Soul Training Exercise
W e are made for a beautiful, good, and true story. If you are like me, you have not spent a lot of time thinking about beauty or goodness or trutheven though they are a large part of our lives. Yet we are constantly evaluating things on the basis of their beauty (Wow, that home is beautiful), their goodness (Is ice cream good or bad for us?), and their truth (Is that politician telling the truth or just being self-serving?). The practice for this week, along with other practices throughout this book, is aimed at helping you become more aware of the beauty, goodness, and truth all around us.
We become more aware of beauty, goodness, and truth by being more intentional. A journal is a great way to become more intentional and to reflect on the impact of the practice. If you are able, buy a nice journal to write in (though a notebook will do). This week we are focusing on beauty. Be on the lookout for beauty and write about it.
Another way to do this exercise is to keep a photo journal. Perhaps you can take pictures of what you see and either put them in a journal or make a file in your phone. You can title the file Beauty I Have Seen. Or if you see something beautiful in a magazine, you could cut it out and paste it into an actual journal.
For many, beauty is most clearly revealed in creation (most easily through sight). For example, you will likely see trees and flowers, green grass, a blue sky, a bird soaring. But also be open to beautiful smells (honeysuckle), tastes (chocolate), sounds (rainfall), and touch (a cool breeze). The human voice can produce incredible beauty. Each year at our annual spiritual formation conference at Friends University, our student choir, the Singing Quakers, enters the auditorium and surrounds the audience. They then sing beautiful sacred music. I look out at the crowd as I sit on the stage, and energy, power, and light shine on the audience members faces, many of them weeping, nearly everyone smiling. Remember, beauty is that which, when seen, pleases.
Beauty (as well as goodness and truth) is not ultimate (the last) but penultimate (the second to the last). The point is not the beautiful sunset, the violin concerto, or the painting. That would make the beautiful thing ultimate, thus making it an idol. Beauty is designed to point to something elseGod. God is the Creator of all things, so when we experience beauty it is right and good to thank God for it, as God is the ultimate. So in your journal find a way of giving thanks for the beauty you have experienced. Let wow be your way of giving thanks.
A final word: do not worry about when you do this exercise. Some find it best to do this in the evening since the day is still fresh in their minds. Others are better able to start their day with this exercise, as they might be tired in the evening.
Soul Training Exercise
O bservation is a powerful practice. But being mindful is a challenge. We have the weapons of mass distraction (we call them smartphones) that beckon us to look at them. This week the challenge is to be aware of the goodness you see around you. If you are a journal keeper, continue putting entries into your beauty, goodness, and truth journal. This week please focus on goodness. Goodness is that which is beneficial, that which makes something better. There are countless acts of goodness all around us. When I see an older couple holding hands, I am seeing the goodness of faithfulness, of love, and of endurance. When I see someone make a sacrifice for the benefit of another, I am seeing goodness. Recently, I was able to go to a cabin to write. The couple who owns it, Jim and Jenny Knight, graciously offered me their place for a week. Jennys father, John, comes by to check on me. These are acts of goodness.
As with beauty, when you see it and write about it, make sure to give thanks to God for it. God designed us with a need for goodness and to be good ourselves; we were made to do justice and love kindness and to walk humbly with our God. That is goodness made manifest, and it comes from the heart of our Maker. Look for acts of love. Because we interact with people much of the time, we will also see moments of kindness, hospitality, concern, and good listening. However, I must add a caveat: we are likely to see some ugliness. In this fallen world we will likely see anger, meanness, gossip, and even quarreling. If you encounter these, write about them as well. They are goodness turned upside down. Use this awareness as a chance to pray for those experiencing the absence of goodness.
Soul Training Exercise
C ontinue observing, and if possible, putting entries into your beauty, goodness, and truth journal. This week I would like you to focus on truth. Truth is always aligned with reality. You can count on the truth. Truth is that which works. The created world is full of truthatoms and particles and chemicals. Gravity is true. Photosynthesis is true. A well-built home is true. Music contains truth. Math is full of truth. Two and two will always make four. You can count on it.