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Barbara Berger - Are You Happy Now?: 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life

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Barbara Berger Are You Happy Now?: 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life
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    Are You Happy Now?: 10 Ways to Live a Happy Life
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What is preventing you from being happy now? Is it your partner, your health, your job, your financial situation or your weight? Or is it all the things you think you should do? Barbara Berger takes a look at all the things we think and do that prevent us from living happy lives now. The books basic premise is that our thoughts determine our experience of realityand understanding this is the key to living a happy life. This is a revolutionary way of looking at life because most people believe that outer conditions are the reason why they are unhappy. But if outer conditions are not the causewhat is? Berger presents 10 practical ways to use this understanding in your daily life, your relationships, at work and for your health. And she gives examples from her own dramatic life since leaving America at the young age of 18 in protest against the Vietnam War and settling in Scandinavia to her lifelong exploration of the power of mind and the nature of consciousness.

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WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT ARE YOU HAPPY NOW Heres some real news a - photo 1

Heres some real news a self-help book that actually gives you some help! It doesnt make you think that you are doing EVERY-THING wrong, but shows you how you can with simple adjustments in your way of thinking make everything (in life) much easier for yourself. At the same time, the book is filled with easy-to-understand case stories so you better understand Barbara Bergers wise points. The book ends with 10 simple exercises that are designed to help you change your view of life. And Berger isnt even holyclearly a MUST read!

Cosmopolitan magazine

Feeling blue and grumpy has long been on its way out and its in to be happy. And now help is on the way in Barbara Bergers new self-help book Are You Happy Now? The book is divided into 10 sections, each of which points to an important step along the way to a happier and more authentic life. The book ends with a series of exercises to achieve this. Very practical. The book is easy to read and gives easy-to-understand guidance in positive thinking. The book will surely give people who are worried about life a real aha experience.

Femina magazine

The point is that its not outer circumstances that make us happy and this book gives us 10 practical suggestions as to how we can use this understanding in our daily lives.

Berlingske Tidende (Denmarks biggest newspaper)

Are You Happy Now? was the book-of-the-month selection. Weve had great success with Barbara Bergers books in the book club over the years and I can promise you that Are You Happy Now? is the most interesting and easy-to-read book Barbara has ever written. The title is a provocative question that really makes you think. I wish that I always jumped out of the bed in the morning with a smile on my lips, but the truth is I dont. But with Barbaras 10 Ways (which are based on her lifes wisdom both as a private person and as a spiritual seeker), it really is easier. I had so many aha experiences when I read Barbaras many examples and by using her practical tools, I really am starting to think differently. Because whether we are happy or unhappy all depends on our thoughts. Try Barbaras 10 Ways and watch how happiness comes pouring in!!

Agneta Gynning, Editor in Chief Livsenergi Book Club (Sweden)

Other books by Barbara Berger

The Road to Power
Fast Food for the Soul

The Road to Power 2
More Fast Food for the Soul

Gateway to Grace
Barbara Bergers Guide to User-Friendly Meditation

Mental Technology (The 10 Mental Laws)
Software for Your Hardware

The Spiritual Pathway
A Guide to the Joys of Awakening and Soul Evolution

The Adventures of Pebble Beach
Single for the Second Time

The Awakening Human Being
A Guide to the Power of Mind (with Tim Ray)

Sane Self Talk
Cultivating the Voice of Sanity Within

First published by O-Books 2013 O-Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publishing - photo 2

First published by O-Books, 2013
O-Books is an imprint of John Hunt Publishing Ltd., Laurel House, Station Approach,
Alresford, Hants, SO24 9JH, UK

For distributor details and how to order please visit the Ordering section on our website.

Text copyright: Barbara Weitzen Berger 2006

ISBN: 978 1 78279 201 7

All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers.

The rights of Barbara Weitzen Berger as author have been asserted in accordance with the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Design: Lee Nash
Cover photo: Sren Solkaer Starbird

Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY

We operate a distinctive and ethical publishing philosophy in all areas of our business, from our global network of authors to production and worldwide distribution.


This book came about when I was lying on my sofa one afternoon thinking to myselfOK Barbara, now that youve been through so much and are getting older, what do you need to remember to live a happy life? If you would sum it all up, what would it be? What do you need to know to get you through the rest of your life in a better way?

So I wrote this list.

I wrote down the points that I thought were important. Just to see if I could sum it up for myself. And then I started writing down why I thought each of these points was important again just to explain it to myself. I thought if I could explain it to myself then maybe I would remember the points better. And then maybe Id be able to live the remainder of my life a little more wisely, a little more peacefully, a little more happily.

Because you see, looking back, I could see how much of my life I spent worrying about stuff or being nervous and insecure about stuff or not really enjoying the fullness and richness of my life. I had to admit that to myself. Because it seemed to me in retrospect that even though Ive had a wonderful, exciting life, I was often worried about something or afraid of something or anxious about something. And look what happened! I got here anyway. Despite all the worries! Somehow I made it to today. I might not be able to tell you exactly how, but here I am anyway. Sitting right here in front of my computer. Maybe a bit worse for wear, but sitting here just the same! So what did I learn from all of this?

In other words, what does it take to live a happy life?

This is what Ive found out so far and am trying to live.

Maybe it can help you too!

Wheres the proof?
When I do the things in this book, I feel happy!

The 10 ways:

Accept what is

Want what you have

Be honest with yourself

Investigate your stories

Mind your own business

Follow your passion and accept the consequences

Do the right thing and accept the consequences

Deal with what is in front of you and forget the rest

Know what is what

Learn to see beyond impermanence

No. 1
Accept what is

The number 1 cause of suffering and unhappiness is wanting life to be something its not.

This basically is our main problem. We want life to be something its not. We want the impossible.

Just think about it.

Dont you want the impossible? Like living forever in this body? Dont you want that? And dont you want to feel good all the time, and look great, and be in control too? And dont you want to be strong and healthy and never get sick or tired or be in pain? And wouldnt you like to succeed at everything you do? And have everyone love and respect you no matter what? And wouldnt you like toWell yes, the list is rather long when you think about it, isnt it?

But the reality is that life isnt like that. Do you know anyone who has lived forever and never died? Or someone who never got sick and never grew old? Probably not because the reality is that there is no one. The reality is that bodies come and go and that they break down, grow old and die. Thats just the way it is.

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