![Introduction Rebecca Price Janney Great Women in American History Camp Hill - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/403596/images/cover.jpg)
Rebecca Price Janney, Great Women in American History (Camp Hill, PA: HorizonBooks, 1996), 149.
Ibid., 149150.
S. Lewis Johnson Jr., Role Distinctions in the Church, in Wayne Grudem and JohnPiper, eds. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2006),124.
Question #1
Forgiving the Men in Your Life
John Kie Vining, When Home Is Where the Hurt Is (Cleveland, TN: Family Ministries,n.d.), 64.
(accessed June 5, 2014).
John Bevere, The Bait of Satan (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 1994), 15.
R. T. Kendall, Total Forgiveness (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2002), 2028.
Ibid., 3.
Question #2
Whos the Boss?
Catherine Clark Kroeger, The Classical Concept of Head as Source, (AppendixIII) in Gretchen Gaebelein Hull, Equal to Serve (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998),279281.
Question #3
Men Behaving Badly
Carolyn Holderread Heggen, Religious Beliefs and Abuse, in Catherine ClarkKroeger and James R. Beck, eds., Women, Abuse and the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBook House, 1996), 1624.
Vining, When Home Is Where the Hurt Is, 78.
James M. and Phyllis Alsdurf, A Pastoral Response, in Anne L. Horton and JudithA. Williamson, eds., Abuse and Religion: When Praying Isnt Enough (Lexington, MA:Lexington Books, 1988), 225226.
Heggen, Religious Beliefs and Abuse, in Women, Abuse and the Bible, 26.
Question #4
Married... With Children
John Wesley, The Works of John Wesley (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1958), 1:386,quoted in Ruth A. Tucker and Walter Liefeld, Daughters of the Church: Women and MinistryFrom New Testament Times to the Present (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1987), 238.
Ibid., 242.
Ibid., 238.
Catherine Booth, Life and Death, Being Reports of Addresses Delivered in London(London: Salvation Army, 1883), 11, quoted in Tucker and Liefeld, Daughters of theChurch, 267.
Maria Woodworth-Etter, A Diary of Signs and Wonders (Tulsa, OK: Harrison House,1981), 26.
Question #5
Diapers and Day Care
Hull, Equal to Serve, 161.
(accessed June 6, 2014).
(accessed June 6, 2014).
Question #6
The Working Womans Dilemma
(accessed June 6, 2014).
Jackson Ekwugum, 10 Most Influential Christians in 2002, Lifeway (January/February2003): 4445.
Transformations II: The Glory Spreads produced by George Otis Jr. (Seattle WA:The Sentinel Group, 2002), DVD.
Question #8
When Marriage and Ministry Collide
Edith L. Blumhofer, Aimee Semple McPherson: Everybodys Sister (Grand Rapids,MI: Eerdmans, 1993), 77.
Ibid., 105.
Ibid., 131.
Charles Trombley, Who Said Women Cant Teach? (Gainesville, FL: Bridge-Logos,1985), 172.
Bob Sorge, The Fire of Delayed Answers (Grandview, MO: Oasis House, 1996), 60.
Question #9
Lets Hear It for Single Women
Martin Luther, quoted in Will Durant, The Reformation: A History of European CivilizationFrom Wycliffe to Calvin, 13001564 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957), 416, quotedin Tucker and Liefeld, Daughters of the Church, 173.
Linda Belleville, Women Leaders and the Church (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House,2000).
Billy Bruce, When the Men Didnt Go, These Women Did, Charisma (December 2000),52.
Question #10
Women Arent Second-String
Robert Speer, Servants of the King (New York: Interchurch, 1909), 144, quotedin Tucker and Liefeld, Daughters of the Church, 304.
Question #11
Role-Playing and Other Dumb Games
John Milton Williams, Woman Suffrage, Bsac 50, April 1893, 343, in Carroll D.Osburn, ed., Essays in Women in Earliest Christianity, Vol. II (Joplin, MO: CollegePress, 1995), 461.
Ibid., 460.
Women and the Industrial Revolution, Watchman-Examiner 8, no. 9 (February 26,1920), in Osburn, Essays in Women in Earliest Christianity, 461.
Question #12
Dare to Be a Pioneer
Hull, Equal to Serve, 141.
Gilbert Bilezikian, Beyond Sex Roles (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2006),108109.
(accessed June 7, 2014).
(accessed June 7, 2014).
(accessed June 7, 2014).
(accessed June 7, 2014).
(accessed June 7, 2014).
Question #13
Strong Men, Weak Women
Philo, Questions on Genesis, Book I, 33, quoted in Tucker and Liefeld, Daughtersof the Church, 63.
(accessed June 7, 2014).
Trombley, Who Said Women Cant Teach?, 234.
John Foxe, Foxes Book of Martyrs, ed. Harold J. Chadwick and (Alachua, FL: Bridge-Logos,2001), 333334.
Question #14
What Do We Do With Deborah?
Katharine C. Bushnell, Gods Word to Women (Mossville, IL: Gods Word to WomenPublishers, 1923), 286.
Grudem and Piper, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 72.
Ibid., 216.
Sue and Larry Richards, Every Woman in the Bible (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers,1999), 94.
Question #15
The Good Ol Boys Club
Trombley, Who Said Women Cant Teach?, 34.
Question #16
Are Women Elders Called Elderettes?
Richard and Catherine Kroeger, Women Elders: Called by God? (Louisville, KY:Womens Ministry Unit, Presbyterian Church USA, 1980), 16.
John Chrysostom, Commentary on Romans, Nicene and Postnicene Fathers, First Series,XL, 555, quoted in Krueger, Women Elders: Called by God?, 17.
Robert Saucy and Judith TenElshof, eds., Women and Men in Ministry (Chicago:Moody Publishers, 2001), 173.
Kroeger, Women Elders: Called by God?, 21. The Greek word used here is hieroprepeis,which can actually mean to act like a priestess.
Ibid., 21.
Ibid., 18.
Question #17
Shhh! Be Quiet, Girls!
Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Shared Leadership, Christianity Today (October 3, 1986):124; Joseph H. Thayer, Thayers Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (Nashville:Broadman Press, 1977), 275. AUTHORS NOTE: Scholars have long argued about the authenticityof 1 Corinthians 14:3435 because the two verses have been moved around in variousversions. Some early manuscripts place the passage after verse 40; therefore, manyscholars have theorized that the two verses in question were inserted later, afterPauls authorship, by a copyist. Theologian Gordon Fee, for example, argues thatthose who insist that Paul wrote these two verses have never been able to adequatelyexplain why they were moved. It is the authors opinion that Paul inserted the passagebecause he was quoting from the letter he was answering.
Kenneth L. Barker, Donald W. Burdick, John H. Stek, et al., eds., NASB Study Bible(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1999), 1390.
Trombley, Who Said Women Cant Teach, 29.
Ibid., 2937.
Ibid., 37.
Question #18
Its All About Eve
Tucker and Liefeld, Daughters of the Church, 103.
Trombley, Who Said Women Cant Teach?, 203.
Ibid., 205.
Ibid., 202.
Ibid., 206.
Bilezikian, Beyond Sex Roles, 180181.
Richard and Catherine Clark Kroeger, I Suffer Not a Woman (Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBook House, 1992), 99113.
Loren Cunningham and David Hamilton, Why Not Women? (Seattle, WA: YWAM Publishing,2000).
Question #19
Covered... or Covered Up?
Helen Barrett Montgomery,
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