Praise for Uncommon
Before I ever opened the book, just the title Uncommon captivated me, prompting me to want to know more. I sat down with my coffee in hand and began to read, Careys words reminding me that there is nothing common about who we are or what each one of our lives will look like, but the beauty of who we are is walking in His will by saying yes no matter what. Quickly, I noted the following quote in my journal, Being uncommon in this world takes a strong woman with some guts and grit. I am fired up and ready to step back in and be Uncommon. Thank you, Carey!
Shari Rigby, Actress, October Baby, Director of The Dream Center, Speaker, and Writer of Beautifully Flawed: Finding Your Radiance in the Imperfections of Your Life
If youre comfortable with mediocrity, dont bother opening this book. But if youve been longing to escape the mundane? Throughout these pages, youll hear the voice of the best kind of friend: one whos been there, who gets where youre at, and who wants to see you grow far beyond the status quo. Carey equips you to step boldly into the intentional, countercultural, uncommon life God created you for and calls you to live.
Cheri Gregory, Coauthor of Overwhelmed: How to Quiet the Chaos and Restore Your Sanity
Being uncommon in this world takes a strong woman with some guts and grit. I give a big yes and amen to that. Carey has written this book so beautifully, while filling it with such practical life-changing insights and encouragement. You will be encouraged to live an uncommon life, no matter what comes your way.
Alli Worthington, Author of Breaking Busy: How to Find Peace and Purpose in a World of Crazy and Fierce Faith: A Womans Guide to Fighting Fear, Wrestling Worry and Overcoming Anxiety
In a world that seems to be in a race to the lowest common denominator, Scott calls us higher with Uncommon. She surrounds us with a crowd of exemplary women from scripture, equips us with verses to cling to and prayers to pray, and pushes us forward with the voice of a friend and coach. Uncommon is the book thats needed for women of our day.
Amy Carroll, Author of Breaking Up with Perfect, Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker and Writer
Carey Scott takes the word uncommon and unpacks it into a positive experience through the lens of Scripture. This book is saturated with depthsomething women are seeking as they dig into their own identities as daughters of the King. Youll want to read it twice: once alone as you cry, and again with a group of friends on the same journey of uncommon womanhood. Get out your highlighters and get started on this book today!
Christine Abraham, Founder and Ministry Director at Womens Bible Caf
Uncommon offers honesty, vulnerability, and courage that will challenge you in a world that is screaming, Not enough! Carey is lovable and beyond inspiring as she shares her vulnerabilities and personal stories that will make you laugh out loud and cry at the same time. A heartfelt and tender read that will move you, captivate you, and encourage you to be uncommon.
Melody Lovvorn, Co-Founder of Undone Redone, Creator of My Secure Family & Perfectly Imperfect Marriage
Every fiber of our being craves comfort. Add that to the pull of our fears, our selfishness, our desire to not make waves, and we can easily live a safe, but unremarkable life. Carey issues a loving, beautiful challenge to live life boldly, deliberately, to dare to be different in a world that demands conformity. She writes with such beautiful authenticity because, well, shes not normal. And I mean that in the best possible way. Carey is living the uncommon life. Over and over again, she uses real-life and biblical examples that powerfully illustrate the amazing and sweet God who meets us when we dare to live a life that, choice-by-choice, reflects His uncommon love, boldness, kindness, and generosity. A life that is anything but normal, but one that leaves us in grateful awe of the mind-blowing grace and power He is just waiting to display through us.
Melinda Means, Speaker and Author of Invisible Wounds: Hope While Youre Hurting
Careys words pack a powerful punch from the very first page. This book gives us permission to step away from perfectionism and into the life of freedom God desires for us. If youre looking for peace, if youre ready to make a change in your life, if you want the freedom of heart promised by God, this is a guidebook to get you there. I cried, I laughed, I pondered and most of all, I found myself reflected in Careys words.
Jill Hart, Founder of Christian Work at Home Ministries and Author of Do Life Different
A refreshing and motivational call-to-action, Carey Scott offers us another book filled with wisdom, insight, and down-to-earth girl talka how-to for adding depth and beauty to our daily lives.
Varina Denman, Author of Looking Glass Lies
As Christians, we are called to live differently, but how should we do this? Often we think its about standing up for and upholding what we believe are Christian principles. Carey teaches us another way. She champions us to stand out from the crowd and be extraordinary in our ordinary day-to-day moments and encounters. However, Carey never asks us to do anything she hasnt done or wouldnt do herself. She draws us in through her struggles, many common to all of us, and encourages us to be Uncommon.
Rachel Britton, Writer, Blogger, and Speaker
Through what truly felt like comfortable conversation with a good friend, Carey reminded me why it matters deeply that believers live the way God intendedas salt and light. Every chapter encouraged me with examples of women in the Bible who modeled this kind of life and were blessed for it, along with very practical action steps that convinced me I really can do hard things! Uncommon is one of those rare and wonderful books I enjoyed from start to finish and will no doubt be pulling back off the shelf to refer to again and again for personal accountability and for guidance in mentoring others.
Amy Hale, Online Bible Study Leader and Teacher
2017 by Carey Scott
Print ISBN 978-1-68322-275-0
eBook Editions:
Adobe Digital Edition (.epub) 978-1-68322-357-3
Kindle and MobiPocket Edition (.prc) 978-1-68322-358-0
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher.
Churches and other noncommercial interests may reproduce portions of this book without the express written permission of Barbour Publishing, provided that the text does not exceed 500 words or 5 percent of the entire book, whichever is less, and that the text is not material quoted from another publisher. When reproducing text from this book, include the following credit line: From Uncommon: Pursuing a Life of Passion and Purpose, published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by permission.
Scripture marked GNT taken from the Good News Translation (Todays English Standard Version, Second Edition), Copyright 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified Bible, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked VOICE are take from The Voice. Copyright 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.