

2015 by BrianKinsey
2015 Dust Jacket Press
Made for More / BrianKinsey
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w w w. d u s t j a c k e t .c o m
To all fellow seekers who, with divinediscontent and hungry souls, treasure every opportunity to grow, toseize the moment, and to reach their full potential.

For almost any author to be successful, itrequires a team of contributors who strive to improve and fine-tunea project until it is ready for others to read. This work is noexception. Several people have added their expertise to thisproject, or to me personally, to enhance and advance the work andmake my life better.
I give honor to Alan Finewhose book, You Already Know How to BeGreat , gave me the faith, fire, and focusto write, to remove the obstacles that hindered my path, andinspired me to reach my full potential. Thank you Alan; not onlyhas your writing motivated me but your friendship and coaching havebeen truly invaluable.
To my good friend Mark Cole, who, with hisdiligent and patient coaching, lifted me to a higher level andhelped me to strategize for victory. Thank you, Mark, for yourfriendship and your timeless counsel.
To my wife, Lanette, my companion andproofreader, who worked diligently to make this book its very bestand whose unfailing love and devotion to me personally has liftedme to a higher level.
Words cannot describe how much I appreciateLarry Wilson, my editor and fellow writer. Without his exceptionalskill this book would never have been possible.
I want to give specialhonor to Stan Toler, who wrote the Foreword and whose support, coaching, andrecommendations have elevated my visionand made it possible for me to reach my potential as a writer.
Thank you all for joiningmy quest for More .

As a young boy growing up in rural WestVirginia, I had an innate sense that my life had purpose. Life wasdifficult for our family, especially after my father was killed ina work-related accident when I was just eleven years old. Still, Ibelieved that there was something more for me on this earth. I soondiscovered that purpose when I was called to preach at the age ofseventeen. Since then I have been blessed by opportunities toproclaim the gospel on six continents, pastor churches in severalstates, and serve at the highest level of leadership in mydenomination. I thank God each day for the growth in my lifegrowththat has led me to increasingly greater levels of opportunity.
Over the years, however, I have observedthat many people never realize their God-given potential. Some seemunaware that they have been created for a higher purpose. Othersrealize this but become so mired in the concerns of life that theydont make progress or grow. They feel trapped by theircircumstances. Still others are simply unable to see a clear pathforward. They have a longing for something more, but they dontknow how to pursue it.
This book is a treasure for all of thoseseeking to discover their purpose, reach their potential, andachieve Gods best for them. Over the years I have known BrianKinsey, Ive observed him consistently living out the strategiescontained within these pages. He is a living testimony of the powerof taking simple, consistent steps to discover your purpose andachieve your potential. Here you will find the wisdom, gentleencouragement, and practical strategies that will move you fromwhere you are to a higher level of achievement, contentment, andsatisfaction. Your full potential is within your reach! All youhave to do is begin the journey.


You Were Made forMore
When I was a child, I spake as a child, Iunderstood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became aman, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians13:11
E very person, regardless of his or her station in life, hasthe God-given potential to be something more than they currentlyare. We are all aware of this at some level. We know that God hascreated us for moremore holiness, more fruitfulness, betterrelationships, less guilt, fewer regrets. We instinctively knowthat we have unrealized potential, regardless of how much progresswe may already have made. God could do more in us, with us, andthrough us if we were more fully available to him and more fullysaturated with his Holy Spirit.
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