THE PREACHERS COMMENTARY SERIES, Volume 26, Luke. Copyright 1983 by Word, Inc .
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc .
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, except for brief quotations in reviews, without written permission from the publisher.
The Bible text in this series is from The New King James Bible, copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc ., Publishers. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Brief Scripture quotations within the commentary text are also from The New King James Bible.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the author and publisher for permission to reprint on The Joggers Prayer from IN OUR TIME by Tom Wolfe. Copyright 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980 by Tom Wolfe. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc .
ISBN : 978-1-4185-8596-9 (eBook)
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
The preachers commentary (formerly The communicators commentary).
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: v. 26. Luke/Bruce Larson
1. Bible. N.T.CommentariesCollected works.
I. Ogilvie, Lloyd John II. Larson, Bruce.
BS2341.2.C65 225.7 7 8171764
ISBN 0-7852-4801-3 AACR2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 07 06 05 04 03
G od has called all of His people to be communicators. Everyone who is in Christ is called into ministry. As ministers of the manifold grace of God, all of usclergy and laityare commissioned with the challenge to communicate our faith to individuals and groups, classes and congregations.
The Bible, Gods Word, is the objective basis of the truth of His love and power that we seek to communicate. In response to the urgent, expressed needs of pastors, teachers, Bible study leaders, church school teachers, small group enablers, and individual Christians, the Preachers Commentary is offered as a penetrating search of the Scriptures of the New Testament to enable vital personal and practical communication of the abundant life.
Many current commentaries and Bible study guides provide only some aspects of a communicators needs. Some offer in-depth scholarship but no application to daily life. Others are so popular in approach that biblical roots are left unexplained. Few offer impelling illustrations that open windows for the reader to see the exciting application for todays struggles. And most of all, seldom have the expositors given the valuable outlines of passages so needed to help the preacher or teacher in his or her busy life to prepare for communicating the Word to congregations or classes.
This Preachers Commentary series brings all of these elements together. The authors are scholar-preachers and teachers outstanding in their ability to make the Scriptures come alive for individuals and groups. They are noted for bringing together excellence in biblical scholarship, knowledge of the original Greek and Hebrew, sensitivity to peoples needs, vivid illustrative material from biblical, classical, and contemporary sources, and lucid communication by the use of clear outlines of thought. Each has been selected to contribute to this series because of his Spirit-empowered ability to help people live in the skins of biblical characters and provide a you-are-there intensity to the drama of events of the Bible which have so much to say about our relationships and responsibilities today.
The design for the Preachers Commentary gives the reader an overall outline of each book of the New Testament. Following the introduction, which reveals the authors approach and salient background on the book, each chapter of the commentary provides the Scripture to be exposited. The New King James Bible has been chosen for the Preachers Commentary because it combines with integrity the beauty of language, underlying Greek textual basis, and thought-flow of the 1611 King James Version, while replacing obsolete verb forms and other archaisms with their everyday contemporary counterparts for greater readability. Reverence for God is preserved in the capitalization of all pronouns referring to the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. Readers who are more comfortable with another translation can readily find the parallel passage by means of the chapter and verse reference at the end of each passage being exposited. The paragraphs of exposition combine fresh insights to the Scripture, application, rich illustrative material, and innovative ways of utilizing the vibrant truth for his or her own life and for the challenge of communicating it with vigor and vitality.
It has been gratifying to me as Editor of this series to receive enthusiastic progress reports from each contributor. As they worked, all were gripped with new truths from the ScriptureGod-given insights into passages, previously not written in the literature of biblical explanation. A prime objective of this series is for each user to find the same awareness: that God speaks with newness through the Scriptures when we approach them with a ready mind and a willingness to communicate what He has given; that God delights to give communicators of His Word I-never-saw-that-in-that-verse-before intellectual insights so that our listeners and readers can have I-never-realized-all-that-was-in-that-verse spiritual experiences.
The thrust of the commentary series unequivocally affirms that God speaks through the Scriptures today to engender faith, enable adventuresome living of the abundant life, and establish the basis of obedient discipleship. The Bible, the unique Word of God, is unlimited in its resource for Christians in communicating our hope to others. It is our weapon in the battle for truth, the guide for ministry, and the irresistible force for introducing others to God. In the New Testament we meet the divine Lord and Savior whom we seek to communicate to others. What He said and did as God with us has been faithfully recorded under the inspiration of the Spirit of God. The cosmic implications of the Gospels are lived out in Acts and spelled out in the Epistles. They have stood the test of time because the eternal Communicator, God Himself, communicates through them to those who would be communicators of grace. His essential nature is exposed, the plan of salvation is explained, and the gospel for all of life, now and for eternity, is proclaimed.
A biblically rooted communication of the gospel holds in unity and oneness what divergent movements have wrought asunder. This commentary series courageously presents personal faith, caring for individuals, and social responsibility as essential, inseparable dimensions of biblical Christianity. It seeks to present the quadrilateral Gospel in its fullness which calls us to unreserved commitment to Christ, unrestricted self-esteem in His grace, unqualified love for others in personal evangelism, and undying efforts to work for justice and righteousness in a sick and suffering world.
A growing renaissance in the church today is being led by clergy and laity who are biblically rooted, Christ-centered, and Holy Spirit-empowered. They have dared to listen to peoples most urgent questions and deepest needs and then to God as He speaks through the Bible. Biblical preaching is the secret of growing churches. Bible study classes and small groups are equipping the laity for ministry in the world. Dynamic Christians are finding that daily study of Gods Word allows the Spirit to do in them what He wishes to communicate through them to others. These days are the most exciting time since Pentecost. The Preachers Commentary is offered to be a primary resource of new life for this renaissance.
This volume, Luke, was written by one of the truly original thinkers of our time. Bruce Larson is the originator of vision and concepts that have become strong strands of the fabric of the contemporary renaissance in the church today. He is one of the most often quoted and emulated spiritual leaders in America. As the founder of relational theology, he has proclaimed Christs message of the kingdom of right relationshipswith God, ourselves, others, and the world. His thinking is solidly rooted in the Bible. In his expository preaching and incisive writing of fifteen best-sellers and in his own personal devotions, his commitment to in-depth study and interpretation of Gods Word shines through with gripping application for life.