Table of Contents

Paola Bassino
The Certamen Homeri et Hesiodi
Eine altertumswissenschaftliche Reihe
Herausgegeben von
Michael Dewar, Karla Pollmann, Ruth Scodel
Band 59
De Gruyter

ISBN 978-3-11-058284-0
e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-058477-6
e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-058348-9
ISSN 0563-3087
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018957798
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet ber abrufbar.
2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
For my family
This book is a revised version of my Doctoral dissertation. I would like to thank the Department of Classics and Ancient History, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and Ustinov College at Durham University for providing me with financial support during my Ph.D. The final stages of research were carried out under the aegis of a large interdisciplinary project, directed by Prof. Barbara Graziosi at Durham University, generously funded by the European Research Council, and entitled Living Poets: A New Approach to Ancient Poetry :
Prof. Barbara Graziosi has supervised my work with great competence, patience, and care, for which I will always be grateful to her. My second supervisor Prof. Johannes Haubold and Prof. Paola Ceccarelli read over my work and gave immensely useful advice during my Ph.D. Prof. Richard Hunter and Dr Ivana Petrovic examined my dissertation and offered several suggestions for improvement, which greatly helped me during the revision of my work.
I have benefitted from discussing my work with Giovanna Menci, who also shared with me the drafts of her editio princeps of P.Duk. inv. 665 while her work was in progress, and with the scholars who took part in the Kyklos teleconference (Harvard 2012) and the conference Conflict and Consensus in Early Hexameter Poetry (Durham 2012).
I would also like to thank David Speranzi and Filippomaria Pontani, who kindly offered comments on drafts of my section on Marcus Musurus, and with their expertise helped me improve it.
Abbreviations of editions and works of reference
Classical authors are abbreviated as in LSJ, journals as in the Anne Philologique . All translations are my own. For the Lives of Homer I have used my own texts and translations (Bassino 2013a). All websites were last accessed on 28 June 2018.
Arnim = Arnim, I. von (ed.) (1905), Stoicorum veterum fragmenta , vol. 1. Stuttgart.
Bernab = Bernab, A. (ed.) (1987), Poetae Epici Graeci: testimonia et fragmenta , vol. 1. Leipzig.
Boissonade = Boissonade, J. F. (ed.) (1851), Tzetzae Allegoriae Iliadis . Paris.
CGFP = Austin, C. (ed.) (1973), Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta . Berlin.
Cohoon = Cohoon, J. W. (ed.) (1932), Dio Chrysostom , vol. 1. Dio Chrysostom, I, Discourses 111 . London.
Colonna = Colonna, A. (ed.) (1953), I Prolegomeni ad Esiodo e la Vita esiodea di G. Tzetzes, BollClass 2: 2739.
Couvreur = Couvreur, P. (ed.) (1901), Hermeias von Alexandrien. In Platonis Phaedrum scholia . Paris.
Cribiore = Cribiore, R. (1996), Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt . Atlanta.
Davies = Davies, M. (ed.) (1988), Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta . Gttingen.
De Lannoy = De Lannoy, L. (ed.) (1977), Flavii Philostrati Heroicus . Leipzig.
DK = Diels, H., and Kranz, W. (eds) (1961, 10 th ed.), Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker . Berlin.
Downey = Downey, G., et al. (eds.) (1971), Themistii Orationes quae supersunt , vol. 2. Leipzig.
Drachmann = Drachmann, A. B. (ed.) (1927), Scholia vetera in Pindari carmina , vol. 3. Leipzig.
FGrHist = Jacoby, F. (ed.) (1923 ), Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker . Berlin.
Fontenrose = Fontenrose, J. E. (1978), The Delphic Oracle: Its Responses and Operations, with a Catalogue of Responses . Berkeley.
Fowler = Fowler, R. L. (ed.) (2000), Early Greek Mythography , vol. 1. Oxford.
Frster = Frster, R. (ed.) (1909), Libanius. Opera , vol. 5. Leipzig.
