Unleash the full potential of your brain in ahyperconnected multitasking world
A concise version of the bestsellerBrainChains
Prof Dr Theo Compernolle
Copyright 2017 Theo Compernolle andCompublications
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-9-08-220586-2
Illustrations: Huw Aaron ()
Cartoon on page 111 is an idea of Serge Diekstra
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ICT: Information and Communication Technology.The hardware and software you use to find and distributeinformation such as your smartphone, tablet, computer, email,browser, social media etc.
AbC: Always being connected (AbC) to theinternet, constantly checking emails, texts, news, social media,voice mails via your phone, your tablet, your computer, etc.
Readers comments about BrainChains
Stunning work, aggregating the best and newestresearch to create a User Manual for Your Brain! Whether all thenew tech is leveraged as a positive tool or allowed to seduce usinto numb- and dumbness is a fine line, and Theo delineates thatwith brilliance. Read at your peril.
David Allen
Excellent book on productivity. If you have readDavid Allen's Getting Things Done this book will be beneficial tocomprehend the whole system and why we do what we do. TheoCompernolle's work is based on scientific research and backs up hisarguments in style. If there is one thing you should take fromBrainChains "Do not use your phone while driving" :-)
Addo General Mrch
I'm so glad I got my hands on this book. Forget allthe other business books, tips and theories which everybody elseuses, THIS is the book that will separate you away from the herdand should be read before anything else. This book will be kept onmy desk instead of my bookshelf, as a constant reminder.
In a few words: an amazing book. Loved reading it.The author knows very well how to explain this matter in an openend very comprehensible way. I look at my laptop in a different waynow. Must read!
This is one of those books that do have impact onyour habits at least for me it did and that is I think thebiggest value a book can have
an easy to read page turner which I feeleveryone in the connected world should read.
Dave Scott, President
Top experience. Extended documentation.Accessiblereading of "scientific" topics. Really professional. Appreciate thestyle and art of communication of the author. Congratulations.Excellent buy and investment.
Jean-Paul Antonus
a compelling, meticulously researched, andcleverly illustrated case against the twin tyrannies ofhyperconnectivity and multitasking also shows how to freeourselves from them
Nlida and Jorge Colapinto
THE BRAIN is wider than the sky,
For, put them side by side,
The one the other will include
With ease, and you beside.
The brain is deeper than the sea,
For, hold them, blue to blue,
The one the other will absorb,
As sponges, buckets do.
Emily Dickinson (18301886)
There is time enough for everything, in the courseof the day, if you do but one thing at once; but there is not timeenough in the year, if you will do two things at a time. Thesteady and undissipated attention to one object is a sure mark of asuperior genius; as hurry, bustle and agitation are thenever-failing symptoms of a weak and frivolous mind.
Lord Chesterfield April (1694-1773)
It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I staywith problems longer.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
So a great intellect sinks to the level of anordinary one, as soon as it is interrupted and disturbed, itsattention distracted and drawn off from the matter in hand; for itssuperiority depends upon its power of concentration of bringingall its strength to bear upon one theme, in the same way as aconcave mirror collects into one point all the rays of light thatstrike upon it.
Arthur Schopenhauer: On Noise. 1851
About the Author
Prof Dr TheoCompernolle MD., PhD. has held the positions of Suez Chair inLeadership and Personal Development at the Solvay Business School,Adjunct Professor at INSEAD, Visiting Professor at several businessschools and Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam.
He is an Adjunct Professor at the CEDEP EuropeanCentre for Executive Development in Fontainebleau (France)
As a medical doctor, neuropsychiatrist and scholarwith decades of experience, he integrates science from manydomains. For this book, he studied over 600 publications.
As a lecturer and trainer for audiences of alllevels of education, he knows how to make this knowledge simple tounderstand and practical to apply. He usually gets maximumsatisfaction scores. See
He consults, teaches and coaches professionals andexecutives in a wide range of multinational companies and businessschools on four continents.
He wrote three non-fiction best-sellers inDutch.
This book is a concise version of my bookBrainChains. Discover your brain and unleash its full potentialin a hyperconnected world.
Why a summary?
When BrainChains became a bestseller, I discoveredan interesting paradox.
My book is about how to fully develop the synergybetween your brilliant brain and your amazing Information andCommunication Technology (ICT), to become more intellectuallyproductive.
However, the people who needed my book the most tobecome more efficient, didnt have the time to read a comprehensivebook to understand how use their brain to become more efficient,productive and creative.
Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the humanbrain, you will get the best results from your brain-ICT synergyand become measurably more productive, more creative, in less timeand with less stress.
My secret goal is that by applying the knowledgefrom this summary, you will become so much more efficient, that youwill have time to read more books, whether to gain in depthknowledge on a subject important for your personal development orjust for fun.
Good luck!
Theo Compernolle.
Your future depends on the synergy between yourbrain and your technology
What is your most important tool to be successfulas a professional?
Our modern Information and Communication Technology(ICT) is an incredible source of information. However, informationdoes not equal knowledge. Knowledge, insight and creativity,require sustained and undisturbed effort, attention andconcentration to find relevant information and to process it.Information is ubiquitous and is virtually free, but reflection isgetting rare and precious.
In my workshops and presentations, when I askprofessionals: "What is your most important tool to be successfulas a professional? 99%, all over the world, answer, My Brain".When I then ask: "What do you know about your brain that is reallypractical and useful in order to get the best out of it? Theanswer from 99% boils down to "Nothing and a few urban myths.
Thus, by not knowing how your brain functions, youfail to harness the unmatched potential of the combination of yourbrain with your ICT to improve your productivity, creativity,well-being and prosperity.
In this condensed version of BrainChains, Iexplain a few basic directions for use of your brain, such as:
-how always being connected ruins yourintellectual productivity and why