Egyptian Literature: The Book of the Dead, Edited by E. A. Budge.
Zoroastrian Literature:
a. From the Sacred Books of the East, Parke, Austin, Lipscomb.
The Inscription of Behistan, VII.
The Book of Arda Viraf, VII.
The Shah-Namah, VII.
The Records of Artakshir, VII.
b. From Max Mullers Sacred Books of the East:
The Zend-Avesta:
The Vendidad, IV.
The Yasts, XXIII.
The Gathas, XXXI
The Bundahis, or The Original Creation, V.
The Bahman Yast, V.
The Shayast La-Shayast, V.
Dadistan-i Dinik and the Epistles of Manuskihar, XVIII.
The Dinkard, XXXVII and XLVII.
Zad-Sparam, V and XLVII.
Dina-i Mainog-i Khirad; Sikand Gumanik Vigar; and Sad Dar, XXIV.
Brahmana Literature: From the SBE:
The Apastamba, II.
Gautama, or Institutes of the Sacred Law, II.
The Upanishads, or The Doctrine, I and XV.
The Institutes of Vishnu, VII.
Bhagavadgita, VIII.
The Anugita, VIII.
The Satapatha-Brahmana, XII, XXVI, XLI, XLIII, XLIV.
The Vasishtha Dharmasastra, XIV.
The Laws of Manu, XXV.
The Sutras, Discourses dealing with sacrifices and the nature of the soul. XXIX, XXX, XXXIV, XLVIII.
The Vedic Hymns, XXXII, XLII, XLVI.
The Narada, or Minor Law-Books, XXXIII.
Gaina Literature: From SBE:
The Akaranga Sutra, XXII.
The Kalpa Sutra, XXII.
The Uttaradhyana Sutra, XLV.
The Sutrakritanga, XLV.
Buddhist Literature: From the SBE:
The Book of the Great Decease, XI.
Dhammakakkappavattana-Sutta, or The Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness, XI.
The Tevigga Sutta, XI.
The Dhammapada and the Sutta-Nipata, XII.
The Patimoka, XIII.
The Mahavagga, XIII and XVII.
The Kullavagga, XVII and XX.
The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King, a life of Buddha, XIX.
The Saddharma-Pundarika, XXI.
The Questions of Melinda, XXXV and XXXVI.
The Buddha-Karita of Asvaghosha, another life of Buddha, XLIX.
Mohammedan Literature: The Koran (many editions).
Classical Jewish Writings:
Philo Judaeus, died cir. 40 A. D., Works, Bohn 4 vols.
Josephus, Flavius, 37-100; Works, translated by William Whiston:
History of the Jewish War.
Antiquities of the Jews.
Autobiography or Life.
Against Apion.
Essene Literature, cir. 170-60 B.C.
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.
The Book of Enoch.
The Habakkuk Commentary.
The Thanksgiving Psalms.
The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness.
The Manual of Discipline.
The Damascus Document.
The Book of the Jubilees.
Selected Titles from Other Jewish Literature Showing Zoroastrian Influence:
The Assumption of Moses.
The Ascension of Isaiah.
The Apocalypse of Abraham.
The Apocalypse of Baruch.
The Fourth Esdras.
The Secrets of Enoch.
The Psalms of Solomon.
The Second Book of Maccabees.
Apostolic Literature:
(With approximate date of composition)
The Didache, 40-55. The Epistle of Barnabar, 70.
The First Epistle of Clement, 97.
The Second Epistle of Clement, 120.
The Epistle of Polycarp, 115.
The Epistles of Ignatius (seven letters), 115.
The Pastor of Hermas, 150.
Principal Early Christian Apocrypha:
The Protevangelium of James, 80-100.
The Acts of Pilate, 100-125.
The Gospel of Nicademus, early.
The Gospel of Thomas, early.
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, early.
The Apocalypse of Peter, 125.
The Acts of John, 140 (Gnostic).
The Acts of Paul and Thecla, 150 (Gnostic).
The Acts of Peter, 190 (Gnostic).
The Acts of Thomas, 250 (Gnostic).
The Apocalypse of Paul, 380.
The Christian Fathers: From the Ante-Nicene Fathers, 24 vols., edited by Roberts and Donaldson, and the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 28 volt., edited by Schaff and Wace.
a. The Ante-Nicene Fathers:
Justin Martyr, cir. 100-165.
First Apology.
Second Apology.
Dialogue with Trypho.
A Discourse to the Greeks.
Hortatory Address to the Greeks.
On the Sole Government of God.
Athenagoras, wrote cir. 177.
Plea for the Christians.
On the Resurrection of the Dead.
Tatian, cir. 110-180.
Oration to the Greeks.
Theophilus of Antioch, cir. 170.
Three Books to Autolycus.
Aristides, wrote cir. 125.
The Apology.
Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in 177.
Against Heresies.
Clement of Alexandria (Clemens Alexandrinus), 150-220.
Exhortation to the Heathen.
The Instructor.
The Miscellanies (the Stromata).
Who Is the Rich Man That Shall Be Saved!
Hippolytus, died, cir. 235.
Refutation of All Heresies.
Treatise on Christ and Antichrist.
Treatise against the Jews.
Against the Heresy of Noetus.
Julius Africanus, cir. 238.
Epistle to Aristides on the Genealogy in the Holy Gospels.
Pope Callixtus, 217-222.
Tertullian, 160-230.
Against Marcion; On the Martyrs; On the Spectacles; On the Testimony of the Soul; To Scapula; Apology; On Idolatry; On Prayer; To His Wife; On Female Dress; On Flight in Persecution; The Antidote to the Scorpionss Bite; To the Nations; Prescription against Heretics; Against Hermogenes; Against the Valentinians; On the Flesh of Christ; On the Resurrection of the Body; Against Praxeas; On the Soul; On Exhortation to Chastity; On Monogamy; Of Modesty; On the Veiling of the Virgins; On the Ascetics Mantle; An Answer to the Jews; Against All Heresies.
Clementine Forgeries. cir. 200 and 300.
The Clementine Homilies.
The Clementine Recognitions.
The Clementine Constitutions.
Methodius, died, cir. 312.
The Banquet of the Virgins.
Discourses and Fragments.
Minucius Felix, cir. 170-200.
The Octavius.
Novatian, Anti-Pope, 251-258.
Concerning the Trinity.
On the Jewish Meats.