Funaioli = Funaioli, H. (ed.) (1907), Grammaticae Romanae fragmenta , vol. 1. Leipzig.
Gaisford = Gaisford, Th. (ed.) (1823), Poetae minores Graeci , vol. 2. Leipzig.
Hubert = Hubert, C. (ed.) (1971 (1938)), Plutarchi Moralia , vol. 4. Leipzig.
ID = Drrbach, F. (ed.) (1929), Inscriptions de Dlos: Comptes des Hiropes (Nos. 372498 ). Paris.
IG = (1873 ), Inscriptiones Graecae . Berlin.
Keaney = Keaney, J. J. (ed.) (1991), Harpocration: Lexeis of the Ten Orators . Amsterdam.
Kindstrand = Kindstrand, J. F. (ed.) (1979), Isaac Porphyrogenitus. Praefatio in Homerum . Uppsala.
LDAB = Leuven Database of Ancient Books . Online resource:
LfrgE = Snell, B., et al (eds) (19552010), Lexikon des frhgriechischen Epos . Gttingen.
LIMC = Kahil, L., et al. (eds) (1994), Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae , vol. 7.1. Zrich.
LSJ = Liddell, H. G., Scott, R., and Jones, H. (eds) (1940, 9 th ed.), A Greek-English Lexicon . Oxford.
Macleod = Macleod, M. D. (ed.) (1972), Luciani Opera , vol. 1. Oxford.
Matthews = Matthews, V. J. (ed.) (1996), Antimachus of Colophon, Text and Commentary . Leiden.
Most = Most, G. (ed.) (2006), Hesiod. Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia . Cambridge (MA).
MP = Mertens-Pack 3 online database , online resource:
MW = Merkelbach, R., and West, M. L. (eds) (1967), Fragmenta Hesiodea . Oxford.
Paton = Paton, W. R., et al. (eds) (1974 (1925)). Plutarchi Moralia , vol. 1. Leipzig.
PCG = Kassel, R., and Austin, C. (eds) (1995), Poetae Comici Graeci , vol. 8. Berlin.
Pertusi = Pertusi, A. (ed.) (1955), Scholia vetera in Hesiodi Opera et Dies . Milan.
Powell = Powell, J. U. (ed.) (1925), Collectanea Alexandrina: reliquiae minores poetarum Graecorum aetatis Ptolemaicae, 323146 A.C.: epicorum, elegiacorum, lyricorum, ethicorum . Oxford.
Rose = Rose, V. (ed.) (1886), Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta . Leipzig.
Sandbach = Sandbach, F. H. (ed.) (1969), Plutarchs Moralia XV. Fragments . Cambridge (MA).
Scheer = Sheer, E. (ed.) (1908), Scholia in Lycophronem , in Lycophronis Alexandra , vol. 2. Berlin.
Schneider = Schneider, O. (ed.) (1856), Nicandrea: Theriaca et Alexipharmaca . Leipzig.
SEG = Gieben, J. C., et al. (eds) (1923 ), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum . Amsterdam.
SGDI = Collitz, H., et al. (eds) (18841915), Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften . Gttingen.
SM = Snell, B., and Maehler, H. (eds) (198789), Pindari carmina cum fragmentis , 2 vols. Leipzig.
Suppl. Hell . = Lloyd-Jones, P. H. (ed.) (1983), Supplementum Hellenisticum . Berlin.
Valk, M. van der = Valk, M. van der (ed.) (197187), Eustathii Archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis ad Homeri Iliadem pertinentes , 4 vols. Leiden.
Voigt = Voigt, E. M. (ed.) (1971), Sappho et Alcaeus . Amsterdam.
Wehrli = Wehrli, F. (ed.) (1969, 2 nd ed.). Die Schule des Aristoteles , vol. 9. Basel.
West = West, M. L. (ed.) (198992, 2 nd ed.), Iambi et elegi Graeci , 2 vols. Oxford.
Winiarczyk = Winiarczyk, M. (ed.) (1991), Euhemeri Messenii reliquiae . Stuttgart and Leipzig.