifest can be really the same thing and spend a lot of wasted energy trying to resolve this. This book will help you to come to understand reality as it really is.
Some of the ideas in this book will seem impossible to understand at first but with repetition they will begin to make sense. To perceive reality directly is to understand what you really are and what everything is. Once you really understand what you are, then nothing will be confusing anymore and you will be able to read the statements above and they will seem obvious. You will wonder how you ever thought that you were a separate and limited human being, destined to be born, to live and to die.
How can you come to know that you are present everywhere and at all times? How can you come to know beyond a doubt that you are infinite and unlimited? How can you shed the thoughts and assumptions that the mind uses to keep you feeling bound? We will take a journey of realisations, insights and understandings in this book that can help you undo the assumptions that are stopping your eternal joy. With each chapter we will undo more of the assumptions of the mind and it will become clearer and clearer what you are. If you do not understand something written in the upcoming chapters, know that you have infinite help around you, even if you are alone reading this and do not know of anyone else that is like you and interested in truth. Simply the wish to understand it must bring that understanding to you in time and you can always re-read each chapter until it makes sense.
The truth of your being and the truth of what reality is are the same thing. You are reality. You are everywhere at all times. Time and space exist only as an idea inside you. It is time to break free from all limitations and to begin to live as your infinite Self. Mind is hypnotic and alluring for a limited time only the fact that you are reading this means it is losing its hold over you. There is a whole reality beyond the mind and that IS what you are.
There will be times when you doubt if you can do this, whether you can understand this, but remember you can always contact us to ask questions or get help. Contact details are in the back of the book. Now lets get started!
Read this book in its entirety a few times. We learn by repetition and we only accept that as true that seems obvious and familiar to us. It is up to you to read this and question what you read consistently enough to make it your own direct knowledge and experience. If there is any gap between what you have seen to be true and what you are living as then there MUST be a belief in the way that needs to be removed.
Simply to recognise I dont understand what has been written, but I would like to know it beyond doubt will bring that to you. Ask that question and go have a cup of tea and watch the understanding present itself to you.
Always rely on your own experience of what is written here. Do not be content with my words. Become this book. Live as this book and you will never know suffering again.
Discovering That You Are Formless
This chapter will help you to discover what you really are and it will begin to undo some of the main assumptions in our thinking process that keep us from seeing clearly. We will use the time old process of self-enquiry to begin to understand what we are.
Self-enquiry is simply when we actually look at what we are, rather than thinking about it. It is where we directly experience what we actually are which is important because our mind cannot get in the way of this process. If you sit here and think I am the unlimited reality that is infinite and all-pervading then it will not help you unless you actually directly come to know that beyond just thinking about it. Only by directly experiencing what you really are will you begin to see clearly. If we merely think about this, then our assumptions about ourselves will alter what we perceive.
Whatever we believe to be true about ourselves, the world and life, we will directly experience as very real indeed. Most of us believe that we are separate human beings, born and due to live for a certain number of years before we die and this is what we experience as real. The actuality of our existence is very different though and we must come to know it without relying on thoughts. There is nothing wrong with thoughts at all many processes and issues in our daily life require a logical thought process; but to awaken fully to the reality of what you are, we need to put thought aside for a while.
Each thought we believe will begin to colour our experience of the truth just as sure as wearing coloured spectacles will colour the world we see with our eyes. When we consider that most of the thoughts we believe to be true are totally under our conscious radar and we do not know what they are, then we get into some very unreliable experiences of what truth is, what we are. It is necessary to always and only use your direct experience to verify what is true. We must be able to experience it and prove it within our own self so that we can know for certain it is true. Anything else is just adding to the mountain of thoughts that flies through most peoples heads and will not help us. We do not need to stop thoughts nor eliminate the mind; in fact to try to do so will not help at all. We simply need to discern what answers we are willing to take as valid in our self-enquiry. So even if thoughts are there we can say thank you very much, mind and only accept a direct experience.
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