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Llewellyn - Llewellyns 2022 Witches Companion: A Guide to Contemporary Living

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Llewellyn Llewellyns 2022 Witches Companion: A Guide to Contemporary Living
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With more than two dozen enlightening and inspiring articles that explore modern Witchcraft topics and magical techniques, Llewellyns 2022 Witches Companion is a must-have for todays practitioners. This collection presents some of the finest writers and compelling subjects that will empower your life and improve your community.

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Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Llewellyns 2022 Witches Companion 2021 by Llewellyn Publications.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the authors copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

First e-book edition 2021

E-book ISBN: 9780738767628

Art Director: Lynne Menturweck

Cover art Tim Foley

Cover designer: Lynne Menturweck

Interior illustrations:

Tim Foley:

Bri Hermanson:

Rik Olson: 3

M. Kathryn Thompson:

ISBN 978-0-7387-6054-4

Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

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Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

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Woodbury, MN 55125


Manufactured in the United States of America


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Thorn Mooney
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Nurture Your Body, Mind & Spirit

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Day-by-Day Witchcraft

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Durgadas Allon Duriel
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When we believe something is real on a subconscious level, it becomes real for us. Learn to design your own affirmations and use them in your magic to chip away at beliefs that dont support your well-being and manifest your goals.

Gwion Raven

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Sapphire Moonbeam

Seeing signs through divination and receiving messages from the universe is available to all of us. Here are some ways to practice divination in daily life, including cartomancy, pyromancy, coins, runes, and even nature signs.

Blake Octavian Blair

Everyone dreams of grand elaborate rituals where a few dozen people chant around the fire under a moonlit sky. But we really need to learn to honor the small moments of magicthose times when the gods and spirits send us a little sign in our ordinary reality.

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