An abridged version of the Original Book:
Creation vs Evolution -A Scientific View
Copyright 2016 by Selva Sugunendran.
ISBN: | Softcover | 978-1-5144-9946-7 |
eBook | 978-1-5144-9945-0 |
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Rev. date: 06/01/2016
This book is dedicated to Jason (my grandson) and Lisa (my granddaughter) as well as to all those seeking to find the seemingly elusive answers to the questions involving our very origins: Where do we come from? Who or what made us a supreme being, some cosmic event, or both? What should we believe in Creation or Evolution? Does it matter what we choose to bel ieve?
The origins of life has been a popular topic of debate for decades, stirring division among groups of people regarding what to believe whether a higher entity created life (Creation) or a series of cosmic accidents (Evolution) led to life developing on Earth. Discussions often swerve from a friendly beginning and end up as an intense argument between two opposing minds, one that is rooting for religion and faith in God and one for science and faith in human intellig ence.
In this book, Ill try to find the seemingly elusive answers to the questions involving our very origins: Where do we come from? Who or what made us a supreme being, some cosmic event, or both? What should we believe in Creation or Evolution? Does it matter what we choose to bel ieve?
In writing this book, I have attempted to look at both sides of the argument, creation and evolution, fairly and scientifically. I do not attempt to take sides or to draw conclusions prematurely, but to present arguments in the most reasonable and acceptable way. I also make certain to employ terms in their purest definition and stick to their proper application, making sure that I differentiate scientific facts from mere theories or dubious findings. If there are facts that support a specific standpoint, then I categorize them as such without finding fault. After all, a fact has indisputable significance, a piece of information or evidence that has profound reality and actuality and is free from dispute. Until specific information is categorically a fact, I assume it is but a theory, an opinion, or a belief that is subject to further debate and anal ysis.
I would like to thank all those who have encouraged and helped me to complete this book.
I also would like to acknowledge my close associates who have prodded and wheedled me (and often nagged me) into undertaking this huge responsibility of carrying out an 18 months research into this topic in order to produce a balanced and scientific view on this Creation vs Evolution de bate.
I have not mentioned any names but you know who you are!
I have benefitted from the numerous books, articles and videos in the public domain. A list of the authors of such material are contained in the Research and References section at the end of the book. I acknowledge with gratitude the enormous value I derived in studying the works of these great men and w omen.
Finally, I would like to declare a special appreciation to my family - Kamini, Shaun, Florence Nishanthi, Jason and Lisa - for their enormous support and encouragement throughout my life.
The origins of life has been a popular topic of debate for decades, stirring division among groups of people regarding what to believe whether a higher entity created life (Creation) or a series of cosmic accidents (Evolution) led to life developing on Earth. Discussions often swerve from a friendly beginning and end up as an intense argument between two opposing minds, one that is rooting for religion and faith in God and one for science and faith in human intelligence. The first modern battle of the two conflicting origins propositions happened in 1859 when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species and refuted previous beliefs of a young Earth and of a God-created cosmos. The latest debate happened on February 4, 2014, when science communicator Bill Nye debated Kentuckys Creation Museum founder and young-Earth believer Ken Ham for three long h ours.
Now, Ill try to find the seemingly elusive answers to the questions involving our very origins: Where do we come from? Who or what made us a supreme being, some cosmic event, or both? What should we believe in Creation or Evolution? Does it matter what we choose to bel ieve?
Nevertheless, I recognize the length of time that has passed since the start of the debate between creation and evolution. To this point, neither camp has presented any conclusive evidence supporting their claims. I also acknowledge that neither creation nor evolution is a straightforward claim. Creation believers have divergent opinions on how God created life and the universe, evident in the emergence of many creationist sub-groups, including Young Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, and Neo-Creationism. These many sub-groups hold a range of underlying theological opinions and even advocate Intelligent De sign.
Evolutionists, too, have different opinions regarding which scientific theories to accept. Theistic Evolutionists believe that God and creation are compatible with science and evolution; this is the view that both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have supported. Agnostic Evolutionists uphold biological evolution, but are indifferent on whether God was involved in the process or not. Meanwhile, Materialistic Evolutionists believe solely in biological evolution and argue that creationism is dangerous and contradictory to sci ence.
For the record, I believe more in the creationist side of the argument, that there is a supreme being behind the formation of the universe and life on Earth. I will explain more of why I believe this in the Pros and Cons of Creation and Evolution section and the Conclusion. However, I want you to draw your own conclusions after reading this book.
Thus, I have attempted to look at both sides of the argument, creation and evolution, fairly and scientifically. I do not attempt to take sides or to draw conclusions prematurely, but to present arguments in the most reasonable and acceptable way. I also make certain to employ terms in their purest definition and stick to their proper application, making sure that I differentiate scientific facts from mere theories or dubious findings. If there are facts that support a specific standpoint, then I categorize them as such without finding fault. After all, a fact has indisputable significance, a piece of information or evidence that has profound reality and actuality and is free from dispute. Until specific information is categorically a fact, I assume it is but a theory, an opinion, or a belief that is subject to further debate and anal ysis.
How did the conflict between creation and evolution s tart?
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