Wisdom for the Way
Copyright 2021 Charles R. Swindoll
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It was my distinct honor and joy to serve as the president of Dallas Theological Seminary from 1994 to 2001. A major reason that adventure was such a delight is due, in part, to the pleasant relationship I sustained with the schools Board of Incorporate Members.
I dedicate this volume to that body of faithful men and women who gave such wise oversight to that outstanding institution. The title and contents of this book describe the kind of leadership they embodied. My life is deeper because of my time with them. May our Lord abundantly reward them for their selfless devotion and uncompromising integrity. My love and appreciation for each of them knows no bounds.
W e have not even begun to live if we lack the wisdom God wants to give to us. That wisdom is ours, simply for the asking, and it brings us into a whole new and exciting world! Like birth, it will take time and it may be a painful process. But when it comes, youll be amazed how clearly things will come into focus. Youll begin to feel like a new creature. No wonder Jesus referred to it as being born again.
When we operate in the sphere of the wisdom of God, when it is at work in our minds and in our lives, we look at life through lenses of perception, and we respond to it in calm confidence. Theres a remarkable absence of fear. We are not seized with panic. We can either lose our jobs or we can be promoted in our work, and neither will derail us.
Why? Because we see it with God-given objectivity. And we handle it in His wisdom. We can dip into an unexpected valley or we can soar to the pinnacle of prosperity, and we can cope with both extremes. His wisdom provides us the necessary objectivity and stability. This is not some dreamland fantasy. It is reality. It is the ability to live above the drag of human opinion and horizontal perspective. It is what happens within us when wisdom goes to work.
The wisdom of God gives us balance, strength, and insight. None of these is a natural trait; each is a by-product of wisdom. We dont get these things just because were human beings. They must come from God.
But the more we glean Gods wisdom, the more strength we gain to live with questions and tension. He doesnt issue rules and regulations for every moment. He provides some overall guidelines and principles, and then He allows us to make the decisions. Why? By doing this the wisdom of God goes to work, and we begin to learn how to walk through lifewhich is often full of subtle and unseen land mines. His wisdom provides the sixth sense we need. It matures us so that we can press on in spite of the unanswered questions.
The good news is that such wisdom is ours to claim through an intimate relationship with Gods Son, Jesus. He is the channel through which wisdom comes to us. In coming by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, we are given open access to the wisdom of God. With the Son of God comes the wisdom of God. Its all part of the package.
Pastor Charles R. Swindoll
Thats the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed.
I dont know of a hotter subject today than success. Magazine articles, books, seminars, and sermons promote it. But success is seldom linked with wisdom. Chances are good that if we would pick up last Sundays paper and read it through, wed come across twenty or more references to success, yet find nothing added regarding wisdom. In todays hype about success, wisdom is conspicuous by its absence. Outside of biblical literature and biblically based books, we hardly even come across the word....
[Wisdom] may not give us great popularity and wealth, and it may not mean that we will be the most respected in our field or that we will have the most significant voice in the company, but ultimately, as God gauges it, we will be successful.